Hi everyone,
I've joined this forum as I am truly at a loss with coping with my depression lately. I was having severe fatigue, to the point where I was napping everyday and felt completely exhausted all the time -- it made everyday tasks seem insurmountable. At that time I was taking Fluoextine - 20mg- and was aware that fatigue was a possible side effect of that medication despite also being a major symptom of my depression.
Firstly I inisisted my doctor ran blood tests, to determine that there wasn't any other potential medical issues causing the extreme tiredness. Everything came back fine. To my surprise, my GP's suggestion was to try doubling my dosage to 40mg. I've only been on the double dosage for a week now, but it's been a nightmare, my anxiety has heightened my moods are almost lower than before, and the fatigue hasn't got any better either.

My worry now is that this medication could be making me worse but you are also advised against 'coming off' them, so am I supposed to resolve this?

Has anybody else experienced anything like this on Fluoextine? I've tried other medications before and nothing else has seemed to help.

I'd really appreciate any advice anyone can give me.

Thank you.