Hey everyone. I don't think many of you on here will remember me but I'm Aspasia. Many moons ago I was a mod on here (I'm the reason for the smiley) and Suzi was a very dear friend.

I drifted away from the forum due to huge life changes including moving abroad/changing career etc., although I continued to follow on FB.

However it's 4 in the morning on NYE here and I'm sat in floods of tears. I can't wait for this year to be over, it's been hell, and the worst part is there is no-one I can really tell how I feel. I've always been self-sufficient and ok with being alone... but I'm at breaking point, I don't think I can cope anymore. 2023 was so damn hard and I'm so damn lonely - and I can't see a way 2024 will be different.

So here I am again, hoping this will help me remember I'm not alone in feeling like this and that it will be ok.

To those who remember me - I have missed you. To those I'm new to, it really is nice to meet you.