Hi welcome back. I get where you are coming from. All the drink and be merry and having a picture perfect Christmas and New Year is all for show. I think it's only about 5% of the population can live up to it. All of the rest of us, just wing it. There are a lot of us who find it the hardest few days to get through. Many people we loved may have passed away, maybe there has been a lot of illness in the home or maybe we've broken up with the person who was our soulmate. There are a lot of things to upset us, and probably a lot more that we tell no-one.

Perhaps writing a journal may help. It helped me for a while, but then I got bored. Maybe getting out into nature, once a week to begin with, and building up to once a day. Perhaps it's the right time to talk to your doctor or primary care giver. Sometimes we all need professional help.