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Thread: DWD MH Factsheet #5 - BPD (Triggers)

  1. #1
    Princess Sparkles Paula's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    DWD MH Factsheet #5 - BPD (Triggers)

    At DWD we cannot and will never try to replace a qualified medical team. We are not medically trained. The information contained within this factsheet is based on literature from reputable sources (e.g. national and international health services, established national and international charities etc) along with experience gained from our own lives as they’ve been affected by mental health problems.

    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), also known as Emotional Dysregulation Disorder (EDD) or Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD). Some doctors query whether BPD is a correct term. People with a personality disorder can also feel this term is insulting to who they are as a person. However, BPD is the most commonly known term for this condition at this time so the one used here.

    “A person with a personality disorder thinks, feels, behaves or relates to others very differently from the average person.” Causes for BPD have a range of factors inc:

    Environmental factors growing up
    Difference in brain development
    Problems with brain chemicals

    BPD can cause a range of symptoms, grouped into 4 areas:

    Emotional Instability
    rage, sorrow, shame, panic, terror
    emptiness, loneliness
    severe mood swings

    Disturbed Patterns of Thinking/Perception
    upsetting thoughts
    hearing voices, hallucinations, distressing beliefs
    may be psychotic

    Impulsive Behaviour
    self harm or engage in reckless/irresponsible activities

    Intense but Unstable Relationships
    feeling of abandonment, being smothered, controlled or crowded
    pushing people away, emotionally withdrawing

    (Source: NHS)

    If a diagnosis of BPD is suspected, an assessment using internationally recognised criteria will be carried out. A diagnosis is usually made where yes is answered to 5 or more of the following questions:

    Do you have an intense fear of being left alone, which causes you to act in ways that, on reflection, seem out of the ordinary or extreme, such as constantly phoning somebody (but not including self-harming or suicidal behaviour)?
    Do you have a pattern of intense and unstable relationships with other people that switch between thinking you love that person and they're wonderful to hating that person and thinking they're terrible?
    Do you ever feel you don't have a strong sense of your own self and are unclear about your self-image?
    Do you engage in impulsive activities in two areas that are potentially damaging, such as unsafe sex, drug abuse or reckless spending (but not including self-harming or suicidal behaviour)?
    Have you made repeated suicide threats or attempts in your past and engaged in self-harming?
    Do you have severe mood swings, such as feeling intensely depressed, anxious or irritable, which last from a few hours to a few days?
    Do you have long-term feelings of emptiness and loneliness?
    Do you have sudden and intense feelings of anger and aggression, and often find it difficult to control your anger?
    When you find yourself in stressful situations, do you have feelings of paranoia, or do you feel like you're disconnected from the world or from your own body, thoughts and behaviour?

    (Source: NHS)

    Talking therapies are thought to be the most effective treatments for BPD, such as:

    Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) – individual and group therapy to help learn skills to cope with difficult emotions
    Mentalisation-Based Therapy (MBT) – gives tools for recognising and understanding self and other’s mental states, and examine thoughts about self and others
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – aims to give understanding of how thoughts and beliefs might affect feelings and behaviour
    Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) – combines CBT with a focus on the relationship between therapist and patient to help relate to people

    Medication isn’t generally thought to help treat BPD though, in a crisis situation, a doctor may prescribe a sleeping tablet or sedative. Some doctors may prescribe mood stabilisers or anti-psychotics.

    It may help to focus on managing one feeling at a time ( ), self care (eg a good sleep pattern, eating healthily and exercising), managing stress, being kind to yourself, meditation/mindfulness, talk to friends and family and/or a mental health professional. Peer to peer support can be invaluable such as at DWD.


    Dealing with Depression - Helplines etc


    The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Paula For This Useful Post:

    Jaquaia (22-03-19),OldMike (23-03-19),Strugglingmum (28-10-19),Suzi (22-03-19)

  3. #2
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Surrey. UK
    Brilliantly written and really helpful. Thank you Paula x
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Suzi For This Useful Post:

    Paula (22-03-19)

  5. #3
    Walker extraordinaire!
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Northern Ireland
    Thanks for this info. My niece has just been diagnosed and i recognise her so much in this.. it makes sense now.
    Check out my Calandoniacrochet Facebook page.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Strugglingmum For This Useful Post:

    Suzi (01-09-19)

  7. #4
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Surrey. UK
    Glad it helps. I know Paula spent a lot of time putting these factsheets together to get the best accurate info she could. She's awesome
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

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