Is Katie ok?
Im so glad Io is able to open up to you a bit now, it’s wonderful to see your relationship changing and renewing
Is Katie ok?
Im so glad Io is able to open up to you a bit now, it’s wonderful to see your relationship changing and renewing
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
Poor Katie!
I'm so glad that things are improving with you and Io, it's fabulous to hear.
Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!
Io spent 9 hrs with us yesterday and was in great form.
It's so good to have that relationship healing.
I've walked Katie and then went back out to pick blackberries. I noticed the hedges full of them whilst out with Katie so I have a large bowl of them.
Planning on making jam with them.
Check out my Calandoniacrochet Facebook page.
How is Katie?
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
Katie is ok.
The cyst hasn't burst but hasn't grown either.
I'm hoping it will go down on its own
Check out my Calandoniacrochet Facebook page.
Oh yummy. I love blackberry jam.
I'm so glad you got to spend time with Io. It seems that it's all going in the right direction. I'm so pleased for you all...
I love blackberry jam making! I'll have to drag my kids out to pick some so we can make some too!
Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!
Went for a quick swim after work but then came home and turned my blackberry haul into jam!
I've just tasted some and it tastes good!
Was out at church tonight too.... glad it's my day off tomorrow!!
Check out my Calandoniacrochet Facebook page.
So busy! Still enjoying the swim? I love blackberry jam... I might have to drag my two off to find some blackberries...........
Recharge day tomorrow?
Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!