Quiz Xmas 2018 parts I & II
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The aggregate score for both parts will determine the supreme champion.
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As of 13th Feb 2019 @15:42 GMT (UTC) the quiz was closed.
Quiz Xmas 2018 Part I
1. What sort of chart presents data as slices of a circle (sectors)?
2. In which country was the movie The Full Monty set?
3. The Inuit live round which ocean?
4. Aleksey Leonov was the first to do what in space?
5. Which Madeleine was the first US Secretary of State?
6. What colour is a bana before it is ripe to eat?
7. What are the ends of a magnet called?
8. A bulimia suffer has the urge to do what?
9. What name is given to a leopard that is coloured black (and don't say Blackie)?
10. Lake Tanganyika is in which part of Africa - east, north or south?
11. Which of these animals has its head furthest from the ground (and don't say a xxxx up a tree), giraffe, gorilla or rhinoceroos?
12. What is the term for a group of elephants?
13. The moon is said to wax and what else?
14. Which Dan was the voice of tennis from 1950's - 1990's on the BBC?
15. What is the introductory page of a web site known as?
16. Excluding borders (or other fancy bits) how many colours appear on a standard chess board?
17. In which country was the Nagano Winter Olympics held?
18. A howler is what type of creature?
19. At the beginning of last century, Marconi sent radio signals across which ocean?
20. Which "Star" movie was the biggest box office success of the 1970's?
21. In the pantomime Cinderella, what is the pumpkin turned in to?
22. What are Conchiglie and Rigatoni types of?
23. What is used to propel a punt?
24. What does a seismologist study?
25. In which US state is the Derby, part of the USA's thoroughbred Triple Crown run?
26. Which mammals will die if stranded on dry land?
27. Iris Murdoch, the subject of the movie "Iris" had what occupation?
28. In which ocean is the US state of Hawaii?
29. In board games, what colour is the Reverend in Cluedo?
30. Which Jennifer did the voice over in the movie "Antz"?
Part II next post.