Is there such a thing? I know everybody reacts differently to medication. Over the years I've been given Prozac, Seroxat, Venaflaxine, Citalopram ...

The drugs have [U]always[U] helped and often times, given me back my life, making me feel contented, creative and confident. However, I've always gained weight; usually about 1- 1.5 stones and it only makes the depression worse. People with low esteem are often very body-conscious and it is the one factor that's kept me off meds for the last two years.

I've had doctors say to me, more or less, 'be fat or be miserable'. Either that, or 'there's no evidence to back this up'. Thousands of people on forums like this is evidence enough, surely.

Now I'm very low and don't know where to turn. I'm seeing and alternative herbalist in the hope that it may help.