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Thread: General help and advice with depression + therapy

  1. #1

    General help and advice with depression + therapy


    brief overview, I have been struggling with depression since 2008, I have been on a bunch of meds. Last year I was really struggling and decided to sign up for some therapy, I got 17 sessions of CBT from a therapist which I think helped me understand more about the depression, and how to try and deal with it. I do think that helped. But I kept thinking more of my troubles come from the past and that is what is making me feel depressed and we did touch upon this and we worked together and put a plan into place to try and put things in throughout the year to look forward to, which I have done.

    However, around December, I had just a sudden wave of low mood, I was just picking up my cup of tea and it was like a switch had gone of in my head. I had finished with CBT for about 8-10 weeks at that point and was doing well, I was feeling more positive about things and then when that low mood came in I panicked. I tried to do the CBT stuff but it was not working, and I did not know what to do. I ended up at the gps and asked about CBT again. I reached out to the therapist I saw and I was put back on the list.

    I was unable to see the same therapist this time, so it is someone different, I have seen her twice now, but doing some of the homework set has brought up memories that could possibly be effecting me somehow but I do not know why or how.

    Also, I am not sure about this new therapist, she comes across as more stern and more serious.

    for example, I am going out of the house, but it does take a lot of work to leave and I do get anxious about leaving the house. I am ok when I am out, and sometimes my mind drift and I do want to go home, but I focus on something around me, which my first therapist told me to do. I have also set different things to do each month that I do not do everyday, which me and my first therapist talked about . but this new one wants me to do something totally different. I am like, what? and when? I can not drive, so I have to rely on buses and some stop at certain times. I am not really interested in a lot of things and things I am interested in are too far to travel.

    Should I ask her about what other options are other than CBT ?

    Does anyone know what other options there are?

    could it be that this therapist is not right for me? But could be great for someone else?

  2. #2
    Librarian and chief holder of antiquities and biscuits Jaquaia's Avatar
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    East Riding of Yorkshire
    There is counselling, which is more talking-based therapy rather than behavioural-based. It might be worth speaking to your local Mind as they often do courses or support groups, and see if there's an Andy's Man Club near you
    Tên përdu, jhamâi së rëcôbro

  3. #3
    Princess Sparkles Paula's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Hi and welcome . As with everything in life, what works with one person may not work with another. Have you told your new therapist that it’s not working for you at the moment? Maybe it’s worth asking if waiting for your original therapist to be available could be a better idea?
    The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula View Post
    Hi and welcome . As with everything in life, what works with one person may not work with another. Have you told your new therapist that it’s not working for you at the moment? Maybe it’s worth asking if waiting for your original therapist to be available could be a better idea?

    No not yet, I am going to bring it up with her next session.

    I can not see her as she is still training.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaquaia View Post
    There is counselling, which is more talking-based therapy rather than behavioural-based. It might be worth speaking to your local Mind as they often do courses or support groups, and see if there's an Andy's Man Club near you
    I am going to talk with my therapist if there is anything else or something that can help with dealing with the past

  6. #6
    Princess Sparkles Paula's Avatar
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    You just need to bear in mind that you won’t be able to do 2 types of therapy at the same time ...
    The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

  7. #7
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to DWD! You might find that your current therapist could do something slightly differently to make it more beneficial to you. It's also important to note that sometimes when you are going through the therapy it doesn't feel that it is helping but you find it does after a while itms?
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzi View Post
    Hi and welcome to DWD! You might find that your current therapist could do something slightly differently to make it more beneficial to you. It's also important to note that sometimes when you are going through the therapy it doesn't feel that it is helping but you find it does after a while itms?

    i had my third session of cbt yesterday.
    i went in more engaging and feeling a little more positive to tell her how I had been and what i had been doing that improved my mood.
    sort of feel like that was just dismissed, I went to london that was out of my comfort zone and I got an understanding of the more I do out of my comfort zone the easier things will get to do but hardly talked about it.
    I feel like I have been pressured/bullied into doing this job course.
    I would like to do it, but not at the moment as I am going away towards the end of the month, then again in mid MAY and again in early JUNE. ALL for a week and I feel that they would not appreciate doing a week missing a week doing 2 weeks missing a week etc.
    I feel because of this it has made me depressed again as well as anxious.
    I probably am anxious about this course because after I left school I went to college then did another 2 terms somewhere else. But quit, due to the course changing. I struggled to find work over the years, I got a few zero hour contracts but was never used or trained. Did some volunteer work last year. The other thing was that I had been unwell as well.-2013 ish I had a constant headache for like 6 months, some days I could not get out of bed because it was that bad. saw the gp but could not find anything. 2017-2018 I had something wrong with my stomach that affected me for around 6-8months. I could not bend without being in pain, somedays I could not eat without vomiting . Plus throughout that depression and anxiety. I KNOW WHEN I HAD MY FIRST ANXIETY ATTACK IT TOOK ME over a year to get back to some normality.
    I did make my own business on ebay selling anything, but mainly toys. WHICH I AM STILL DOING, recently I have just completed a cleaning course in which I got a distinction in.

  9. #9
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
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    Surrey. UK
    Did you ever get to the bottom of your illnesses?
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzi View Post
    Did you ever get to the bottom of your illnesses?
    Sorry, which illness? My stomach? Doctor said it was “stomach flu” I had blood and other tests done and everything came back all clear.

    Week 4 of cbt
    Between 3 & 4 i had been feeling a little better, saw the therapist, brought up the advisor and asked what i from life and where do you see yourself in 5 years time.

    And since then i have felt worse than I did before I started cbt.

    I dread going now but have only got 2 sessions left.

    Did get an appointment to see an advisor but I do not want to go. I feel like if i have this advisor looming, I can not enjoy my holiday which is in about 2 weeks for roughly 5 week.

    I am considering phoning up and cancelling the appointment

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