Thanks, Suzi! That's very kind of you to say ... although I most certainly DO still need to push myself a lot harder sometimes! (or always!!)

Means a lot to me to have others here who 'get it' show me such kindness and encouragement. Thank you.

I was really proud of myself today! I've been alone since yesterday morning until this afternoon and coped really well with no anxiety at all. I took total advantage of the torrential rain and started to devour a new book (I haven't read for AGES!) Then I motivated myself to get up and ready this morning and to catch four buses (with an hour's worth of waiting between bus rides in the rain and cold) to go to a job interview. It would have been so much easier to have just stayed at home and not tried. I was so pleased that I tried!! I will know if I got it on Tuesday.... to start this coming Friday!

Then my sister-in-law popped over for the afternoon with my three year old niece which was lovely.

I'm going to meet the volunteer co-ordinator at the horticulture/ecotherapy project tomorrow morning, too. (The charity project for MH sufferers that my therapist recommended me for.) I'm going with my parents and then we plan to make a day of it and stay there a while after.

Tomorrow evening, I'm going for the first time to an eating disorder support group! A bit nervous but determined to give it a shot at least!

I have to meet the OT AGAIN tomorrow which fills me with anxiety, but hopefully I'll keep my positive spirits up when she pops around. (My eating's been appalling this weekend and the supplement drinks went down the sink but I won't share this with her. Now people are around me from tomorrow, I know that my eating will improve.).

Hope you've all had a good weekend.

Thanks for reading! This helps me to get my thoughts out!