I'm doing a MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) course which is designed to help with physical pain, mental pain and also "the pain of the human condition"...

I had the introduction and orientation 2 weeks ago and I'm currently doing the homework and revisiting the notes from that session in preparation for tomorrow. In it it's suggested that we have someone to talk things through with - and so I naturally thought of all of you! You guys are the most nonjudgmental friends I've ever had and I know that no matter how silly I feel, I know that you'll kick me when I need it - I have to do 30 - 45 mins daily practise 6 days a week to commit fully to this course.

So... Thoughts from Introduction:

  1. She's a hard task master.
  2. There is little discussion about how we got to where we are as that's in the past. We are to only focus on the here and now. Any discussion about the past and the future will be given a "PAUSE" because it's not helpful to mindfulness.
  3. It's a big commitment.
  4. Am really daunted by it. I love using mindfulness as a tool, and still use it from the IMPACT course I did last year, but this is more about using it all the time and living mindfully, not using it as a tool...
  5. I'm going to give it my best shot with an open mind. I didn't think the IMPACT course would help at all, but it did so there's no reason this won't too...