Thanks all. I definitely will be reducing very very slowly and it will probably take me years. One of the main reasons for wanting to reduce is because I have been getting terrible headaches sometimes debilitating. So far today I have pushed through. Managed the school run and rotas for kids after school clubs etc. The psych doesn't know if the headaches I get are from the venalfaxine or something else. He said they are tension headaches. I also have been very fatigued and struggling with my sleep pattern. I don't feel depressed but I do get stressed. I think it's my lifestyle. But sometimes I get headaches even when not stressed and relaxed so it didn't make sense. I see my physc now every 6 months unless need to go sooner. My appointment two weeks ago was bought forward a month because I needed to speak to him about my meds. I am going to give this a week and if these symptoms not improve by Wed I will call phys or gp for advice. I suppose I can back on here because I don't you will all understand me and some would have also experienced these symptoms. I don't know anyone in RL I can talk to that will understand what it is I am feeling right now.