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01-01-22, 09:20 AM
Safe to say last year was a pita, health wise. But I’m determined this year will be better!

01-01-22, 11:02 AM
I'm proud of you!

04-01-22, 02:54 AM
I'd like to say thank you to you both from the bottom of my heart. You make a difference....


04-01-22, 06:50 AM
That’s such a lovely thing to say, Matty:)

Today is the start of level 3 of my study. Quite excited really! And, yes Suzi, I know I’m not 100% yet but I promise I’ll pace ;)

04-01-22, 09:44 AM
Good luck with your studies Paula.....well I've officially kicked 2021 up the backside.....this year surely can't be any worse than last. It can only get better. Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery!! I've decided to put a bit of AA wisdom into every new day...."I can be as happy or as miserable as I make up my mind to be." If I find that I can't cope with something, then I shall hand my life and my will over to my higher to deal with. So there!;)

04-01-22, 10:34 AM
You'll nail it!

04-01-22, 11:01 AM
So pleased for you! I actually think it'll be good for you to get back to it - as long as you pace and don't overdo things. Take lots of breaks.

04-01-22, 11:44 AM
You'll nail it!

^^^ this

06-01-22, 12:21 PM
That’s such a lovely thing to say, Matty:)

Today is the start of level 3 of my study. Quite excited really! And, yes Suzi, I know I’m not 100% yet but I promise I’ll pace ;)

So welcome. It's true that you've made a difference to me over the months and I admire your application and fortitude in being a sounding board and selflessness in reaching out to others. Best of luck with your studies. Xx

06-01-22, 01:33 PM
I had what to me is one of the biggest compliments 8ve ever had this morning. A family friend popped in - she is actually like a second mum to me and my brother. She was catching me up on things when she started talking about how a particular issue in their lives was affecting both of them mentally. This is a very traditional woman in her 70s - very stiff upper lip. She finished by looking at me almost in shock and said she never talked like that but that she read everything I posted on fb about mental health and felt, because of what I write, that she could talk to me, and that I’d helped her today

06-01-22, 01:58 PM
Well you are absolutely awesome and inspiring so that's not really surprising!

06-01-22, 02:49 PM

06-01-22, 02:54 PM
Goes to show that being open and sharing your own struggles breaks down barriers and helps many others. You are an inspiration.

06-01-22, 05:06 PM
That's totally awesome! Again, I'm not surprised. You are amazing and open about your MH which is inspiring!

08-01-22, 04:40 PM
Started my PiP review today. I only covered a few questions and I’m exhausted so I’ve stopped. As long as I can get into the post Tuesday I’ll be ok

08-01-22, 07:40 PM
It's exhausting doing that, you know that. Is Si helping?

08-01-22, 07:45 PM
PiP forms are so hard. It’s easier completing them for someone else than for yourself. All the negativity is such a drain.

08-01-22, 09:02 PM
Yeah, Si’s helping. I’m writing a few points then he’s going through them

08-01-22, 09:22 PM
That's really good. Don't try doing it alone, it's far too much for anyone.

08-01-22, 09:31 PM
Form filling is stressful at the best of times. My blue badge is due for renewal and the forms are sitting on my table for the last 3 weeks.

09-01-22, 09:09 PM
I’ve finished the form.and that’s all the energy I’ve got left to say anything more tonight … see you all tomorrow

09-01-22, 09:15 PM
Well done lovely. Rest, rest and rest.

09-01-22, 09:51 PM
Night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

10-01-22, 09:03 AM
Morning love. Hope you're planning on resting today.

10-01-22, 09:35 AM
I’m hoping cross stitch is on the menu today. We’ll see

10-01-22, 12:43 PM
How is today going?

10-01-22, 01:15 PM
Ok, I’m tired but managing to do a bit of cross stitch

10-01-22, 09:25 PM
Good. I'm glad.

10-01-22, 11:47 PM
I might be going down with the kids’ cold :/

11-01-22, 08:42 AM
Oh no! You don't need that!

11-01-22, 08:59 AM
I’m ok, a bit weary and got a headache and scratchy throat. But my lateral flow is negative and I’m surprised I didn’t get it earlier tbh.

11-01-22, 09:48 AM
Glad the lateral flow is negative. Are you able to pace through it?

11-01-22, 09:59 AM
I’ll cope ;)

11-01-22, 02:05 PM
What are you up to today?

11-01-22, 08:28 PM
I’ve been studying this afternoon. Nothing heavy, oh except from reading extracts from the half ton New Bible Dictionary. Dry doesn’t cover it….

11-01-22, 08:40 PM
Ouch! That's horrible!

13-01-22, 09:49 AM
I feel like sh*t. I’ve done several lateral flows and a PCR last Friday - all were negative, as were the girls when they were feeling like this so it’s just a cold but…..

13-01-22, 09:57 AM
I felt awful when A passed her cold on. Lots of rest (panda)

13-01-22, 10:32 AM
Yeah, I’m going back to bed….

13-01-22, 11:36 AM
Our immune system hasn’t had to do much work for a long time so now a common cold can hit harder. Of course because a cold shares similar symptoms to Covid everyone is terrified. We may have been vaccinated and had boosters but it’s our immune system that really needs a boost now.

Snuggle up with a box of tissues and your kindle and let nature run its course. Hope you are feeling better soon.

13-01-22, 11:49 AM
Sorry you're feeling so rough lovely! Rest up, loads of liquids and be spoilt..

14-01-22, 01:24 PM
Grrrrr I had a letter (copy letter to my GP)from the psychiatrist a couple of days ago which I looked at properly this morning. According to that doctor, I rarely use a walking stick, I’m no longer taking pregabalin and, because of CMHT realignment, my next appointment is with a new dr, and SIX WEEKS LATER later the appointment I had made with her.

So, I’ve written back and copied my GP to correct the mistakes and suggest I might need an appointment earlier than given everything…….. I wouldn’t mind but timing is awful - what if the DWP get to hear about this, while they’re assessing my PiP???

14-01-22, 02:26 PM
That's ridiculous! I'm really glad that you are countering it!

16-01-22, 12:23 AM
I’ve been having a pity party. I’m so sick of being sick.

16-01-22, 03:07 AM
Still feeling rough?

16-01-22, 09:32 AM
Yeah. I’m improving but it’s taking longer than I expected/than it took the girls to recover. And yes, I do know that’s not a surprise but doesn’t make it any less frustrating

16-01-22, 10:37 AM
I understand that frustration... I wish I could make it all better instantly...

19-01-22, 09:47 AM
So, I’m going to try to go to Housegroup tonight. I’ve chatted with the leaders and a, putting the following in place:

I’m going to arrive early so I can choose a seat that’s slightly separate from the others
Si is taking me, and will hang around for a little while so he can take me home if it’s too much
I’ve asked the leaders to tell the rest of the group that I have the remnants of a heavy cold, not covid, so that I don’t get inundated with questions and concern for me

19-01-22, 10:27 AM
That's really sensible. Could it pay for Si to wait throughout it in case it gets too much and you can go straight home, rather than waiting for him to get to you itms?

19-01-22, 01:02 PM
No, that wouldn’t be fair on him and I’d just stress

19-01-22, 06:42 PM
Fair enough.... Hope it goes well lovely x

19-01-22, 09:48 PM
I did leave early as I was flagging, but managed the important bits. Was very anxious but everybody was very kind

19-01-22, 10:08 PM
I'm so, so, so pleased for you lovely! Recharging day tomorrow?

19-01-22, 10:16 PM
Apart from a zoom call with my hospital colleagues. But generally I’m crashing….

19-01-22, 10:29 PM
Sounds like a plan

20-01-22, 08:38 AM
Crashing? As in, resting and pacing or crashing as in mood crashing?

20-01-22, 11:18 AM
Resting. Though I can’t guarantee one way or the other with the mood as I’m so tired…

20-01-22, 02:56 PM
I'm so sorry that your mood isn't great... Be kind to yourself lovely...(and yes I know how hard that is....)

21-01-22, 09:55 AM
A bit nervous today. Mum”s got Glaucoma and they’ve decided meds aren’t enough. So she’s having laser eye surgery today to do something to the tear ducts to treat it

21-01-22, 10:44 AM

21-01-22, 10:51 AM
OO good luck to your Mum! That sounds awful!

22-01-22, 09:58 AM
So, sleep went to pot last night. Tracking it on my WW app tells me I only got 4.5 hours.

22-01-22, 11:11 AM
Not good. Any idea why?

22-01-22, 11:12 AM
Not a clue….

22-01-22, 11:49 AM
How are you feeling now? Are you tired?

22-01-22, 12:25 PM
Could it be underlying sure and revisitation which actually makes you sleep less

22-01-22, 01:46 PM
Not sure….

Yes, I’m tired but I’ve actually been really productive today

22-01-22, 04:08 PM
Well that’s a good thing. Maybe you don’t need as much sleep as you thing to be on top form? Sounds like you’ve earned yourself a nana nap this arvo so long as that won’t affect your sleep tonight of course.

22-01-22, 07:16 PM
Oh I do need the sleep, but I knew if I stopped I’d sleep the day through.

23-01-22, 12:23 PM
I understand that totally...

How are you today?

23-01-22, 01:53 PM
Had 6.5 hours :). But I’m a bit cross. On my way to bed, I threw the jumper I’d just washed at my dressing table stool as I wanted to wear it today. Apparently I missed and it was on the floor. Si picked it up and put it in the washing machine. And it’s wool, hand wash only…….

23-01-22, 01:59 PM
Oops! Hopefully it isn't ruined, but if it is, he owes you a new jumper!

23-01-22, 02:11 PM
Oh dear.

23-01-22, 04:25 PM
Let’s just say it’d be a VERY drastic diet for me to fit in it….

23-01-22, 04:55 PM
Gutted! I hate when bad things happen to good clothes.

23-01-22, 05:00 PM
Get your wallet out Si!!!

23-01-22, 05:17 PM
Oh no! Marc ruined one of Hazel's new skirts by tumble drying it lol

At least you should get a replacement! :) And then something else for compensation!

23-01-22, 06:15 PM
Hahaha, poor Si, I can hear his wallet crying from here lol

23-01-22, 09:12 PM
So, my mood has been low today. No idea why…

23-01-22, 09:28 PM
It could be any combination of things really. Can you plan some you time for tomorrow? (panda)

23-01-22, 10:05 PM
There are so many things going on love, it could be any of them. You didn't sleep well on Friday, could you have overdone it a bit? What about pacing? When are your meds due to be reviewed?

24-01-22, 09:01 AM
I’m going to study today, that’s my me time :). I know it’s not strictly pacing but it feeds my soul. I had 7 hours sleep last night but I’m still tired. Of course, I’m not sure what, if anything, the vortioxetine is doing side effects wise. I’ve got my next appt 7 February (I complained about the 7 March I was given).

24-01-22, 09:12 AM
Glad they moved your appointment forward... Hope that you enjoy your study day love.

25-01-22, 07:11 AM
Another night with limited sleep. I’m wondering if it’s the vortioxetine as I have rarely had trouble sleeping before

25-01-22, 12:27 PM
It’s possible.

25-01-22, 06:47 PM
Is it something you could call them and ask about?

25-01-22, 08:10 PM
I’ll talk to the psychiatrist on 7th. Also, I just keep on putting on weight - the information says it’s not proven to be a side effect, but that there’s anecdotal evidence. I know how to keep my weight stable, and it’s not, at all

25-01-22, 09:38 PM
OK, also talk to them about that too lovely. Remember you lost so much weight, so fast when you were poorly then you're going to put it on now you're eating properly etc... With these side effects is it ones you are happy to have?

25-01-22, 10:03 PM
Im 12 lbs heavier than I was before I was poorly. It’s worrying because it impacts my IIH. It’s not me being vain….

26-01-22, 08:50 AM
No, of course not! I don't think of you as vain at all!

28-01-22, 07:44 AM
So, having complained…… I’ve had 2 nights of reasonable sleep and lost 3 lbs….

28-01-22, 08:31 AM
Well done! Are you actively trying to lose the weight?

I'm glad you're sleeping better, it makes so much difference...

28-01-22, 10:14 AM
Yes, I’m absolutely being active in losing the weight….

28-01-22, 10:54 AM
Then I'm really pleased for you!

30-01-22, 11:34 AM
So, my 16 yo nephew has been diagnosed with ADHD, Tourette’s and OCD. His twin brother is being assessed and possibly my brother too. I hate that they’ve been struggling so much

30-01-22, 11:52 AM
It’s only a struggle because of the way others treat them. I’ve learned that myself. The world isn’t designed for people who aren’t “normal” whether that be physically or mentally. Being seen as awkward or disobedient is no fun but the problem is with these who judge us rather than accept us for who we are.

30-01-22, 12:01 PM
He’s being treated with amphetamines. Not speed, but a less dangerous sister drug….. Seems counterintuitive but apparently it’s already helping!

30-01-22, 12:35 PM
Yep that’s about right. Adderall is great for ADHD or so I am reliably informed.

30-01-22, 07:34 PM
At least they are now getting help....

31-01-22, 04:00 PM
Hello o sparkly one! Glad you're getting on fine with your diet.....i must hand it to you...whatever you set your mind to you see through! You're like a lovable ferret - figuratively speaking of course!!(rofl)....I'm on a mission too! Not only do I have Netflix..but also signed up to prime video. I've made my way through all the Sandra Bullock films on offer, now I'm working my way through Nic Cage films!! It may be Liam Neeson next! Blimey it's hard work, but someone's gotta do it!!(giggle)

31-01-22, 05:59 PM

Ooo don’t mention the ferret metaphor in my familys earshot! I get the wotsit taken love out of me enough for being “pigheaded” ;)

31-01-22, 06:53 PM
(rofl)(rofl) Sorry about that sweetie......but..I mean...ferrets are cuddly and sweet!! Much nicer than pigs!...but hang on though on second thoughts...ferrets do hum a bit!:P

31-01-22, 07:05 PM
Pigheaded? You? Nooo.

31-01-22, 08:54 PM
(rofl) (rofl) (rofl) (rofl)

02-02-22, 01:57 PM
Sooooooo other than being anxious as hell(and being told off by a nurse for not breathing deeply enough…..), todays eye appointment was good news. No changes to my visual field test and my eyes are ‘the best the dr had ever seen them’!!!!!! Could this be remission? I go back end of March to have all the tests and scans in advance of my neurology appointment in April

02-02-22, 04:41 PM
That’s great news.

02-02-22, 04:58 PM
Paula that's great your eyes are the best the doc had seen for years.

02-02-22, 05:22 PM
Oh wow! That's awesome news! So very pleased for you!

05-02-22, 03:01 PM
So, I told Si I was annoyed as I intended to work on Katies cross stitch today but my hand is in flare. He told me it was silly to be annoyed over something I have no control over. It’s as if he doesn’t know me! ;)

05-02-22, 04:16 PM
I totally understand your point on this one! It's such a difficult one to not be pissed off at your hand.... But Si is right, and I know that objectively too.

07-02-22, 08:57 AM
Im seeing yet another new psychiatrist today. I’ll let you know how it goes

07-02-22, 09:29 AM
So many pdocs so little time

07-02-22, 09:47 AM
Another one? This doesn't exactly fulfil "continuity of care!"

07-02-22, 10:25 AM
I know…

07-02-22, 12:29 PM
The psychiatrist was the consultant. He was fab. We talked through things I can do to alleviate my anxiety, and all my coping mechanisms. My mood is better, but the anxiety is not. He did explain that vortioxetine can increase anxiety but didn’t want to take me off it as it was working for my mood. So he’s prescribed lorazepam ONLY to use when everything else hasn’t worked. Si did say I was so sedated on diazepam but apparently lorazepam is less sedating?

07-02-22, 02:21 PM
Don’t know about that but then you know I’m not a fan of benzos generally but it’s good to know that you have something to help. Might actually help you to sleep better.

07-02-22, 02:30 PM
We’re not fans either, a few months ago Si said never again, and I agreed. But I can’t leave the house without falling apart - I need my life back. And there’s nothing he can do to up any of my other meds

07-02-22, 04:21 PM
I've had Lorazepam here in hospital a few times and I normally refuse all Benzos. It seems to work differently than diazepam and really calms me down without zoning me out.

07-02-22, 05:11 PM
Do you know what? If you need it to help you through this bit then so be it. You know you more than likely won't need it forever, but love, sometimes you have to take the meds to give you a better quality of life.
I'm glad that he listened and helped. I'm really glad that Si was with you to help you love.

07-02-22, 05:27 PM
He was his usual awesome self. And, he was so romantic - the dr kept pressing that I had to be self disciplined and only take them when needed. Si told him that I was the most self disciplined person he knew. Such a sweet talker (rofl)

07-02-22, 06:16 PM
Aww that's lovely!

07-02-22, 09:40 PM
He’s not lying.

07-02-22, 11:54 PM
I’m really worried about my mum. She was in a&e last week having caught her leg on a bed and doing so much damage they had to use 8 packs of steri strips. After some nagging, she went to the surgery to have it redressed by the nurse there, but it’s not healing. It’s a huge wound

08-02-22, 08:56 AM
OMG your poor Mum! I sympathise with wounds not healing - are they dressing it with silver? If not, get them to try it as it wards off infection and helps it to heal, that and iodine again, to ward off infection..
Is she resting it or is she "doing a Paula" and not resting and keeping pushing herself?
Will you send her my love, I feel I've got to know her a bit since we've met and I think she's amazing.

08-02-22, 09:59 AM
I’ve told her about the silver - thank you, I’d forgotten it helped you. She is resting. Now. My brother and SIL were down over the weekend and she decided it’d be a good idea to walk to the beach, up and down a really steep hill. She quickly realised that was a bad idea and is being much more careful now. Particularly as they’re going on holiday in 3 weeks and she wants to be able to enjoy it. I’ve sent her your love :)

On another subject, housegroup is tomorrow night and, though I want to go, last time stressed me out so much I don’t think I could cope - even with the lorazepam. I might talk to them about joining over zoom

08-02-22, 11:34 AM
Do whatever is right for you. Hope mums leg heals in time for her holiday.

08-02-22, 02:33 PM
Your Mum sounds so much like you!
I hope she does rest!!

Zoom sounds like a really good option right now. Be kind to yourself - doing what you want with adjustments

08-02-22, 04:16 PM
I said to the pdoc yesterday that this was so frustrating. Normally my depression and anxiety are close cohorts but this time, my mood is now fine. So I’ve got the motivation to want to do stuff, but hit a brick wall of anxiety every time I try.

For instance, I really, really want to have my wedding anniversary present made. But can’t even begin to think about having a design appointment.

I’ve got a church womens weekend at the end of March, and our holiday in April. I HAVE to be better for those

08-02-22, 06:33 PM
Leg wounds in fact any wound can be a problem as you get older you don't heal as well hope your mum gets better soon.

Paula hope you manage to get to your church women's weekend as I know you always find those weekends helpful.

08-02-22, 10:14 PM
No you don't... You WANT to be better. The more pressure you put on you the harder it's going to be...
Do you know what things are triggering your anxiety?

08-02-22, 10:51 PM
Leaving the house, being among other people, noise….. I’m fine at home

09-02-22, 09:32 AM
OK, then could gradual exposure type stuff help? I know it really helped Marc when he couldn't leave the house without diazepam.... His psychotherapist used the "and..." as she asked him to image going to the front door... "and..." he started to feel xyz "and...." touch the door handle.... feel xyz... "and...." etc until she built it all up until in his mind he had left the house and gone to the middle of a shopping centre..... It worked. She was amazing.
She did set him homework where he had to drive himself into Kingston and "expose himself" he laughed so much it hurt, it's a phrase we still use now when he hasn't pushed himself for a while and he starts to feel the old fears creeping in...

09-02-22, 09:44 AM
Thank you

09-02-22, 03:50 PM
I wasn't trying to teach you to suck eggs or anything....

09-02-22, 07:12 PM
I can confirm that although GET is really hard it does really help. I can confirm that.

09-02-22, 09:11 PM
I wasn't trying to teach you to suck eggs or anything....

I know, love. I really did mean thank you ;)

10-02-22, 08:59 AM
How are you doing today love?

10-02-22, 09:43 AM
I’m ok, I might see if I can manage a short (I first wrote ‘quick’ but I’m not sure that’s doable lol) walk with Si and the dogs …..? Being with the dogs does calm me

10-02-22, 10:06 AM
That sounds really sensible... Slow and steady love..

10-02-22, 06:08 PM

Mum saw the nurse again and has been redressed. I’ve seen photos ‘naked’ as it were lol. I’m no doctor, but it looks almost like a degloving injury to me…… The nurse told her it’s looking better but the skin will probably die and it’s going take time, but should heal eventually. Months rather than weeks

10-02-22, 06:10 PM
Send me photos. I need to see lol

10-02-22, 10:20 PM
Have they tried iodine? Silver? Your poor Mum!

10-02-22, 10:53 PM
It’s a special dressing designed to draw out the moisture, so helping healing. No idea what that actually is

11-02-22, 08:12 AM
I sympathise with her, it sucks for things to take ages healing... How did she manage to do so much damage on a bed?

11-02-22, 08:16 AM
My mum’s skin is very thin - too many years of sun worship. The beds wooden and she sort of scraped her leg along the edge, she thinks

11-02-22, 11:41 AM
Ouch that sounds so bad! May I suggest getting rid of the bed?

Why didn't they stitch it or glue it?

11-02-22, 11:47 AM
It’s brand new, they were putting it together!

They couldn’t stitch or glue it, everything was too far apart apparently. It’s on her shin so there’s not a lot of flesh spare, and I wonder if that, along with her thin skin, had anything to do with it?

In better news! I went for a short walk with Si and the dogs. I was anxious, particularly when cars went by, but there was next to no one out there so I managed to cope

11-02-22, 11:53 AM
Woohoo! You are awesome!

11-02-22, 12:34 PM
You are absolutely awesome! Well done love! I'm seriously proud of you.

11-02-22, 01:19 PM
Of course you coped. You’re a strong and determined woman so despite anxiety making life harder, especially at the moment, there is no way it is going to keep you down. You rock!

14-02-22, 08:55 PM
I’ve been spoilt today. Roses, posh gin and steak pie followed by crumble :)

14-02-22, 08:56 PM
Chocolate or floral?

14-02-22, 09:58 PM
I got a card which is more than I expected to get.

14-02-22, 11:14 PM

15-02-22, 12:38 AM
:) Sounds like he did well to spoil you...

16-02-22, 07:53 AM
Si and are going to attempt Costa today. Wish me luck!

16-02-22, 09:07 AM
Good luck!

16-02-22, 09:20 AM
You don't need luck. You've got this. I believe in you.

16-02-22, 09:51 AM
Si and are going to attempt Costa today. Wish me luck!

You don’t need luck. You’ve got Si and your reward is cake with your coffee

16-02-22, 11:33 AM
So, one of Si’s Christmas presents was tickets for us to see the Lion King at the Lyceum. Rather than all the stress of public transport and a wheelchair, he’s only gone and booked a car to take us - a Mercedes no less! I might have to dress up!

16-02-22, 11:40 AM
Oh wow! That sounds like it’s going to be an epic night out.

16-02-22, 12:21 PM
Oh WOW! That's EPIC!

16-02-22, 03:03 PM
I’ve been out for coffee. I coped, with a little pharmaceutical support - but that’s what they’re there for. Now I know I can do it

16-02-22, 03:15 PM
You can do anything you put your mind to cos you are awesome!

16-02-22, 04:20 PM
And….. I’ve just been asked to be the mental health ‘expert’ for our local NHS Trusts’s Disability Champions Group :). I wrote a blog last year on hidden disabilities focusing on MH for the Trust’s disability history month* - apparently they liked it!

*not money, whole different group ;)

16-02-22, 05:09 PM
I'm so proud of you! You are AMAZING!

16-02-22, 06:47 PM
That really doesn't surprise me. You're epically awesome!

16-02-22, 09:22 PM
I said the same thing!

18-02-22, 10:52 PM
Tough day today. I’ve had a thumping headache all day, spent the day curled up on the sofa, went to bed to watch tv really early, which I almost never do. And am a little emotional. I know this is just a blip and I’ll be fine tomorrow, but I’ve conversely been second guessing - is it thyroid, IIH, MH, meds…….? When in actual fact I do know that, sometimes, a headache is just a headache. Does any of that make sense?

18-02-22, 10:59 PM
It makes perfect sense (panda)

19-02-22, 10:44 AM
I totally get it and especially when you have such complex issues. A simple headache can be something more but you’ve seen all of the specialists recently who have told you everything is under control.

19-02-22, 12:32 PM
Makes perfect sense to me too... How are you today lovely?

19-02-22, 12:57 PM
Much better :)

19-02-22, 01:08 PM
Good, I'm glad.

23-02-22, 04:57 PM
So, mum’s had it confirmed that she’s going to lose all the skin on her wound, not just the edges as I’d hoped. She’s taken it better than me, I think…..

23-02-22, 06:08 PM
Oh no! I feel so much for her. What are they going to do? Do you want to talk about it?

23-02-22, 08:00 PM
She is having it redressed twice a week, and they’re hoping it will heal by itself - tbf it is better than it was, going by the pictures. But it’s going to take months. And she’s going to have a nasty scar

23-02-22, 09:02 PM
Aww that really sucks. It really brings you down when it's taking so long....

How are you?

23-02-22, 10:26 PM
Im ok, just worried about her. But they’ve been given permission to go to Scotland tomorrow - as long as she rests

Tomorrow, I’m being taken out for lunch by my best friend. It’s a big step so wish me luck!

24-02-22, 12:53 AM
Sorry to hear about your mums leg. She’s a tough cookie and it’ll take a lot more than that to keep her down. As for lunch with your bestie that sounds brilliant and just what you need. I’m sure you will have a fab time.

24-02-22, 10:05 AM
Hope the lunch out is good today. Remember your breathing and grounding exercises. Also remember your friend will still love you if you are finding it tough....

24-02-22, 10:26 AM
She’s seen it all before, and still loves me :)

24-02-22, 10:53 AM
How could anyone not love you? You're awesome and very loveable...

24-02-22, 02:47 PM

Well, I did it and coped for half hour before taking the meds. But, as Si said, if that’s what it takes to enjoy myself….

24-02-22, 02:56 PM
I'm so proud of you!

24-02-22, 03:15 PM
Well done for trying to cope without the meds and I know who I’m talking to but please try not to push yourself too far, if you need the meds to get through then use them. I presume the rest of the day involved a lie down and lots of chilling out.

24-02-22, 08:25 PM
Hope the rest of your day has been positive for you xx

26-02-22, 01:09 PM
I’ve had my PiP extended to 2028, and I get to keep my car!

26-02-22, 02:49 PM
That’s good news.

26-02-22, 07:42 PM
That's fantastic! That's a long extension!

26-02-22, 08:17 PM
That’s what I thought, but my last one was 6 years too?

26-02-22, 08:19 PM
Go you! Mine are normally 3...... as are Marcs...

26-02-22, 08:33 PM
Then I definitely don’t get it

26-02-22, 08:58 PM
Who cares? Celebrate it! Enjoy it and don't question it, but don't lose that award notice!

26-02-22, 10:13 PM
Mine are 5 yrs.

04-03-22, 03:03 PM
Currently crossing everything (no, that’s not cos of my bladder!). Katie has covid and we saw her yesterday. And we’ve goint to the lion king tomorrow…..

04-03-22, 03:11 PM
Fingers crossed you don't have it!

04-03-22, 07:43 PM
Oh no! Are you testing? Although under new rules you don't have to isolate at all anymore....

04-03-22, 09:12 PM
Definitely testing. All negative so far

05-03-22, 10:03 AM
Still negative I'm hoping? Enjoy today lovely...

05-03-22, 07:41 PM
We’re home! We had a fab time, the meds did their job and it was a relatively stress free day. And the lion king is awesome!

05-03-22, 08:24 PM
So pleased!!! Hope you've planned a rest day tomorrow?

05-03-22, 09:05 PM
Not gonna lie, kinda jealous you saw the show but also really glad you had a fab day out together.

06-03-22, 09:31 AM

06-03-22, 10:16 AM
I hope you're properly recharging!

06-03-22, 11:54 AM
I’ve ‘been’ to church and FaceTimed with Katie, who’s feeling rough, poor love. I’m aim8 g to cross stitch today but that’s still ‘resting’ in my book. But, oh I ache! Didn’t help that 3 people kicked my bad leg!!!

06-03-22, 01:38 PM
Hope you kicked 'em back?! Pleased you liked the Lion King.xx

06-03-22, 02:00 PM
Si gave one of them the Paddington Bear stare (rofl)

06-03-22, 09:24 PM
Oh no! What gits!

Was it worth it though?

06-03-22, 09:59 PM

07-03-22, 09:10 AM
Awesome! How are you today?

07-03-22, 09:39 AM
Achy but I’ll live. Study day today :)

07-03-22, 12:09 PM
YAY! Me too

10-03-22, 08:58 AM
Looking forward to a better day today. I had a bit of an all body flare over the last few days but I’m feeling a lot more comfortable this morning. Katie’s Covid line is very faint now and she’s starting to feel better, as is Dom (her boyfriend). And a very dear friend (Jess’s godmother) is coming round this afternoon - after a lot of cancelled dates over the past couple of months, on both sides

10-03-22, 09:00 AM
So glad the flare is lifting for you. Make sure you rest before she gets there...
That's great re Katie and Dom!

11-03-22, 05:25 PM
Today did not go according to plan. I had a blood test at lunchtime. Si came with me to make sure I was ok. Which I was, other than slight trembling hands. I got home and was very wobbly and dizzy. I thought I’d got through that, went to do some study, wrote a paragraph before I couldn’t stop shaking. Sat down on the sofa, and woke up 2 hours later!

11-03-22, 06:04 PM
Oh lovely (panda) (panda) (bear) (bear). I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.

11-03-22, 06:22 PM

14-03-22, 09:03 PM
So stupid this morning. Somehow, I managed to forget my morning meds, which has meant I’ve been playing catch up all day, the pain flare that started yesterday has been made much worse, I feel sick, have a thumping headache and am emotional.

14-03-22, 09:08 PM
OOOO ouch! Oh love! (panda) (bear) (panda)

15-03-22, 08:57 AM
How are you doing lovely?

15-03-22, 10:22 AM
I’m ok, a little bit wobbly but the pain has eased

15-03-22, 10:55 AM
I had a weird dream about you and Suzi last night that involved a train ride, me giving you a tour of my city and you falling over. We were all going to the theatre apparently but we never made it there.

15-03-22, 11:09 AM
Me? Fall over?

15-03-22, 11:12 AM
Yep. Not that big of a surprise really. I mean, you do have history lol. It’s ok though cos Suzi got on the wrong train and luckily realised just before the correct one pulled out of the station.

15-03-22, 11:12 AM
That sounds like a fun "trip" out (rofl) (rofl) (rofl)

15-03-22, 11:15 AM
Marc and the kids were on the train too but for some reason disappeared after that. It was prober weird. Not sure why I would be on a train with you to visit my own hometown, especially when we met Paula there. I wonder what it all meant?

15-03-22, 11:42 AM
What it means is that Suzi and I are willing to sacrifice our egos for your entertainment! (rofl)

15-03-22, 12:28 PM
And your dignity lmao

15-03-22, 12:39 PM
Always ;)

15-03-22, 02:10 PM
I agree with Paula, it's amazing the lengths we'll go to for our friends ;)

16-03-22, 10:24 AM
I’ve got energy and motivation. I’ve already spoken to my GP and the eye department and am planning on bagging up clothes to donate for our air ambulance service! I’d forgotten what this feels like!

16-03-22, 10:27 AM
Pacing though?

16-03-22, 10:33 AM
Yeah, this afternoon I intend to cross stitch and tonight Katie’s coming for dinner - I haven’t seen her for two weeks because she had covid so I’m ridiculously excited :)

16-03-22, 11:09 AM
That's awesome!

16-03-22, 12:05 PM
Sounds like a good day

16-03-22, 12:17 PM
4 bags of clothes ready to be collected, visual fields and ophthalmology appointments booked for next Wednesday (that’s going to be a full day as I’m taking my best friend out to lunch for her birthday), restaurant time changed so I’ve got time for the eye appts, and GP has agreed that I can go back to a milder asthma inhaler. That’s a successful day, and there’s still half of it to go!

16-03-22, 01:28 PM
Blimey, you’re on a mission today.

16-03-22, 02:01 PM
My sentiments exactually Stella! How busy is SHE?!

16-03-22, 03:49 PM
Wow, that's amazing!

21-03-22, 06:48 PM
Today has been a day and a half. Mum has been discharged from the nurse - it’s going to take time but it no longer needs redressing twice a week (Suzi, it was the silver, as you said ;)).

Jax saw the specialist today. Turns out he has a corn, which doesn’t sound a lot but apparently is very painful. He needs surgery, and there’s two options. Number 1 is they dig the corn out but in 50% of come back. The other is they cut the tendon to that toe which reduces the pressure on it. He’s going to talk to our vet and she’ll call us in a day or so

21-03-22, 06:53 PM
YAY! So glad that it worked for her!
Aww poor Jax!!!

21-03-22, 07:33 PM
Cutting tendons sounds drastic.

21-03-22, 09:02 PM
Cutting tendons sounds drastic.

That’s what I thought but the vet says it’s minor surgery and ensures they won’t come back. Apparently the cells used in these corns are the same as in his toenails - ouch! Anyway, we’ll talk to our vet tomorrow and see what she says (nb the specialist said his fees would be £2.5k, hence we’re going back to our local vet….)

21-03-22, 09:15 PM
Wow, not surprised you're going back to your vet!

Hope that it's sorted soon, poor boy.

23-03-22, 07:18 PM
Hospital this morning for visual fields, scans and ophthalmologist. On the meh side, my results aren’t as good as they could be but not as bad as at their worst. So, nothing to do atm but more monitoring. I see neurology next month. But, on the majorly plus side, it was the first time since my crash that I’d done anything like that without Si as he had a meeting he couldn’t get out of. He dropped me off and I got a taxi home. I got through it and, because I needed my wits about me for the visual fields test, all done without lorazepam.

And then I went out to lunch with my best friend. I gave in and had a lorazepam as I just wanted to enjoy my time with her for her birthday. It was lovely :)

Tomorrow is rest and packing for my weekend away (party)

23-03-22, 07:42 PM
Go you!

23-03-22, 08:42 PM
Woohoo! You're amazing!

23-03-22, 10:36 PM
Well done. A good day

24-03-22, 12:56 AM
You are freaking awesome and don’t ever forget it. Of course you got though it, never doubted you. Be proud.