As far as I can tell I am not getting any side effects from the Abilify. I've spent the last 2 nights very awake but that could be down to a whole host of things, including reducing Quetiapine.
I have taken Orlistat with dinner for 3 nights in a row, and I took it with lunch today. I did plan to take it with dinner as well today, but I am hoping to get my hair cut tomorrow morning and I don't want the Orlistat side effects so I am holding off taking it this evening. So far, I am weeing a lot more, but no nasty accidents. My diet isn't particularly high in fat though.

Next week I am meant to increase Abilify and stop Quetiapine entirely. But I am starting a new job so its terrible timing.

I just checked online and its ok to have a little drink on both these medications. Which is good because I totally forgot I was taking new drugs when I made myself a vodka and coke earlier.