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22-12-14, 05:56 PM
I thought we could use a thread to have a discussion about why we want to lose weight.
Weight gain and loss is common for those suffering from depression, and it can add to low mood if we don't feel confident in ourselves.

NHS weight/height chart for reference:

When I was a teenager, I was underweight and could not put weight on.
Now in my early 30s, I currently weigh just under 15 stone. Due to a medical condition, I need to be a healthy weight. For my height, this is around between 8 and 11 stone. I would be happy to get to anything within the healthy range but I am aiming for 10 stone.
I have put a lot of weight on recently; my nemesis is chocolate cookies.
Being heavier, I find it harder to move around and I didn't realise how difficult it was to shop for bigger sizes. Many clothes just aren't flattering and I don't feel confident about my body.
I have never been good at sport and I am very self-conscious about exercising, so losing weight is difficult for me.

BUT, I have to lose weight. If anyone else wants to jump in this thread, please do. We can cheer each other along!

22-12-14, 06:44 PM
me too I have put a lot of weight on recently due to drinking too much, eating junk late at night and not exercising enough - I have a gym membership but my depression makes it difficult for me to drag myself out of the house and go! My parents have bought me a heart rate monitor for the gym for Christmas to encourage me to go and i am debating rejoining weight watchers i need to lose a good few stone
I also have asthma and high blood pressure exercise will help both as will weight loss but at the same time i have to be careful not to over exert myself

22-12-14, 06:53 PM
rose I really need to make 2015 the year I do something about my weight. I've steadily crept up in weight since 2000 and need to lose around 5-6 stone I reckon.

For me its about having some clothes in the wardrobe I'd like to wear but they don't fit, about presenting myself at interviews and then at a new job and feeling like I am fit and healthy and look my best, wanting to set up in business on my own and wanting people to buy in to my business but right now I don't think I can be in a health related business and be this overweight. I'd also like to start going out a bit more and maybe look to join dating websites so I want to feel good about me..... I also worry that any hereditary health issues in the family

I am terrible for chocolate and anything sweet...... and once the pack is open then boom they've all gone......

22-12-14, 07:06 PM
This year I lost 2 stone. Next year I have to lose 5 more to lose to be in the healthy range for height. I'm following the weight watchers plan, because I can't do it on my own.

22-12-14, 07:09 PM
Hi Rose - one thing that is important is that you don't eat late. Usually I have my dinner before 8 in the evening so it leaves time for it to be digested before I go to sleep. Even if you are not into exercise even a simple walk can make such a big difference. Will you new job involve a walk at all (eg. from a train station to your workplace).
One thing that I think is important is that you don't beat yourself up if you do have a biscuit or a bit of chocolate every now and then. If you try to cut it out completely then if you do have one you will really beat yourself up about it. Obviously do cut down on it, maybe one bit of chocolate after lets say 4 days as a reward for going that long without it?
I hope you won't dismiss this because I'm an exercise nutter ;)

22-12-14, 07:37 PM
FOUR DAYS? *Faints* I think I would die if I didn't eat chocolate for 4 days!
Depending on the route I take to work, I could end up walking a mile from the carpark/trainstation, which is quite good. The new job has a free gym apparently.
Of course I won't dismiss it!

S deleted
22-12-14, 07:40 PM
Not saying I need to lose weight but last time I sunbathed on the beach a bunch of greenpeace activists started throwing buckets of water over me and tried rolling me into the sea :p

22-12-14, 07:50 PM
haha Stella

I am also overweight and its because of eating. I am now 109 kilograms and for a guy my height I need to be 74 kilograms.

When I was weightlifting every trainer told me that gaining muscle and losing weight and looking good was a mix of 80% nutricion and 20% exersise.

22-12-14, 09:05 PM
I need to lose around half my body weight but struggle losing anything no matter what I try. I did however, manage 3 months with no chocolate or crisps at all!!!! *brags* (party)

22-12-14, 10:56 PM
I need to lose loads too...
We have a private healthy living and weight loss section if anyone wants access all they need to do is send me a pm..

S deleted
22-12-14, 11:42 PM
oh suzi, playing hide and seek isn't any fun if you tell us where to look

23-12-14, 12:03 AM
I need to lose weight, but refuse to even think about it til after Christmas, New Year and my birthday so I'll be back :)

23-12-14, 09:05 AM
oh suzi, playing hide and seek isn't any fun if you tell us where to look
You won't see it if you aren't a member of that group and you can't be a member unless I add you to it because it's one of our private sections ;)

23-12-14, 11:31 AM
I usually weigh myself on Saturday mornings, but I forgot this weekend.
I weighed myself this morning. I weigh 14 stone 12 lbs and I would like to lose 4.5 stone, to get me to 10stone 5 lbs.
I don't think I'll be eating much more than usual this week, but it is Christmas, so the aim for this week is not to gain any weight.

After this week I would like to lose up to 2lbs a week.
The plan is to cut my chocolate intake and eat less carbs in the evening. My diet is good, everything is made fresh, but the portions are just too big, so portions will be made smaller.
I am still unsure how I'll be getting to work, but I want to try to walk for 20 mins each day. My new office is in a nice part of London, so walking at lunchtime is an option. At weekends, I want to aim to do an hours walk on one day.

That's the new plan, and it starts today. As I have the next two weeks off work, I can do a walk everyday. I will try to go out later and do 20 minutes.

S deleted
23-12-14, 01:50 PM
And don't forget Rose a 20 minute walk actually a 10 minute walk, then you turn around and come back! Bonus!!!

23-12-14, 02:42 PM
Good for you!
Thanks for the tip Stella!!

23-12-14, 03:07 PM
I'm lucky. I'm only 10stone, so I don't need to lose weight. I can eat anything I want.
But if you are thinking of going on a diet. Please do it responsibly. Good luck.

23-12-14, 03:23 PM
Today my weight was 14 stone 5 pounds and I would like to be that weight or less after Christmas if I can. I need to be 9 stone to be in my healthy zone. I've got 5 and a half stone to go. I've lost 2 stone already. It seems so little but I had to start somewhere. I was 16 and a half stone, when I started. Here's to a slimmer and brighter new year.

23-12-14, 04:37 PM
I have just woken from a nap and my first thought is 'i'm hungry'.
Does anyone have any ideas for snacks that make you feel full, but are low in calories?

PF, you are so lucky. Last time I was 10 stone was years ago!

27-12-14, 11:29 AM
My goal for this week was to stay the same weight; 14stone 12lbs
This morning I was 14stone 13lbs. Not bad considering its been Christmas! So I am ok with that :)

27-12-14, 04:35 PM
I've been to the chipper this lunchtime. I couldn't face the cooking and the cleaning up you have to do after every meal. I've also had a flake chocolate bar this afternoon and now I feel like a complete failure. I didn't keep to my points or anything. By the time I go back to weight watchers I'll have undone all my hard work from before Christmas. I'm such a failure. Why can't I be like other people, and stick to my points?

27-12-14, 06:08 PM
You are NOT a failure. I doubt there are many people who have been able to stick to their diets over Christmas.
Its very unlikely you have put on 2 stone in just a few days.
How would you feel about going for a winter walk tomorrow?

27-12-14, 06:56 PM
Magie, that is not failing, that is normal for everybody over this time of year! So you are like other people - no one sticks to their points now.

27-12-14, 07:26 PM
Magie you sound totally normal to me!

27-12-14, 09:21 PM
I've not being doing my exercises for my back either . I've got out of the habit of them and really need to get back to them. I lack the motivation to do them, like I lack the motivation to get back on track with my diet. I've let things slide for the past three to four days and it's got to stop. Starting tomorrow, I'm back full on with the plan, and the exercises are back on the time table again tomorrow.

27-12-14, 10:13 PM
That's fine, just don't be too harsh to yourself lovely.

27-12-14, 10:39 PM
Remind me, hunni. Why do you need to continue to do these hour long exercises? X

27-12-14, 10:43 PM
Paula, I've had 2 spinal operations in the last 2 years. Actually the anniversary of the first is in january. Anyway, the exercises are from the physio to strengthen both the muscles in my back and my core muscles, to help with the healing of my back.

27-12-14, 10:47 PM
Perhaps that timing coincides with your weight loss difficulty mentioned in your thread? It must have been very difficult to lose weight with that sort of recovery. As I said, you've done amazingly well!

27-12-14, 10:50 PM
Its only now that people have started to notice that I've actually lost some weight. I just wish I could shrink to my wedding size again.

27-12-14, 11:02 PM
When I was really ill, I lost about 2.5 stone, and hardly anyone commented which honestly made me feel really upset!

27-12-14, 11:06 PM
Yes, that is really upsetting. I've had to tell people that I've lost weight. With all the effort, you'd think that more people would notice. I'll have to carry a big sign to tell everyone that I've lost the weight.

28-12-14, 12:28 AM
Magie06. Don't be too hard on your self. We all drop of the wagon, so you had a little of something you fancy. My friend is a great believer in planning. She cooks her meals and freezes them the night before.
And yes. She dose go to the chip shop.
It is the same with exercise, just make sure you are doing them correctly.
Think your doing great.

28-12-14, 09:20 AM
Its only now that people have started to notice that I've actually lost some weight. I just wish I could shrink to my wedding size again.

Hunni, I doubt there are many women who are the size they were when they married. The stress of preparations alone make you lose weight. My wedding dress was bought 6 weeks before I got married and was huge on me on the day!

28-12-14, 10:38 AM
My dress fitted me, it just got too long for me. As a result of losing even more weight apparently. I had to bring it to the dressmaker two days before the wedding.

28-12-14, 10:51 AM
If wedding planning is a way to lose weight I had better get onto it ;)
Part of the reason I have put off the wedding is so that I can lose weight beforehand. I'd like to be a size 12 ideally.

I have totally fallen off the wagon, so to speak. I was great with the cookies for days and now I am eating them again. Damn!

28-12-14, 11:12 AM
They reduced the aero baubles in tesco to 4 euro, who could resist such a bargain?
No seriously, I really have to stop eating rubbish.
I can't even go for a walk yet this morning. The footpaths are way too slippy, especially for me with bad balance.
I'll do a few jobs, take a shower and see then about going for a walk.

28-12-14, 11:57 AM
Rose, OH loves you the way you are, and my hubby married me 3 months post natal, with severe PND and his best friend's child in tow. If you're putting it off to save money etc, great. If it's because of your weight well, as my grandad used to say, every bride looks perfect on their wedding day!

28-12-14, 12:40 PM
Hunni's you really need hugs and to give yourself at least a little bit of a break...

Miss Molly
28-12-14, 02:06 PM
I joined SW a few months ago, though not done well, so I told the consultant that I am having a good Christmas foodwise and then come New Year I am going to eat healthier and that means something like a Freddo chocolate frog each day.
Also exercise more, become a couch potato again, so might start off with a 100 calorie burning exercise sheet. Got it from Health Trainer. So shall start that before January.
Even if it's just marching on the spot only, just to get off my bum, it'll be something!
I too have back probs, it could be sciatica, however, I have been naughty by not putting my orthotics in my trainers. So whilst I'm in house I shall wear them!

28-12-14, 05:49 PM
The main reason I have put off the wedding is because I wanted to concentrate first on changing job, and then on moving house. If I take on too much at once then I get overwhelmed and nothing gets done. My weight is another factor, but not the most important one.
TBH I am not all that concerned with what OH thinks, my weight is about me. I am the biggest I have ever been, and I don't feel comfortable being this size, I am not going to feel comfortable in a dress or having lots of photos taken of me.
I think being a size 12 is an achieveable goal for my wedding (I am 14-16 now) and I think size 12 is a nice size anyway. I like having some curves. Having spent my teenage years as a size 6-8, I would never go back to that.

Today I have eaten sensibly and had a long walk. I feel tired, hungry, but pretty good :)

28-12-14, 07:46 PM
:) so you're halfway there :)

28-12-14, 08:16 PM
Well done rose. I hate the way I look at the moment. A size 24 is tight on me and the choice of clothes in my size are less than flattering. Its elastic waist bands all the way. I can't decide to just put on an outfit because I like it, I just put clothes on that fit me.
Good luck with your wedding plans.

28-12-14, 08:24 PM
I think the choice of clothes for bigger women is appalling. Have you tried simplybe?

28-12-14, 08:37 PM
I've tried oxendales, but they are very expensive, I've tried simplybe but again quite expensive. I think that the high street shops need to expand their ranges to fit a larger person. Paco, sell out of their bigger sizes first, being left with the sizes 10 to 14.
I just wish I could walk into a shop and pick out something and be able to bring it to the till, and know that what I have will fit me.
Marks and Spencer have an outlet in Galway but they don't have a great selection in store. Their website is very good though and their returns policy is very customer friendly and you can return to the local shop.

28-12-14, 08:41 PM
I am around a 20-22 depending on the shop, but yoursclothing has a good range and the price is quite reasonable too....

28-12-14, 08:47 PM
Never heard of yoursclothing but I'll look them up and see what they have.

28-12-14, 09:19 PM
Very.co.uk are good (part of littlewoods group)

28-12-14, 10:09 PM
Yours clothing is brilliant and very is brilliant too ;)

28-12-14, 10:12 PM
Very.co.uk are the ones who were able to deliver my fridgefreezer before Christmas. We were desperately trying to find someone who would deliver quickly and then, Suzi, I remembered you mentioning them in an earlier post. Thankyou!

29-12-14, 02:44 AM
I'm almost where I want to be with my weight. Waist is 33 inches, which it's not been in around a decade or so. Annoyingly I've not been to the gym in over a month, although I've been out on good walks most weekends. Am hoping to go out on a good 10 mile walk on Wednesday, then a 6 mile walk on Saturday

Also need to get back to eating less fatty stuff - been alot of that this month

29-12-14, 10:31 AM
How did you lose weight Wayne? Any tips?

29-12-14, 01:55 PM
Good thread Rose, I am also planning to lose weight :)

I think I've put this on one of your other threads before, but I will say it again. We are almost exactly the same height and weight.. which I think puts us right on the boundary between overweight and obese according to that NHS chart. I say put the chart in the bin!! You probably look far better than you think you do. I still think I look quite good even though I'm completely unfit at the moment. My tip is to do it for health, not because you think you might look bad. I know it can be uncomfortable if you are used to being smaller.. but I think too much worrying about looks actually makes it harder to lose weight.

I hate clothes shopping. I am size 12-20 depending on where you measure! Clothes are not made for real people! It is so hard to find things that really fit body shape and we are all very different!

I was married for a while a few years ago (thinking of the posts before). I had it the other way around. I think I actually had a bit of a double chin on my wedding day and then lost 4st / 18kg in a year while I was married! Anyway, I've had none stop difficulties to face in life since that ended and it wasn't much fun at the time. I think the operation I had two years ago was the biggest reason I've put weight back on. But I've done it before so I can lose it again.

My success before was by permanently changing my diet to have more fruit and veg and smaller size meals, but no ban on any food in particular. Dieting doesn't work for me because as soon as I stop I would put weight on, so I will never do that again. Just change lifestyle and stick with it. So that stopped weight going on.. but I lost the weight through exercise.. walking, running (sort of haha), swimming, cycling, sailing and rock climbing. Good mix of aerobic and building muscle (in a girly way). But all that stopped when I got physically ill and then with the depression never got started again. So 2015 I'm getting back to where I want to be. Not because I feel bad about the way I look, because mostly I don't, even though when I'm low those thoughts can come creeping in. But I want to feel fit and strong. It feels good and I miss it. Endorphins are great!

The good news I wanted to tell you, was that if you can get active enough, and I know this isn't possible for everyone, you really can eat anything, so long as it is in moderation. I never stopped eating chocolate to lose that 18kg. I thought that might make you smile :)

Good luck to everyone who has this as their new year plan!

29-12-14, 04:34 PM
Emmy, that DOES make me smile. I have had weeks where I have eaten a bit less and done decorating in the evenings, instead of sitting around, and managed to lose 1lb, really with no effort at all (who knew moving a brush used up so many calories).
I've had a walk every day for the last 3 days and I feel a little better for it.
I've also been eating a bit less. Portion sizes are definitely something I could change without much effort, I just eat far too much usually.

I store most of my fat on my legs, especially my thighs, and I always have done. So my jeans have to be around a size 16 in order to be pulled up, they just fit the thighs but the waistband is loose. Almost everyone in my family is slim, and my size has been commented on, probably because of the sudden change this year. Of course, hormonal changes make me weigh more, look bigger and make me sadder, all at once, not a good combination!

29-12-14, 05:38 PM
Everyone else in my family is like a bean pole too.. so I always get comments too, which used to make me feel bad. Now I think, haha, I'm squishy and you are boney! I have bumps and you don't! etc. etc. I'm sure you are beautiful. And they don't make trousers the right shape. I have to fold mine over at the top in the belt so they don't fall down, even though I have a belly, just because I have hips. So good luck for health! But nothing wrong with the shape you are! :)

29-12-14, 05:59 PM
No one in my family is over weight to the extent that I am. I'm only 5 ft, and I know that I'm that around my middle. Ideally I would like to be around eight and a half stone. That would make me feel like I'm a proper person again. I would like to be able to unzip this fat body and the eight and a half stone me just to step out. I really believe that I can do it this year though. It will take me the year to do it though because at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week thats at best 104 pounds well that would bring me over what I have to lose.
52 pounds in total would make it just over 3 stone, so I'll have to do some where in between. I guess that it evens off as you celebrate different holidays, like Easter, mother's day and all the rest of the holidays that can put a spanner in the works.
It will take time but my expectations are for a healthy weight loss over the year.

10-01-15, 08:04 PM
I've been back to weight watchers and I have put on 7.5lbs since October. I need to lose 12.5lbs to get back to goal. I am still within my healthy bmi for my weight but only just. I am very tall and can carry a bit of extra weight. Problem is that I now look pregnant. Not good on a fifty something. I have decided to do the filling and healthy plan to get me kick started. I am also going back to swimming but need to build up my stamina. I made a really lovely salad with quinoa for me and OH and I have a fridge full of vegetables and fruit. I think that I have been comfort eating with all the job rejections that I have been having. I need to attend to my excess hair in all areas so I'm not embarrassed when I am swimming. I will keep you posted.

10-01-15, 09:23 PM
Every woman in my family are cuddly, so I always struggled with genes. However, I was a size 12 through my 20s (except when pregnant). Unfortunately, in my 30s, medication, thyroid disease, then damaging my leg meant that, at 41, I'm a size 16-18 exercise is impossible, and losing weight is tough. However, my niece is getting married in April, and I'm aiming on losing a stone by then. We'll see ...........

18-01-15, 05:03 PM
I started at 211lbs (15st 1lb). I have lost 4lbs in 2 weeks. Overall goal is to be 10 stone (140lbs)
I am trying to only consume the lower of the recommended calories per day for my weight, so about 1500 calories a day.
I am trying to have a breakfast and lunch that are under 500 calories total for the two.
The low fat porridge I have is 100 calories a portion which is fab, I have it with fruit and sometimes fruit juice.
A great lunch is a boiled egg with a piece of toast (about 250), but its getting a bit boring so I found this list of recipes of meals that are 250 calories or less:
http://www.cookinglight.com/food/recipe-finder/250-calorie-main-dishes/view-all. I might try some of them out.
Glasses of fruit juice, although very healthy, are about 50 calories per 100ml so watch out for that!
Dinners are usually low in carbohydrates, high in protein, and followed by fruit salad, and I am trying to eat by 7pm each night.
No alcohol, its packed with calories, and as little chocolate as I can cope with each day. I love chocolate but a whole bar is 1000 calories!

Exercise is in two 'portions' a day, of about 15 minutes each. Usually this is a walk in the day, and the wii dance in the evening which actually tells me how many calories I have burnt. 15 minutes is really achievable and hopefully my stamina will improve.

I would like to lose a further 10lbs in the next 3 weeks. Its a hard target, but it will mean a whole stone lost since my diagnosis, and will hopefully mean my clothes will fit again and my eyesight will be under less pressure! We shall see how I get on.....

20-01-15, 11:52 AM
I just found a far more fun way to lose weight.
Put on some dance tracks (louder the better, especially if upstairs neighbours are walking their pet elephant around) and dance for 6 songs = about 13 minutes.
Calories burnt = 120*

(*calories burnt depends on weight)

20-01-15, 12:19 PM
I've just done a visiual for myself. I've labeled two pots (washed jam jars) one is marked with pounds lost and the other marked pounds to lose. I've put buttons into the pounds to lose jar and so far, I've put 28 buttons into the pounds lost jar. Hope this might help someone else who is starting off on their weight loss journey.

20-01-15, 12:22 PM
That's a really good idea to motivate yourself.

20-01-15, 03:01 PM
Has anyone done/ Is anyone doing this?
Sorry, I can only find a facebook link for it.

20-01-15, 07:44 PM
Oh dear goodness I'm so not able to plank!

20-01-15, 08:28 PM
It sounds interesting, I might give it a go.
When I was in my teens, I used to do sit-ups and press-ups first thing in the morning, not many, say 20 or so of each.
I was very skinny and it didn't take long to tone my tummy and arms.

22-01-15, 01:16 PM
I am trying to do the diet all the time but have a day on exercise and a day off. On the day off I'll just do something easy like a 15 minute walk. I noticed I was getting quite tired doing it every day.
Today is a day 'on' and so far I have done a 35 minute walk / 2 miles as my first portion of exercise. I thought it would take me longer.
I went to Riddlesdown Common for my walk. I always feel like a fraud there because I don't have a dog and everyone else does.
I also remembered I am afraid of cows; they look at me funny.

22-01-15, 01:43 PM
Rose I went as far as the next estate and it took 5 mins uphill and 10 mins downhill, because my back got really sore. But I did it today and I'll try to do it again tomorrow. I still have loads of time to pick Aisling up.

22-01-15, 02:00 PM
Im scared of cows too. They stare and can come quite close.

22-01-15, 03:23 PM
I don't like cows either. They are smelly.

22-01-15, 04:28 PM
Cows stare at me and seem to be attracted to me.

I had a little nap and was so hungry when I woke up I had a fat-free yoghurt then a load of chocolate, argh!
Magie, have you thought of swimming instead? Its low-impact, so less likely to hurt than walking. But well done on doing 15 minutes!!!!

22-01-15, 04:37 PM
I'm a huge fan of home made soup. Once I had to lose 3 stone as I was 12 stone and heading in the wrong direction.
Soup is a great filler and eat plenty of fruit. Fish is a good food to eat.
The only advice I can give is, if your hungry eat but don't eat surgery sweets.

22-01-15, 04:48 PM
I was once on a country walk with my mum. We climbed over a gate and started walking across the bottom of a very very hilly field. Suddenly we realised there was a herd of cows at the top of the hill, and they started running towards us - the whole herd. I've never run so fast towards the next gate, and had certainly never hurdled a 6ft gate before .......

22-01-15, 05:12 PM
I had a similar experience quite recently as I climbed a stile the cows stared running towards me. I ended up climbing back over the stile. I was too scared!

22-01-15, 07:09 PM
If I was thin, I'd be able to do so much more. But to lose it I have to do a lot more walks like today.
I need to stick with my ww and follow the plan to the letter.

22-01-15, 07:27 PM
How does WW motivate you? I am wondering if a weight loss group would help me, but I am not sure what to expect?

22-01-15, 10:50 PM
I found the gold stars and silver 7's and the clapping, a bit much at the beginning, but once you earn one star, then 2, then you lose 7 pounds and you get a silver 7, you are ready to enjoy the clap that everyone gives you.
Yes they motivate me. I've been going the wrong way for the past 3 weeks and I was asked what happened, I think I'm ready now to begin again at the beginning and start losing again.

22-01-15, 11:09 PM
Thanks Magie, I am not sure I can cope with clapping and public scrutiny, I am very sensitive about my body. I realise that's why I have put off exercising all these years. When I was skinny I hated it, now I am overweight I hate it, I think I look like an idiot when exercising.
I have been looking this evening at personal trainers, I think I missed my calling in life because one session is around £50!
Also the local leisure centre does classes every day such as zumba and spinning. I am just really worried about public exercise. I doubt I would be able to do 10 minutes at first and I am scared people will laugh at me.
I was terrible at bowling this evening and I felt so embarrassed.
Even a run in the local park seems daunting, I don't know what to wear fgs.

I have one more day this week to turn things around before Saturday morning weigh-in. I think I have done ok this week overall.

23-01-15, 08:18 AM
Rose, you should read this: http://www.closeronline.co.uk/2014/03/to-the-fatty-running-on-the-track-this-afternoon-facebook-user-pens-surprising-message-to-overweight-runner#.VMIDs4cUyOo

23-01-15, 10:49 AM
That's nice :)

A few other ideas for losing weight that I came up with last night
1. Get a personal trainer
2. Book a session in the local squash or badminton court (OH said he would play me)
3. Do some hypnosis sessions for losing weight, in particular not eating chocolate

I have lost some weight this week, official weigh-in is tomorrow. I feel slimmer. But this is really really hard work I can tell you.

23-01-15, 11:59 AM
1 hour vacuuming = 170 calories.
I'd be better off doing an hour walking, but then my lounge wouldn't be so clean!

25-01-15, 07:58 PM
I think I have eaten more this weekend than I did all of last week. I've had a day off exercising today but tomorrow I'll find the energy to burn some of it off.

25-01-15, 09:37 PM
Good for you lovely!

26-01-15, 12:38 PM
Just did a 20 minute workout = 180 calories (sweat)(sweat)(sweat)
As today is an exercise 'on' day I will do two or three 'portions' of exercise today. I feel knackered already.
I wish washing up and tidying counted as a portion of exercise because I've done that too!

S deleted
26-01-15, 01:08 PM
In theory I can.

26-01-15, 02:39 PM
Well done Rose.

26-01-15, 07:21 PM
You're doing brilliantly, hunni

27-01-15, 09:31 PM
I ate too much today. I did a 25 minute walk which wasn't very pleasant, first I went to the park where a stranger shouted at me from a bench, then I met some kids trying to climb over a fence (it was the fence into my road, but I didn't tell them that), then a bunch of people were arguing in the street. It put me off local walks! But it didn't make me tired, I suppose that's a positive!
Yesterday I managed an hour's exercise in total.
Still not enjoying exercise though.

27-01-15, 09:36 PM
Nasty, what's your area of London usually like?

27-01-15, 09:45 PM
Erm, not particularly nice.
There was a drive-by shooting a few months ago.
And the next town along, which is about 10 minutes walk, has shootings and fights in the street, and someone was murdered.
Then the towns in the other directions (about 10 minutes walk) are really nice and desirable areas.
London is strange like that!

28-01-15, 08:18 AM
London is the strangest place in the whole world. I've lived in the lovely parts and the horrible parts so I know exactly what you mean!

28-01-15, 10:49 AM
Worst place I ever lived was Wood Green. I lived there for 6 months, and there was a shooting every month I lived there.

28-01-15, 02:09 PM
I used to work in White City (right next to the QPR ground) at the William Hill there - that wasn't the "best" area, but then neither was the Wormwood Scrubs branch either lol... The worst place I lived in was Kilburn... Seriously not pleasant..

28-01-15, 02:29 PM
But Kilburn is so close to posh areas such as Maida Vale and St Johns Wood. London is very strange.
Best place I ever lived was Kingston within 10 minutes walking distance of the river.

28-01-15, 02:37 PM
I'm really close to Kingston. If ever you fancy a coffee and a slow pootle round then shout!

28-01-15, 02:42 PM
I am not there anymore, but that's where I am from originally, so I go back to see my family. You once offered to come wedding dress shopping with me, I might have to take you up on that! (I need someone who can honestly say if it looks terrible).

28-01-15, 06:10 PM
I've only done a 20 minute workout so far today and I cannot.stop.eating.
TOTM has arrived, so I am hoping a bit of weight falls off in the next few days as my energy levels pick up.
I realised I am seeing my consultant next week and I had really hoped to have lost more weight before the meeting, but I lost a week in a good part of my cycle because of the LP so what can I do.
I was never gonna get to 10stone overnight, but I've had a month off work and don't feel like I have much to show for it.

28-01-15, 06:22 PM
I just got told that saying wistfully 'I wish I had a body like Arianna Grande' is probably not achievable because of my age.
Wow, thanks OH!!!!!

28-01-15, 08:50 PM
Hunni, you are losing weight, and that's what they'll want to see - progress. I will reiterate - you're amazing ;)

28-01-15, 09:50 PM
Thanks Paula. I have never known such hard work for such little gain. I did another 20 minute workout. I am doing 30-60 minutes a day and still not losing weight, its so hard. On the plus side, my arms look slimmer and more toned.
Apparently water retention adds on weight that isn't really there, this is why I am hoping by my Saturday weigh-in I'll be lighter.
I am still thinking of asking the GP for some help.

28-01-15, 10:18 PM
I've put on weight since Christmas, because I was finishing the biscuits and cake that was over since Christmas. I shouldn't have been eating them at all. I'll probably be up again tomorrow when I weigh in, in the morning. Not looking forward to that.

28-01-15, 10:23 PM
I hope not for your sake. What changes have you made since last week to get back on track? Have you been able to do any more walking, for instance?

29-01-15, 08:00 AM
Yes. I've walked every day, a little bit further every day. It still hurts like hell on the way back, maybe I should take my pain killer a little bit earlier.

29-01-15, 09:01 AM
Well done, but maybe walking isn't the right thing for you, you don't want to go hurting your back again. What about swimming?

29-01-15, 11:14 AM
Magie - if you're in pain love then maybe that's not the best option...

Rose - have you thought that maybe it's turning to muscle rather than fat which weighs more?

29-01-15, 11:23 AM
If that's the case then I am in trouble as I just need to weigh less, whether its fat or muscle. However, I am pretty sure its fat!

29-01-15, 11:25 AM
Maybe you just need to give it more time lovely?

29-01-15, 11:27 AM
I know, I am being really impatient. The good news is I am less hungry today.

29-01-15, 11:29 AM
I'm always impatient too.. You are doing really well hunni, give yourself some credit.

29-01-15, 01:20 PM
Yeah! Down 2 pounds today. Back on track at last.
The walks must have done some good. Even if they hurt so much.
I also wrote everything down that weren't on my list. (I've a list of foods that are healthy and filling.)
I'll have to cut down on the treats this week.

29-01-15, 02:11 PM
Well done, 2lbs is awesome! But please listen to us about the walking if its causing you pain, try to find something different to do if the pain doesn't ease off.
My legs hurt when I walk. I don't just mean the muscles, sometimes it feels like the actual bones hurt.

29-01-15, 02:36 PM
Great about the loss, but hunni pain is your body's way of saying stop. Please listen to it.

30-01-15, 08:33 AM
Rose, how do you do it then? (The walks I mean) I really can't walk very far, I mean the next estate is only about half a mile or so up the road. I should be able to walk that far. But when I walk, I get pains in the front of my legs, and then I get sore in my back. I think I might be transfering my weight from my front to my back, if that explains it in any way. I think the muscles are lazy from not being used for such a long time.

30-01-15, 11:12 AM
I'm back from my gp now. All is okay, I just need to practice my pelvic floor exerxises. The walking has to be increased, the fluid intake is fine, bp is perfect, and weight loss is okay. Just keep it all up. Easier said than done, but its another person to disappoint if I don't lose my weight. A pound a week is obtainable, which gives me 12 pounds lighter, before the Communion. I know that its more about the sacrament, but I would love to be smaller by then. I said to Aisling that I don't want to be the biggest mum in the church. She understands what I'm doing at the moment, and helps with my button reminder every week.

30-01-15, 11:27 AM
Another person to disappoint? Hunni, please don't put that sort of pressure on yourself - your doctor sees hundreds of patients a week so, with the best will in the world, is not emotionally invested in you enough to suffer disappointment. And no one else is going to be disappointed - you're not doing this for OH or A, you should be doing this for your own health and for no other reason. A loves you, and it doesn't matter what size you are at Communion, you're always the mum she loves.

30-01-15, 12:42 PM
Magie, I think hills make the pains in my legs worse so I try to stick to flat land and proper paths. My heels also hurt from walking, I think my boots need some cushioning inside.
I just make sure I don't overdo it I suppose, and do 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes later on in the day, rather than 20 minutes all at once.
Do you have a wii at home? Wii Just Dance really pushes me and gets my heart going.
I think you should try swimming, I can't swim very well so its not really an option for me.
As well as losing weight, I wanted to get my resting heart rate down so I have to do something that gets my heart going.
I am considering maybe zumba or spin class, I can go while OH is swimming as both are in the same place.
Today is supposed to be an 'on' day for exercise, but I did a reasonable amount yesterday.
I had a Chinese takeaway last night (naughty, naughty)... and guess what, two hours after eating it, I was hungry again.

30-01-15, 12:43 PM
Also, I get the thing with disappointing people, I feel like everyone is on at me to lose weight. But I think putting pressure on yourself is more likely to push you towards snacking and naughty foods. Dieting is hard and you should be kind to yourself throughout.

30-01-15, 05:18 PM
I got 2 dresses thanks to my personal shopper. One is red and black, and the other is royal blue and black. The red one is already a little too big, size 22,, and the other one is a little too small, size 20. I also bought the shoes to match. In total because one of the dresses was off the sale rail, it came to 75 euro. I was expecting to spend a lot more than that. Now I have to get a little edge to edge box jacket in black and some black pearls or something similar and I am finished.
I have my job cut out now to lose my pound per week.

30-01-15, 05:50 PM
Ooh post some photos! I am not feeling confident enough yet to buy clothes that are too small.

30-01-15, 06:16 PM
No problem Rose. I'll go on my laptop one of these days, and I'll be able post photos properly.
Does anyone out there know how many calories are in a standard portion of mince with carrot and onion added and a gravy sauce added? I already know how many are in the potatoes so it's the meat. Thanks

30-01-15, 06:26 PM
Here you go (for beef mince)
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=calories+in+beef+mince&oq=cal&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60j69i59j69i57j69i59j69i60.1 815j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

30-01-15, 06:33 PM
Thanks, I'll be able to work it out from there.
You are great for picking up all the little tips from the net

30-01-15, 06:39 PM
You sound like you are doing well Magie. The dresses sound lovely!

30-01-15, 06:45 PM
One of them, i think the red one, is more structured, and has a straight almost pencil skirt. The blue one is more relaxed, with a cowl neck, and rouching around the middle, softer fabric.

30-01-15, 08:36 PM
Sounds fab!

31-01-15, 12:01 AM
I was doing some digging around on the internet
Women carry more fat than men
Description Women Men
Essential fat 10–13% 2–5%
Athletes 14–20% 6–13%
Fitness 21–24% 14–17%
Average 25–31% 18–24%
Obese 32%+ 25%+
Also, due to water retention around ovulation and menstruation, this can make the scales tell women they have gained weight, when its actually just the weight of the water.

I found an interesting article below that says it is harder for women than men to lose weight:
And if its true that muscle burns more calories than fat, then my idea of doing some toning exercises such as sit-ups and push-ups might actually work!

31-01-15, 10:25 AM
Up 1lb this week. Last two days have been particularly bad on the diet and exercise front so I am not surprised.

31-01-15, 11:37 AM
Don't forget that changes in cycle and hormones also contribute...

31-01-15, 11:40 AM
Oh yes!!

31-01-15, 03:51 PM
I can gain up to 5 pounds in the week before my period.

31-01-15, 08:43 PM
Feel very bloated this evening. I think its because I ate white bread for my supper.

31-01-15, 09:43 PM
Any one have any cravings for anything this evening? I'd love a magnum. Anyone try the pink ones yet?

31-01-15, 09:51 PM
I feel like I have to go out and get one of the herbs I am missing from my huge collection of herbs.
But actually for once I am not hungry!
By the way, I really dislike white bread. *shudder*

31-01-15, 10:42 PM
Rose, my craving is not as bad now. I didn't send G to the shop , I just wrote in my diary until the craving passed.
Going to clean the house from top to bottom tomorrow. It needs it badly and I want to get rid of all the cobwebs that are all over my house, and I still have to wash my kitchen floor after the painting last week. I would love to get the windows cleaned as well. That should keep me going for about 3 or 4 hours. Then I can spend the afternoon doing my crafts or knitting, if I don't spend it on here.

01-02-15, 12:17 AM
3 or 4 hours? Make sure you have some rests in the middle otherwise you'll be exhausted.
Feel free to come and do my bathroom, it needs a really good clean and I am telling myself NO, you don't have time to do it tomorrow so leave it. Very hard.

01-02-15, 11:03 AM
Any time. Next time I'm in your neck of the woods, I'll come and do your bathroom.
You'll have to show me how you walk like you do, with no problems? Fair trade?

01-02-15, 11:23 AM
I'll take you to Happy Valley, Magie. Its so beautiful of course you want to walk in it!

And there is place called Riddlesdown, its a 1.25 mile walk along a proper path, mostly flat, so its an easy walk.

Also, Crystal Palace park:

And Kelsey Park:

with such beautiful places to walk nearby, its not hard to enjoy the walks I suppose!

01-02-15, 11:32 AM
All beautiful Rose. You and I have a walking date so. I'll get more practise in here, and I bet will be well able to keep up with you.
Good luck with lunch today, I know that it can cause triggers for you so stay safe. Get out if you have to and explain later why. I've been to mass and I lit a candle for you while I was there. Hope my prayers work for you. Thinking of you.

01-02-15, 11:34 AM
Thankyou Magie, that's so kind.

01-02-15, 04:33 PM
Hope it's going well ladies..

01-02-15, 07:49 PM
Rose, hope you got on okay today at lunch. Thinking of you all day.

01-02-15, 08:47 PM
Thankyou Magie. I posted in my other thread, they all seem to have got in a muddle now! :)

07-02-15, 10:33 AM
This week I have lost 1lb, so I've now lost 6lbs overall. I seem to be hovering around the 14st 9lbs mark.
OH has lost 3lbs this week which means he has now lost 1 stone overall, in 4 weeks. I kind of dislike him right now!

07-02-15, 11:55 AM
Rose, this week I was the same as you. 14 9, so I know how you feel. I've become stuck on that because this is the second week at the same weight. However, this week I'm going to do something about it. There has been a discovery of 5 selection boxes under one of the beds in my house. This is very bad news for me. I'm thinking that my sisters kids are going to get a present this week. Better than me eating them all.

07-02-15, 12:04 PM
We're the same weight? That's good, we can challenge each other!

07-02-15, 12:25 PM
You're all braver than me, I haven't even stood on the scales yet..

07-02-15, 12:25 PM
Okay. Bring it on! LOL.

07-02-15, 12:46 PM
Ok Suzi, you need to take that step! Just one step and you can join us. LOL

07-02-15, 01:30 PM
Suzi, you can do what my OH did. He didn't want to know so he wouldn't stand on the scales. So I told him to stand on the scales and I'd look for him, and that seemed to work. So at first I was recording his weight for him. Maybe ask Marc?

07-02-15, 01:31 PM
Magie, I am aiming for 2lbs a week. I think if I can break the 14st9lb curse then I can do it. I have been hovering around this weight for 3 weeks now.
So the aim for next week is 14st 7lbs. But I am going out tonight drinking and eating. I will try to be sensible with my choices.

07-02-15, 01:49 PM
I'm thinking of 2 pounds per week, as well. But I shall have to wait and see. If I don't cheat it's easy, but with selection boxes upstairs just calling to me, not so easy. Easter eggs coming up in the next couple of weeks I'm going to have to be very careful.

07-02-15, 08:57 PM
Oh dear goodness, get someone else to read it for me? Heavens no! I think I might have to do it though....

07-02-15, 10:24 PM
Hope I can keep up with Rose. I've my exercises to give me a hand during my weight loss. And I've got Aisling to look after the cravings for me. She always tells me off if she sees me eating biscuits or cake. And the communion is on in 11 weeks. I'll have to add a bit of pressure onto myself to lose 1 or 2 pounds each week.

08-02-15, 11:08 AM
I went out last night as I tucked into bread rolls and creamy sauce and alcohol... well, it was wonderful.
I feel like crap today so obviously I have had a huge breakfast.
Oh well, I can burn it off at some point!!!

08-02-15, 03:01 PM
So glad you had a good time lovely!

08-02-15, 03:46 PM
Come on Suzi, you've gotta take a deep breath then get on the scales. There is no way you can start any kind of weight loss without knowing where you are starting from!
For me, knowing my weight is motivation, although it also gets me down.

08-02-15, 04:19 PM
I'm so proud of you getting through the night Rose. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself.
I just wrote on my asthma thread about my lovely sunday roast because I got them mixed up.
I definitely think that I should do my exercises today, I'm really stuffed.

08-02-15, 09:26 PM
I will, I'll stand on them tomorrow..

08-02-15, 09:40 PM
I am rooting for you Suzi :)
Magie, I wrote on your asthma thread too (I get them all mixed up too), trying to work out how many calories a roast dinner is. Its hard because there is some wonderful food around and exercise always seems to be de-prioritised and suddenly a week has gone by and no exercise done! Are you keeping up with the walking?

08-02-15, 09:55 PM
No. The walking has come to a complete stop.

09-02-15, 06:42 PM
I'm so afraid of my weight watchers meeting this week. My weekend went to pot, I had two takeaways, one on friday and another on Saturday. I had a beautiful roast dinner on Sunday. Today, I was good. I had a fruit salad at lunch time and chicken for dinner, with baked potato and carrot and parsnip. And I still didn't eat that white magnum!

09-02-15, 07:03 PM
I am struggling too. I thought it would be easier when my hormones had stopped raging but my mood is really low and all I want to do is eat. You still have two days to be good and do some exercise (if your back is ok to do it)

09-02-15, 07:10 PM
OK have stood on scales, now feel about as bad about it as I could do. So boot camp starts tomorrow.

09-02-15, 07:12 PM
Well done, hunni

09-02-15, 07:48 PM
Well done. We look forward to your company. I hope you'll be able to keep up.

09-02-15, 07:57 PM
Well done. Its the first step Suzi. I am sorry you feel bad but now you know where you are starting from.

09-02-15, 09:21 PM
That's my weak point too. Mainly because of my health condition.

I am trying to exercise or just go walking in nearby parks. And my doctor recommended low-carb diet.

09-02-15, 09:35 PM
Welcome to this thread Selena. We hope to be able to lose some weight. I would love to lose 2 pounds per week, I've got a holy communion to go to in 11 weeks. Thats what I'm aiming for.

11-02-15, 04:20 PM
Tomorrow is weigh in day folks. Good luck everyone. I'm a bit worried about it, tbh, but thats what 2 takeaways will do for you!

11-02-15, 07:47 PM
Good luck hunni!

11-02-15, 07:49 PM
I am just aiming for static weight this week.
Suzi, do you have a plan?
Good luck tomorrow Magie :)

11-02-15, 07:56 PM
Plan? Eat better and less and move more :)

S deleted
11-02-15, 09:02 PM
Can i just say these cheesy chips are lush, lol

11-02-15, 09:03 PM
Oi Stella, NO! ;)

12-02-15, 08:15 AM
Pfft Stella!

12-02-15, 09:47 AM
I need to lose weight, I want to lose weight - the Meds excuse isn't a good enough one anymore, so I'd got myself going about it - particularly as we've got a family wedding in April, then did my back in. So, not only am I even less mobile, I just don't have the motivation :(

12-02-15, 10:48 AM
That's one of my issues too... I was doing more exercise then I broke my toe and had to rest it, and now I'm struggling to get back to what I could do as I managed to break the toe on my good leg and my rubbisher leg is now protesting at everything I do. But I do also know that losing weight will help it too! Ahh vicious circles!

12-02-15, 10:52 AM
How is the toe?

12-02-15, 11:08 AM
Sore. I rebroke it on Saturday night (don't ask)... so yeah Sore.. Am still doing as much as I can do each day though.. If I don't use what mobility I have then I know I'll lose it..

12-02-15, 11:31 AM
In my case exercises don't help much nor dieting, because it's all because of hormonal disaster. But it's still better...

12-02-15, 12:42 PM
My mate big dave is just out of hospital with a heart attack. He is 30 stone.
He is not going on a diet; just go in to eat more healthy.
I think cheesy chips are fine once a week for a treat.
I really hope you lovely ladies are successful.

12-02-15, 12:51 PM
As some of you know I've taken advantage of the groupon offer for weight watchers for online access for 3 months to see if it will help me to shift some weight

12-02-15, 12:52 PM
Sore. I rebroke it on Saturday night (don't ask)... so yeah Sore.. Am still doing as much as I can do each day though.. If I don't use what mobility I have then I know I'll lose it..


12-02-15, 01:27 PM
Bad news everybody, I was UP half a pound this morning. My motivation is deserting me as I go along. I just wish I could get back into the plan. It's not just my eating, its my walking and exercises that is letting me down every day. Anyway, today starts the start of a new week.
We can start again and try our best for this week.

12-02-15, 01:32 PM
It's only half a pound out of where you expected and that could be down to anything - water retention, different clothes, needing the loo ..... Don't get downhearted, just use this as. Springboard into this next week x

12-02-15, 01:38 PM
Yeah, going to work harder this week.

12-02-15, 01:52 PM
Argh, half a pound, how annoying! My scales don't do half so it gets rounded up or down, I've been so stressed out the last few days that I don't have much hope for this week's weigh-in. Is there any particular food or time of day you find yourself slipping?

12-02-15, 02:04 PM
Not really. I just like to eat all the time. I'm watching too much tv. I get nothing done all day. But today I did some shopping, walked all around the supermarket. When I came home, I made an apple crumble that actually smells right, and looks edible. I'll have some later.

12-02-15, 04:53 PM
Ahhh TV is the worst for sucking up time and draining motivation.
I find late evening is my problem time. I start feeling hungry at around 10pm and start eating again instead of going to bed.

I had missed lots of posts on this thread.... Suzi, how did you break your toe again?
And Paula, how do you plan to lose weight? Did you ever look into swimming as a possible exercise that you can do?
Selena, are you sure its all hormonal?

12-02-15, 05:15 PM
Nearly sure, once I have my period ( naturally) I start losing weight. However my doc told me to keep on eating healthy food.

What I was told to exclude ( once-twice per month only):
- any kind of sweets, cookies, fastfood;
- white bread;
- potatoes;
- bananas;
- butter;

It works slowly, but it's still working.

12-02-15, 05:22 PM
Why would you exclude potatoes or bananas? Has anybody else here ever been told this?
It was in the news a few days ago that being told to exclude butter and cheese was a mistake!
I do still eat some cheese and will use butter when margarine just won't do.

12-02-15, 05:33 PM
Doc considers that potatoes and bananas are high-carb, I've been put on low-carb diet. Margarine is prohibited for me. Cheese and other dairy products are not excluded, as well as fish and meat, and a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Thank you for the link, I also study other variants.

12-02-15, 05:35 PM
A banana has about 90 calories and I think its one of the best snacks to have!
Potatoes are high carb for sure, but in a small amount they are good for filling you up. I am having items such as potatoes, rice, bread and pasta but in small amounts, to keep me filling full. If I don't have a small amount of carbs with a meal, I get hungry so quickly afterwards, and that's when I reach for easy snacks such as chocolate.

12-02-15, 05:49 PM
I had missed lots of posts on this thread.... Suzi, how did you break your toe again?
And Paula, how do you plan to lose weight? Did you ever look into swimming as a possible exercise that you can do?
Selena, are you sure its all hormonal?

When I'm up to it, it's just eating less - I eat well, mainly fruit and veg, but probably too much. And chocolate is my nemesis. I need to do exercise and my friend and I were going to go to a pool - a local hotel has a small, warm, shallow pool so even if I couldn't swim (can't bend and flex my knee) we could do walking and so on with the water supporting us - it's so nice walking, even if it's holding on, without crutches. There's also a local college pool that they close on Friday night for disabled use only - they warm up the pool and have hoists and stuff so that may be an option. However, given hydrotherapy made things worse, I'm not doing anything until they find out what's wrong with my back

12-02-15, 05:52 PM
I eat well, mainly fruit and veg, but probably too much. And chocolate is my nemesis.

I could have written those words!

12-02-15, 08:14 PM
I've made a pig of myself this evening. I needed chocolate so I ate half a bar of carmel, after I ate a magnum earlier. I really really needed chocolate. If I go near the fridge at all I'm finished. I'll just have to lock the kitchen door. Ah well, I'll just have to start again tomorrow. The chocolate craving might have gone now and I'll be able to concentrate on the filling and healthy list for the rest of the week.

12-02-15, 08:27 PM
Some days are just like that. I know men don't get it, but I do, hunni

S deleted
12-02-15, 08:32 PM
I've eaten nothing but crap since Christmas and lost half a stone without even trying :(

12-02-15, 08:57 PM
I understand you completely Magie.
Stella - is that because you haven't been eating properly?

S deleted
12-02-15, 09:07 PM
Most likely Suzi

12-02-15, 10:39 PM
Meal planning time for you then young lady! You need to eat properly as you know that losing huge amounts of weight and not eating properly can seriously impact your health.

12-02-15, 11:48 PM
I believe that anxiety and worry can make you lose weight. If you think about it, you release adrenalin and it takes energy to burn off the adrenalin. So, the more adrenalin you release, the more energy you use and that can lead to weight loss. I lost a lot of weight when I was really ill. I wasn't eating loads, but OH was feeding me at least once a day. I was burning off a couple of lbs a week without even trying. I was anxious a lot of the time, physically shaking and always very alert and hyped up.
Stella, do you feel anxious a lot of the time?

13-02-15, 06:25 PM
Rose, I think you are right. I think you actually lose weight when you are stressed.

13-02-15, 06:40 PM
I have just done a 20 minute workout, its amazing how much stamina you lose when you don't do it for a few days. I might do another one this evening as its weigh-in tomorrow!
I don't ever want to be that anxious ever again but it was a very easy way to lose weight.

13-02-15, 06:44 PM
Well done you. I'm still waiting to start my exercises. I have to wait until my dinner digests a bit more. I've just come back from a 5 minute walk. Well it was 5 minutes there and 5 mins back.

13-02-15, 06:46 PM
Hey, 10 minutes is better than 0 minutes, and its about 90 calories, it all adds up!

13-02-15, 07:54 PM
I've to see about taking out my weight watchers book and start again at the beginning all over again. It won't be the first time I've ever had to do it, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I feel like I've done a lot of walking today. We parked a good way away from the shops this morning. Does that count?

13-02-15, 08:34 PM
I count anything that isn't in the usual day to day routine. So a walk to and from the shops I would count as a piece of exercise.
If the body uses something like 1500-2000 calories a day just to exist, then a diet of 1500 a day should technically help you lose weight?
I don't have any books or anything, I literally keep a record of what I ate and what exercise I did, add up calories in and out, and then record if I lost weight in that week. But its hard to work out the calories of my dinners.

13-02-15, 09:23 PM
I have a list of foods that are filling and healthy, and I make up my meals from the list. For example, I can eat as many plain potatoes as I like. That is potatoes without any butter or sauces or anything. Then you can add some protein like fish or meat and as many vegetables as you like.

13-02-15, 09:25 PM
Its so funny as Selena said earlier she was told to avoid potatoes entirely. I would rather have 2 potatoes with a bit of butter than 4 potatoes without butter!
All these diets are so different, its so confusing.

13-02-15, 10:01 PM
I find this weight watchers a lot easier to follow, than the one I lost my weight with before. I don't have to count any points and just eat from the list. It's got everything you could need to eat. I've started reefering to the book, because I was completly off track for the last 6 weeks, and I've not managed to find the solution. The only thing is that I can control is the money that we win using my credit card.

13-02-15, 11:08 PM
I was told that you should only stay on a 1500 calorie diet for a maximum of 2 weeks or your body goes into "starvation mode" and you won't lose weight...

13-02-15, 11:16 PM
I am exceeding 1500 calories but trying to counter anything over 1500 with exercise, if that makes sense.
I am definitely NOT in starvation mode ;)
A person's recommended calorie intake depends on loads of factors such as age, sex, weight etc.
You can find out using this BMI calculator what your recommended calorie intake is. You are told at the end, after the scary BMI calculation is given to you. Mine is currently 1600 to 2100 a day.

14-02-15, 11:22 AM
Magie, you win this week. I was UP 2lbs. (OH was down 2lbs argh!)
Oh well. :(

I am now 14st11lbs.

14-02-15, 01:37 PM
I'm 14 st 9 lbs. Here we go for another week of trying. I'm up for it, are you?

I've spent the morning in bed, on my own, asleep. So much for getting up to do some work on my project, I was pure lazy.

Anyway, here's to us for this week. May we all be lighter, this time next week.

14-02-15, 01:50 PM
Lazy? No. There's nothing wrong with a lie in on a Saturday morning x

14-02-15, 01:53 PM
I will admit that it helped, G brought Aisling up town, for the morning. They came back at 1 oclock so I got up then.

14-02-15, 05:11 PM
I slept for 11 hours: midnight to 11am. I really needed that sleep. Sleeping is the best.

Right, I am back on it Magie and determined to beat you this week!
I have done a 45 minute walk and tried to keep my calorie intake down. I am having steak for dinner, but having it with only a few chips, and a big salad. The race is on!!!!

14-02-15, 05:15 PM
Almost the same dinner, except I had potatoes instead of chips, and mushrooms and onions instead of salad. Feeling very stuffed now. Going to walk to mass now and home again. 35 mins each way.

14-02-15, 06:07 PM
Wow. Looks like I'm even more immobile than I was. I've put weight on and now can't fit into either of the dresses I was considering for a wedding in a few weeks :(

14-02-15, 06:18 PM
Oh no Paula, that's so annoying :( How far away are the weddings?

14-02-15, 07:07 PM
Oh Paula, have you any for back up?

14-02-15, 08:16 PM
Oh no Paula, that's so annoying :( How far away are the weddings?

Beginning of April and there's no way I'm getting into them - because I can't diet properly (due to the lithium) and even my poor attempts at movement and exercise on crutches has been removed with my back so bad - there's no way I'm going to get into the dresses.

Magie, no, as the last time i was this heavy was before we got our dogs - 7 years ago. I'll just have to see if I can find that doesn't cost the earth.

14-02-15, 09:39 PM
As I tipped the scales over 14st 10lbs today, that seems to be the point where the IIH symptoms really kick in. Its hard to explain, its like there is a brick in my head. So when I stand up, my head feels heavier than it should, and it hurts, my shoulders hurt, my neck hurts. The noise is there in my ears, the sparkles (visual obscurations is the proper term) are there when I change posture.
No more messing about, I have to really throw myself into losing weight, this can't go on as it is. I want my life back.

14-02-15, 09:41 PM
Beginning of April and there's no way I'm getting into them - because I can't diet properly (due to the lithium) and even my poor attempts at movement and exercise on crutches has been removed with my back so bad - there's no way I'm going to get into the dresses.

Magie, no, as the last time i was this heavy was before we got our dogs - 7 years ago. I'll just have to see if I can find that doesn't cost the earth.

That's so tough. Can the GP advise you about dieting on lithium? I understand exercise is really really difficult for you.

14-02-15, 09:41 PM
Oh hunni (bear)

14-02-15, 09:53 PM
I can't let this defeat me. There is no reason why I can't diet or exercise. I am lucky I am not on difficult medications and I have my health and strength. Compared to challenging OCD and depression, losing weight should be easy. Its simple maths of calories in vs calories out.
I am going to do a workout before bed. Getting the symptoms back this evening is a massive kick up the bum. No amount of chocolate in the world is worth losing my eyesight for.

14-02-15, 10:28 PM
I totally agree with you. No chocolate is worth it. This losing weight has to be serious for me. There is diabetes on both sides of my family, and I am heading towards type 2. The idea of losing weight before the Communion, has not worked very well for me. I need to step up and really start to loose again. Help is definitely needed here. So if anyone knows how I can start to enjoy some exercise I'd like to hear from you. Ps. I need to lose 4.5 stone.

14-02-15, 10:31 PM
I need to lose 4 stone, I want to lose 5 stone. Is being in competition with me enough of a motivation? I did a 17 minute workout just now.
I am sure I have mentioned swimming a few times, please forgive me if you have answered this before, is swimming any good for you? What about yoga or similar? I am trying to think of something low impact, because of your back.

14-02-15, 10:52 PM
I'm really not that into swimming, but I enjoy aqua aerobics. I'm afraid that yoga holds no interest for me. The day centre has organised yoga before and I've taken part, but it really didn't do anything for me. I'll just have to get back into walking. Its the thing that helped before.
Why is it, that we are already depressed, w hy do they make tablets and meds that encourage weight gain? Surely its an oxymoron, I mean do we not have enough to put up with?

15-02-15, 10:59 AM
Two of my medications are supposed to encourage weight loss, but one of them (Venlafaxine) has done the opposite since day 1. I am on a tiny dose and it still seems to override everything. I have thought of decreasing again but I don't want to risk my mental health, particularly as I am having some problems with OCD again.
I have done a 12 minute workout before breakfast, it hurt! So I am having a big bowl of fruit & fibre now :)
Magie, perhaps you could try walking a little slower at first. I find setting a pace and then sticking to it is better than speeding up and slowing down. I can't swim very well at all so I avoid it.

15-02-15, 11:57 AM
Most of my medications have "weight gain" as a side effect too....

15-02-15, 12:19 PM
They don't explain how they make you gain weight. I think they make you hungry more often and crave sweet foods.

15-02-15, 07:21 PM
Well after today, I think I'm going to be back on track for a weight loss this week. I've had a very positive Sunday, got some exercises done, counted my points, that I ate at lunch time, and all my snacks have been fruit. I've only 8 weeks to go to the day, so I'd want to see some change on the scales, between now and then.
Rose, yes I think it might be enough of a push to me, to be in competition with you, to see what we can do with this weight.
I didn't have a take away this weekend like I normally do. And I've got more exercise than I normally would, and I feel like I've made a good start to the week.

15-02-15, 07:31 PM
Awesome. Well done, Magie :)

15-02-15, 07:41 PM
My sister likes to feed people, saying that one extra piece of meat won't make a difference, or will you have more dessert, sure it's only a little bit have some more.

15-02-15, 08:46 PM
For anyone who's interested, I get orlistat off my doctor. It works as a fat binding agent and so can help with weight loss. My cousin lost loads of weight that she'd put on due to a thyroid condition. The doctor can prescribe it at double the dose you can buy it over the counter too. It's not really worked for me but I think that's down to my hormones being out of sync due to the PCOS. Hopefully if I can get that sorted then it may have more of an effect on me. It's maybe worth discussing with doctors if it's a struggle?

I've been trying to lose weight since I was 10 and it's never worked so after all these years of trying and steadily gaining instead I've kind of lost all hope. Clothes shopping is incredibly depressing, photos make me feel like I'm disgusting and having it implied that I have no attention paid to me because I'm fat makes me feel like less then nothing. I want to lose it I've just got no motivation to try as I've had disappointment after disappointment. I admire you ladies so much for your determination.

15-02-15, 09:46 PM
Well done Magie!
Jaq I feel for you. I had orlistat a few years ago but the side effects for me were horrific..

15-02-15, 09:52 PM
This is the sort of thing I am going to ask my doctor for. Because I need to lose weight to help with IIH, so its kind of urgent, was hoping I'd be offered medical help, or at least advised about something I can buy over the counter. I don't mind paying as long as I know its safe.
I keep hearing about Raspberry Ketone, anyone tried it?
(Magie, if I get help, obviously I won't keep up our competition, it wouldn't be fair!)

15-02-15, 10:01 PM
I haven't managed much exercise at all today. I have managed to keep my food intake to an ok amount.
I had so much motivation this morning but its dissipated through the day. The problem is that the results are so slow, as an impatient person, I feel like I am going to force myself to be miserable for the next 6 months to lose weight. Half a year! I want chocolate.

15-02-15, 10:12 PM
Rose, you can buy it over the counter too. It's also known as Alli but it's about £40 a month last time I saw it and only 60mg. A doctor can prescribe 120mg on prescription, plus they can monitor you. My doctor said they only keep you on it if you lose 5% of your body weight in the first month though. The side effects can be nasty though, if you don't keep your diet low in fat you'll be running to the toilet as it will go straight through you!

15-02-15, 10:42 PM
Rose, I don't mind continuing the wager after all, its going to be a good carrot for me.
I'm sorry I've not been on here all evening, I had a friend texting me for advice, and I was busy texting her back and forth.
My poor goldfish is beginning to swim on his side. I don't think we'll have him much longer.

15-02-15, 10:51 PM
Awww poor goldfish, check if the tank is clean, maybe its needs filtering through. Sometimes they can revive with a water change.
Do you just have one? I currently have 5, but they are a vicious gang and I keep ending up with only 4!

16-02-15, 08:07 AM
We have goldie for about 4 or 5 years. Pretty good for a goldfish I think. I'd love a nice walk this morning. It looks nice out there. I'll bring someone from the day centre with me for a short walk later. Breakfast over, cornflakes with skimmed milk.

16-02-15, 09:44 AM
I've been brave and I've stood on the scales. I'm really pleased that I've had a really good loss, but I've got almost double what you both have to lose to start with and it's my first week of eating less and moving more... So 8lbs down (but I've had sort of TOTM too)

16-02-15, 12:09 PM
8LBS?! Bloody hell Suzi, well done!!!!!! :)

16-02-15, 12:56 PM
8lbs, how did you do that?

16-02-15, 02:22 PM
Seriously, I've been eating better, actually eating breakfast and moving much more. I've been walking more, trying to do normal speed for 20 steps, then faster for 20 on my walk to school, physio, walking up and down stairs with each thing I want taken up rather than leaving it for someone else or until there is lots. I've been eating much healthier too... It's also my first week back thinking about things remember... Oh and around TOTM I always have a huge amount of water retention..

16-02-15, 04:33 PM
The first week I lost 5lbs and I think the body just doesn't know what to do, gets all confused and lets you drop weight quickly.
Either that or Suzi you have just hit upon the best weight loss routine ever!

16-02-15, 04:52 PM
I think I'm going to ask to be weighed when I see the doctor next week, just so I know where I'm starting from. I'm in double figures for what I need to lose :(

16-02-15, 06:54 PM
Well, today was a good day for me. I had a fruit salad for lunch, and just plain chicken and potatoes and carrots. Not a bad dinner. Chicken is on the filling and healthy list, and as much vegetables as you can eat. No dessert and if I want anything more to eat tonight, it will have to be fruit.