Ok, I’m sorry about the break up and that you are hurting but I can’t let this go...

Quote Originally Posted by ConcernedGF View Post
I guess that’s the thing about depression and anxiety. It isn’t logical it is just a feeling that is out of our control.
What exactly are you trying to say? That he only broke up with you because of his illness? Believe me depression is not “just a feeling out of our control”. Do you have any idea how many people join this forum to help their partners with depression AFTER a break up? And how many of them blame the illness for the break up? Yes, depression does warp your thoughts, makes you push people away and act irrationally but it infuriates me when depression is always blamed for the break up. I’m gonna ask you now why you joined this forum and I want you to be honest. If he hadn’t asked for “space” and hurt you in the process would you really have sough out this forum?

I think the true reason so many broken hearts join here is to find a way back in using the illness as a back door. That they believe the partner doesn’t really mean it and it’s only the illness talking. As a sufferer myself I can tell you that depression is just as likely to make a person stay in a relationship they may not want to be in because they don’t have the courage to end it, or are scared they won’t find someone else cos no one else will want them. I also know how hard it is to be with someone when you’re not well and feeling smothered my their partner cos it’s all too much to deal with and it sounds like this is where your fellas at. It’s not about you having done anything wrong or him not lot loving you, but sometimes it’s easier to cope on your own. It’s hard work fighting your own mind and even harder having to worry about someone else as well.

I get that you’re hurting, I really do but if you love him it’s probably best to leave him be. Best for you and for him.