Hi Suzi,

I'm okay. A bit flat. A bit meh. Having depression symptoms I haven't had for aaaages which is weird. Don't want to get up in the morning and I can't even be bothered with the pots.

I'm exhausted. I feel like I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep for a month but I never feel refreshed from it.

Bit peed off and impatient about not hearing from any jobs yet. Closing dates are this week so I just need to be patient.

Dealing with my thoughts alone as the MH team are about as useful as a block of ice in a hot oven. I've received no support from them since my referral in January. Since being discharged from hospital, I've been told I will have a phone call next week with a date for a meeting to discuss what support I can be offered. Lots of talking about support. Erm, no support actually given though hahaha!

Still, I can do it alone. And my family are awesome. I would tell the CMHT to do one but it seems they already have!! Pa hahaha!

Getting up and out now. This depression can do one and all.