I'm completely in a whirl this morning.
We have a Camhs appointment. My daughter dropped a brick on me today when she commented on her way out the door to school, oh yes I better remember my food diary.
Food diary! What food diary??
I remember last time they took her to weigh her and talked about her needing to drink more. My head is spiralling. What are they not telling me?
Her weight doesn't look bad. She is a nice size and shape. she does talk about friends who have been sectioned because of anorexia but she is healthy looking. Is she bingeing and purging? is she starving herself? My mind is out of control. I honestly don't know how to do this. I'm meeting her later at the clinic for her appointment and I'm totally in turmoil. Surely they would have to tell me if there was an issue with her eating, wouldn't they?? I know she is17 but that is still legally a child. I have messed this kid up so badly maybe they dont think im a fit person to tell. Maybe they phoned her dad and he is keeping it from me too. Maybe they are all in it together and I'm just the bad parent they tell nothing to because its call my fault anyway.m