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Thread: Medication Review: Quetiapine

  1. #11
    Thanks for the replies , any advice from people with first hand experience is great . I think i should keep taking it for a while so i can see how it works for me . I have been reluctant for years to think about different medication as i was scared of hitting rock bottom . The trouble with new meds i suppose is it doesn't happen overnight , a bit like watching paint dry .

  2. #12
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
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    Yup, totally. It's a waiting game to see if they suit you....
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  3. #13
    I am now up to 300mg of quetiapine after steadily increasing dosage by 25mg per day . I am really happy that the initial side effects of tiredness and hunger
    have got better as time has gone by . Up until 3 days ago I was feeling hopeless and pointless and generally rubbish . But then I started to feel slightly more
    positive with glimmers of hope for the first time in a long time . As always when i start to feel brighter I tried to run before i learned to walk and wanted to
    make up for my low mood by being cheerful and had a great evening trying to learn guitar and keyboard with the kids . It was the first time in a long time
    that the house was full of real laughter from all of us . I exclaimed to my wife i am on the mend . I know I have to take it one day at a time but just felt
    like sharing this on here . Ironically two days before that i had run out of my sertraline so had to wait a few days to get another prescription . I think that
    evening i felt a bit more energetic as i had missed a couple of sertraline ( 2x100mg). It has made me wonder if it would be a good idea to ween off the sertraline
    which is what my phsyciatrist had first mentioned , but we agreed to see how it went . When i got my prescription and started on the sertraline again after 3 days
    I did notice i felt a bit more numb and tired again , although still an improvement overall. I have an appointment with phsyciatrist next wednesday which is good timing .
    If anyone else has any experience with these meds together I would be greatful if you have any advice .

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    Paula (03-10-14)

  5. #14
    Hero Member rose's Avatar
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    I haven't had experience of them together, only separately. I must admit I did not get along too well with Sertraline. I didn't have any side effects, but I felt disconnected from my emotions and therefore decisions became very difficult. Its difficult to know if this was due to the medication or symptoms of depression.
    With regards to Quetiapine, I only take 50mg a night and its been an absolute life-saver for me.

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  7. #15
    john d
    No experience of the two together but I was on sertraline 200mgs per day for about 4mnths a few years did little for my depression and gave me even more insomnia,but I know people whom its helped with depression to great effect

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  9. #16
    thanks for your replies everyone , sorry i forgot to mention i have been on sertraline 100mg for nearly 15 years on its own , and tbh I have been ok but always seem to
    relapse in to depression usually once a year for periods from 1 month up to 3 months , always get better eventually but really affects any job i have . so for the past
    15 years i manage to get a job keep it for a while , even get commendations for my work , but i always know depression is just around the corner . Everything starts to become difficult , even communicating with others , then out of the blue to any employer i quit . Switch my mobile off and don't even go out till i feel ready . The quetiapine should hopefully
    help me live a reasonably normal life and stay well for work . The bipolar diagnosis is rescent and the doctor says the quetiapine is more suitable than sertraline .
    sorry to go on a bit , it is refreshing talking to other people who understand from experience . thank you all .

  10. #17
    Hello I am concerned about side effects of this quetiapine . I had a panic attack last night while trying to sleep . my heart was thumping and felt like i was struggling to breath . I had to sit up , put the fan on and found it very hard to control . My stomach was in knots and i think the only reason i stayed in bed was i didn't want to scare my kids . I was close to shouting for help but eventually with the fan on i managed to calm down . I felt it just hit me all of a sudden and i wasn't thinking of anything in particular . It felt like i was being smothered . Scared the hell out of me . Earlier in the evening i did consume a lot of caffeine and i ate a load of biscuits just before bed . I am going to phone the p doctors in a minute just to talk about it . Has anyone on here got any advice or had similar ? ps I don't usually suffer panic attacks , if that is what it is .

  11. #18
    Crouching Hitwoman, Hidden Tea Lady amaeru's Avatar
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    I've never taken quietapine so I can't comment on that side of things. I know we have a number of members that are on it though so I'm sure one of them will be able to.

    Panic attacks are horrible tho - what you describe does sound consistent with one - but we aren't medically trained here so getting in touch with your doctors and telling them what happened is exactly the right thing to do. They will be able to advise.
    From my own experience I do find that symptoms of anxiety are a lot worse after high intakes of caffeine.

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  13. #19
    Thank you amaeru , I am going to ring the doctor . Along side the caffeine i chew nicoteene gum and where i am trying to keep my weight under control i tend to chew more than i should instead of over eating too much . All probably a recepie for disaster . It was a very horrible experience .

  14. #20
    Hero Member rose's Avatar
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    Had you just taken the Quetiapine? I take mine about half an hour before bed and sometimes when I get into bed my heart starts to thump and race like I have just run for a bus. The psychiatrist told me that's a really common side effect, she also asked me to have an ECG just to check, which I did and it came back fine.
    I can't have proper coffee from a shop because of the amount of caffeine in it, I get very jittery and feel like I am in a panic for hours.
    I think you have already identified that caffeine, nicotine and quetiapine and sertraline together was not going to help.... I hope you are able to speak to the doctor and get some reassurance.

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