Despite having a little set back over Christmas in the way of a fine I have decided to change some things in the new year. Firstly I am sick to death of being alone , yes I have teenagers, they have their own lives. Having depression makes relationships seem impossible due to the fact I crave love and affection but on a bad day people make me feel worse. Well I am going to give it a go so back to the drawing board. Where on earth do I find a nice , caring genuine man ?

Secondly its time to get rid of those disgusting spanx. I am sick of being dumpy. No more binge eating. This is going to take sheer determination and will power. Why is chocolate so good ? Slimming word is calling or I could do my own healthy eating plan. I have done it before and I can do it again .

Has anyone made any new year resolutions ? What plans have you made for next year ?