
Iv recently been diagnosed with depression and anexity. Iv suffered with anexity for years, usually ending up in hospital trips due to passing out, Iv always found ways of managing it. Now with the added joy of drepression, every day is a battle. I constantly have the shortness of breath and feel on edge all the time. I don’t want to continuing living like this. Iv been given antidepressants and yes I know I need to give them time (Iv been on them 3 weeks). I constantly feel like I’m in a battle just to get out of bed and do normal human things like eat. I have no appetite at all, and forcing myself to eat. I just want to hide in a dark room away from the world. I’m waiting my therapy referral but this seems to be taking forever.

Every day is a battle and I’m exhausted. Can anyone offer any advice on how to cope with the constant whirlwind of negative thoughts and mental pain I feel every day. I’m lost and feel lonely in a very scary world. Hope you guys understand my ramblings. 🙏🏼