Life his been pretty mental over the past few weeks but I have achieved things that not so long ago seemed impossible. I’ve pushed my boundaries and fought my fears. I’ve gotten horrendously stressed to the point of a meltdown. I’ve been so exhausted I felt like I could sleep for days I’ve faced challenges and won. Tomorrow is my last event in my summer of sport. 1100+ miles travelled, 6 stadiums/arena, 5 cities, 4 different sports, 2 major competitions and one very happy girl.

I’m so glad I did it and have some amazing memories to share but I’m looking forward to a proper rest and start getting the rest of my life back on track. There is a lot going on behind the scenes but wanted to start a new thread with a positive post. You can shout out me for the bad stuff later. Right now I’m gonna celebrate achieving my person equivalent of climbing Everest.