I was reported because I said I've never used a hoist which is just bein honest. And I was reported caus I put dirty clothes in the skip instead of a red bag even though I was told to put it in the skip by a staff member.

And now because I dont have a uniform available. I did ok considerin I was put in a challenging environment without experience but theyre gonna sack me. They knew I had no personal care experience yet they thrust me into a highly challenging environment instead of easing me in. A lot of the time I was on my own as well & I didn't shy away from any duty. I don't know whether to jump before being pushed.

They're callin me in next week so its obvious they're gonna pull the trigger which is unjustified due to some invalid complaints. I enjoy being a support worker & now its been taken away from me again. I saw my doctor last week who agreed that I may be anhedonic as I can't "feel" joy or laughter. A life without that is barely a in existence so why should I even live ..