yesterday was the second day I ate well (I had sausages). me and rachel sat in the room with the windows open (I don't think I've mentioned I like listening to the birds while I'm eating)

didn't do much yesterday evening actually. pain got quite bad so I ended up asking rachel to put me on a tv show and transfe me to bed (I watched the worst witch, I felt like something short and sweet)

it was a good episode, after I tried to settle- but I couldn't. first it was too hot so rachel turned my fan on, then I was in pain so she tried to re posission me, and then I needed changing- so it was out of bed, back in the chair and wheeled to the bathroom!.

it was a long night, and I didn't get to sleep until gone 11. I was hoping to be asleep by 9 or something
I slept through though until like 7 A.M, rachel changed me, got me ready and we had our fruit for breakfast

I had fruit again which was nice, and did my alexa quiz

also rachel wheeled me up the shop today so we could get some more drinks for my cupboard. it was really nice to be out, and it was quite breezy

nothing else planned, right now I have music on while she is in the kitchen.

pizza is on the dinner menu