Today is one of those days when I hate being a woman. No one ever told me that when you get to a certain age your hormones go crazy. Sometimes I question my own sanity, ok so I am not sad today, that makes a change. In its place is a huge rage. The world is really p......g me off in a big way. The sound of screaming kids next door to the constant tweeting if the birds. I have taken a few days off work and it has made me realise how much stress I take for so little money. I spoke to my manager today and round about said what was on my mind. Talk about some one who completely mid judges what is being said. Grrrrr that has made me even angrier. There is no real justification for my anger but I do feel like going out a having a real argument with someone. I wish there was a place to go for hormonal women like me. In fact a couple of years away from the world would be a great start. Time to take myself off for a walk hopefully I might find a crack in the earths crust that can reincarnate me in to a man !