My psychologist came back from sick leave yesterday and saw me this afternoon.
She was a bit concerned about what has been going on in my head and some of the symptoms I've been displaying and just me overall.

She wanted me to go to HTT and I eventually agreed. I kept telling her I didn't understand why she was so extreme in her worry when cmh werent concerned.
Anyway she was back to back appointments all afternoon so she let me leave on the condition I stayed close to the hospital until she had spoken to HTT and organised a handover. Oh and that I gave her all my paracetamol.
I hung around the hospital until she phoned me and left me a message to go on home and she would phone me later.

Basically htt couldnt accept the referral from her solely as she is not my designated key worker that joy belongs to the lovely lady I so enjoy visiting.
Htt tried to contact my worker, couldn't get her so spoke to her team lead (who hasn't a clue who I am). He told HTT he would get her to step up the support over next few days to try and get me thru til my appt with my consultant next week. HTT phoned my psychologist and explained this but that they would step in at any time to support.
So my cmh worker is to contact me over next day or so to be supportive. My psychologist has basically said that if things are no better I've to phone her and she will get back on to HTT to take the lead. To be honest I've a feeling my cmh worker will be gutted that her boss didn't just agree to me going to htt and will want to send me there herself.
I don't want to see her but I feel I owe it to my psychologist to at least try so we can honestly say we tried but its not helping. My psychologist really goes above and beyond her role at times.. I'm very lucky to have her.
My psychologist is also talking about she wants my psychiatrist to reassess my diagnosis? ??? Not too sure what that is all about.
Anyway just thought I'd update you as to where things are at. I'm ok but I also promised my psychologist that I would speak to A tonight and try and explain where my head is and about my meds etc.