I don't know why there is an apartheid or gender segregation in English football. Why we have a blatantly illegal men-hating women's game and a blatantly illegal women-hating men's game. Why can't they be friends? But then again, why is the most personally, socially and economically damaging drug, booze/ethanol, not just legal and condoned in this country, but positively advertised each night of the week for mass audiences on soap operas where the characters go to their local pub as the central meeting place? Why don't they go to an opium den or inject heroin at home? Oh, I forgot. Because the authorities have an 'understanding' with organised (and very violent crime) whereby David Cameron allows criminal gangs in this country and abroad to have a monopoly on making, adulterating and selling their poisonous heroin-containing toxic crap that kills people. Then the street gangs kill people here and everywhere along the supply chain. The cartels who control production in central and south America kill, maim and torture people to sell it to us -- with the encouragement of the criminal gangster so-called prime minister David Cameron who should be indicted by the International Criminal Court for all the blood on his hands. I bet he takes his cut, too.