I feel like I’m crazy
Honestly this is so exhausting and my head is everywhere.
I was doing fine until all of this transpired; now it has triggered everything again. I'm constantly depressed and feel miserable but numb at the same time, if that makes sense?
Well...If a parent’s mental health comes into it then I’m not entirely sure. I have personally seen two friends in my area who are wonderful mothers, lose their children because they had depression and/or PTSD. They were so afraid to go and ask for help ever again after that. They said they felt targeted and scrutinised the whole time, even though they did everything they were supposed to do. Their children were removed from their custody and place with either family, or put into the care system which is so disgusting and incredibly unfair for mother and child. I know these Mums did not once neglect their children! They were the centre of their world; they didn’t drink, barely went out (unless it was work or with the kids), and they were still targeted. That’s in my area.
I’m scared it will happen to me too. She’s manipulating my family...If my family speak against me to SS then the chance is very high that SS will intervene. They’re so horrible around here I don’t know why