I live with an extremely annoying roommate. She is excessively (and I mean fully excessively, I've never seen anything like it) hyperactive and annoying. She spends a lot of time watching stupid YouTube videos or listening to awful grime music on full volume and it really annoys me. I ask her questions about how she perceives me and what she responds with really upsets me. According to her I'm short and fat, stupid, feminine, extremely loud, extremely extroverted, ugly, and with a high-pitched voice. This is the opposite of how I want to be perceived - I want others to perceive me as tall and thin, intelligent, masculine, quiet, introverted, physically attractive, and with a deep-pitched voice. As a result I have low self-esteem. I depend on other people's opinions and validation too much and I don't think it's healthy. Does she really perceive me to be like that or is she saying that to get a reaction?