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Thread: Quiz Xmas 2018 parts I & II

  1. #1
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
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    Off his tree in Manchester UK

    Quiz Xmas 2018 parts I & II

    Quiz Xmas 2018 parts I & II

    No use of Google, Bing or any other online search engines, no use of Wikipedia or any other online encyclopedias or dictionaries.
    Friends, family and pets may help.

    Please do NOT post answers/spoilers/hints etc.

    Please pm (private message) me (OldMike) your answers.

    The aggregate score for both parts will determine the supreme champion.

    Please submit the two parts separately (as they won't fit my inbox slot together) and clearly mark whether Part I (1) or Part II (2)

    As of 13th Feb 2019 @15:42 GMT (UTC) the quiz was closed.

    Quiz Xmas 2018 Part I

    1. What sort of chart presents data as slices of a circle (sectors)?
    2. In which country was the movie The Full Monty set?
    3. The Inuit live round which ocean?
    4. Aleksey Leonov was the first to do what in space?
    5. Which Madeleine was the first US Secretary of State?
    6. What colour is a bana before it is ripe to eat?
    7. What are the ends of a magnet called?
    8. A bulimia suffer has the urge to do what?
    9. What name is given to a leopard that is coloured black (and don't say Blackie )?
    10. Lake Tanganyika is in which part of Africa - east, north or south?
    11. Which of these animals has its head furthest from the ground (and don't say a xxxx up a tree ), giraffe, gorilla or rhinoceroos?
    12. What is the term for a group of elephants?
    13. The moon is said to wax and what else?
    14. Which Dan was the voice of tennis from 1950's - 1990's on the BBC?
    15. What is the introductory page of a web site known as?
    16. Excluding borders (or other fancy bits) how many colours appear on a standard chess board?
    17. In which country was the Nagano Winter Olympics held?
    18. A howler is what type of creature?
    19. At the beginning of last century, Marconi sent radio signals across which ocean?
    20. Which "Star" movie was the biggest box office success of the 1970's?
    21. In the pantomime Cinderella, what is the pumpkin turned in to?
    22. What are Conchiglie and Rigatoni types of?
    23. What is used to propel a punt?
    24. What does a seismologist study?
    25. In which US state is the Derby, part of the USA's thoroughbred Triple Crown run?
    26. Which mammals will die if stranded on dry land?
    27. Iris Murdoch, the subject of the movie "Iris" had what occupation?
    28. In which ocean is the US state of Hawaii?
    29. In board games, what colour is the Reverend in Cluedo?
    30. Which Jennifer did the voice over in the movie "Antz"?

    Part II next post.
    Last edited by OldMike; 13-02-19 at 04:42 PM. Reason: Typos.
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

  2. #2
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
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    Off his tree in Manchester UK
    Quiz Xmas 2018 Part II

    1. On a calculator's LCD display which number resembles the letter "S"?
    2. Which musical instrument can be an upright or baby grand?
    3. Who had her first solo top ten hit in 1999 with "Look at Me"?
    4. Which word describes linking computers together?
    5. Which was the first Scottish football club that Chris Sutton played for?
    6. Which direction do you travel when abseiling?
    7. What was the nickname of US president Dwight D Eisenhower.
    8. If you have displayed 35 cards in a game of patience how many are left to play?
    9. What was the nickname of flying ace Manfred von Richtofen.
    10. In the southern hemisphere, Christmas is in which month?
    11. What is the main colour of the White House in Washington DC in the US?
    12. Someone who only eats meat is known as what?
    13. What is the only mammal that can truly fly?
    14. Who are the most intelligent creatures after humans - chimpanzees, elephants or horses?
    15. What is beeswax chiefly used for?
    16. What was the name of the first reusable spacecraft?
    17. What is the colour of cooked salmon?
    18. What sort of crime has been committed in the game Cluedo?
    19. In which movie did Nicole Kidman provide the voice for the character Norma Jean?
    20. Which Frenchman Claude played the holding midfield role for Chelsea FC in the period 2003 - 2008?
    21. Which is the largest member of the violin family - cello, double bass or violin?
    22. Which word completes the following song title, "Somewhere over the _______"
    23. Which planet is nearest the sun?
    24. What does a kestrel do while looking for prey?
    25. What part of the body is affected by cataracts?
    26. When texting which letter is left out of the word "how"?
    27. Which actress links the movies "Erin Brokavich", ""Runaway Bride" and "My Best Friend's Wedding"?
    28. The Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins play which sport?
    29. The giant panda is native to which continent?
    30. In his No. 1 hit, Ronan Keating thought "Life" was like which fairground ride?

    Part I previous post.
    Last edited by OldMike; 24-12-18 at 07:04 PM.
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

  3. #3
    Librarian and chief holder of antiquities and biscuits Jaquaia's Avatar
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    Part 2... I think you mean which letter resembles 5
    Tên përdu, jhamâi së rëcôbro

  4. #4
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
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    Off his tree in Manchester UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaquaia View Post
    Part 2... I think you mean which letter resembles 5
    Corrected it now reads '1. On a calculator's LCD display which number resembles the letter "S"?'

    I think we all know the answer now and what a silly question it was

    Jaq one point for observation
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

  5. #5
    Princess Sparkles Paula's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Fantastic Mike! Thank you
    The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

  6. #6
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
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    Off his tree in Manchester UK
    Whoa the Princess has already submitted her entry, where's the Boss Lady she's usually first off the mark must be a new tactic slow and steady does it tortoise and hare etc.
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

  7. #7
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
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    Surrey. UK
    Slow and steady here...
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  8. #8
    Princess Sparkles Paula's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Well, there’s no point trying to better perfection
    The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

  9. #9
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
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    Surrey. UK
    You're totally right obviously, hence I'm not trying to do better than my entry.....
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  10. #10
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
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    Off his tree in Manchester UK
    Woo hoo another (winning!!!?) entry has just arrived
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

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