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Thread: Paintbrush, friend or enemy?

  1. #41
    And my messages ran away in the middle, sorry! I wanted to say I love final fantasy series, but 7-10 mostly. And kingdom hearts. I played mmorpg games when I still had a working computer, but now it is the old 8-bit classic shoebox nintendo, and PS2. We have PS3 aswell, but I don't like the games we have for it. Xbox 360, same thing. My mmorpg's were Fiesta, Requiem, Forsaken World and Rune Scape with my son ages ago. Sometimes I miss that game.
    I am fluent in finnish, swedish, english, sarcasm and profanity.

  2. #42
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Off his tree in Manchester UK
    I like the Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts and Zelda, mmorpg's I've played Rappelz, Flyff, anf Perfect World but that was a few years ago.
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

  3. #43
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Surrey. UK
    I'm a lover of Abe's Oddysee and Skyrim myself
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  4. #44
    I want to try skyrim out so bad...
    I am fluent in finnish, swedish, english, sarcasm and profanity.

  5. #45
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Surrey. UK
    I love it soooo much!
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  6. #46

    I drew a picture for a shirt. Text translates to something like "aunty rider". Now we see if this shirt will actually sell.

    And about the picture. I made it full of attitude, because every aunty rider sometimes has a naughty pony. At least I do!
    I am fluent in finnish, swedish, english, sarcasm and profanity.

  7. #47
    Boss Lady ;) Suzi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Surrey. UK
    That's awesome!
    Do a little of something that makes you happy every day!

  8. #48
    Head Groundskeeper OldMike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Off his tree in Manchester UK
    Brilliant Sissy naughty ponies rule
    77 and counting, less of the "Old" call me "Mike"

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