View Full Version : Angies Art
Please don't share my artwork or put it up online anywhere, It is ok printing it off for your own personal use
I've copied these over from Angies thread on the old forum.. (
here is some of the art that have done over the last few years there is quite alot of it so a few posts to come
Am going to share the albums these are on will put the links at the bottom, as you will get more detail by going there and clicking on each picture to get it to its full size
ABSTRACT art/abstracts/abstract1angietutz2tagz.jpg art/abstracts/litglobeangietutz2tagz.jpg art/abstracts/purplecircleangietutz2tagz.jpg art/abstracts/greenbubbles.jpg art/abstracts/fractualroseangietutz2tagz.jpg art/abstracts/abstractcirclesangietutz2tagz.jpg
Angie are you happy with the link and just this post or do you want them all copied over?
Hun am happy with that sweetie thank you so much xxx
04-03-12, 04:57 PM
Wow they are fab Angie , did you do whole design?
I did hun the link above the first one has more of my art on aswell. Thank you.
Gotta say the same as Sarah, Angie. Just WOW!!
Golly. You clever girlie!!!!
Coming up full size here they're so much more dramatic...
Do you want any more copying across sweetie? I like the PORTRAITS. I could do it but it would have my avatar next to them...
Thanks Steve hun
its ok hun it has to be from the links I used in photobucket so think you would have to be able to edit the post to get them.
No Angie, I can just copy the photobucket links in a couple of ticks.
Pretty please Angie. They look so much better here - full size...
ok hun aslong as it uses the links
Golly they wack your eyes out full size!!
Thanks Angie!!!!
They look great Angie(nod)
Thanks you Steve and thank you Veggie
04-03-12, 07:27 PM would you have a problem if i painted this one.
I would be honored LF hun that you like it enough, but the only thing am going to ask is that I can see it when its finished please
04-03-12, 07:46 PM
it well be posted on my acrylic page when it done ok
Brilliant hun cant wait to see it
Yes. I think that would look brilliant in a painting LF!
04-03-12, 11:19 PM
Oh wow, I think that collaboration is an awesome idea :) Can't wait to see the two "together"!
Wow, some great work their hun (bear) I'm a sucker for futuristic landscapes and nature in digital art.
Here is my latest one
Can you tell I cant sleep yet again
here is another
Here is my latest one
I love this one
26-03-12, 10:02 AM
wow they are amazing Angie
They're great Angie! Thanks for posting them love. :)
One I did a while back 0339514_n.jpg
That is great,you art reminds me of the Athena cool.
26-03-12, 10:10 PM
I want that red coat!
AWw Aspasia can show you how its made up with some close ups if you can sew or know someone who could make the pattern an the coat
Little Lulu
27-03-12, 07:43 AM
These pictures are fabulous! Very talented Angie, well done. (clap)
Another one I did
27-03-12, 10:29 PM
AWw Aspasia can show you how its made up with some close ups if you can sew or know someone who could make the pattern an the coat
I do know people who could make it but I don't think it would look like that on me right now, so it'll have to wait. Although, while I'm trying to lose weight again, I know I'll never be as thin as the girls in your art, and tbh wouldn't want to be, I'll be happy just to get to a healthy weight one day.
That was good too, #41. Thanks for all these Angie! :)
Thanks Steve
I know what you mean Aspasia about thin girls, I can do alsorts of sizes in the other version of this programme but not in this version of it unfortunately, am still also learning how to use them.
27-03-12, 11:27 PM
Thanks Steve
I know what you mean Aspasia about thin girls, I can do alsorts of sizes in the other version of this programme but not in this version of it unfortunately, am still also learning how to use them.
Looks like you're learning fast, love, all these images are awesome! Don't take my comments about the girls the wrong way, I admire your work, I just get a bit touchy about unrealistic images of females in the media sometimes, I hate the way girls on sci-fi and fantasy book covers are always anatomically impossible (waists about to snap, boobs so big you'd fall forwards constantly etc) and I'm very anti-photoshopping magazing covers etc. It's one of my bugbears, didn't mean to take it out on you. Sorry (hug).
Its ok hun, I can understand where your coming from honestly I can, the one thing I do try to avoid is the sexy chic as per see in the swimsuit kind of shot itms ?
You stick with the sexy chics Angie, don't listen to what Aspasia says. (rofl)
You stick with the sexy chics Angie, don't listen to what Aspasia says. (rofl)
I second that motion.
28-03-12, 09:40 PM
I would like to see some in a little bigger size too.. with a little meat on them my self lol.......
its hard to do that LF in this version as the clothes are made to the model,
so for example I take the mesh of the model and go to a modelling programme the one I use is hexagon
then model the clothes to that mesh, so the clothes are made to measure on the model hence why its hard to make different size models as am stuck with that one
the other version of the programme it might be possible but as am far from used to that one it will be a while until I can
does any of that make sense?
Well did another one this time using Vue its on my deviant art site click the link should take you to the picture
30-08-12, 04:46 PM
that awsome yes it did make sense more than you know , it work for you that what counts.
Thanks both and glad it made sense LF
Ok have been playing in daz studio and using photoshop just for the background (trying to get used to photoshop as normally use paintshop pro) so a bad background but needed something to put behind the tree and the girl (
24-04-13, 12:26 AM
Great Angie :8)
looks brilliant. i like it.
Those are all fabulous Angie - I really love the one with the girl in the woods in #12 (pic 6)
But they are all brilliant, really. (nod)(nod)
Thats great hun :) Night sky background would look awsome with it with the crescent moon providing light over the character will give it a great atmospheric :) xx
It would need to get my vue install on this laptop and can do some brilliant backgrounds then and all 3d to match the daz and poser
Thank you hunni x
Have got my 3d modeling programme up at the moment should be working but taking a break
Breaks are good hun especially with 3D work as trying to visulise things in 3D while drawing it can be quite taxing.
it can be hun but not as much as yours will be
Well thought would play again in daz studio with a close up this time (
Thank you hun xxx still learning things such as lighting etc but thought would take ten mins out to play xx
Well while been taking a break, ended up having to format my computer and once reloaded decided to play in Bryce 7.1 pro this is from a tutorial and isn't rendered at its best as my computer needs more ram (
That's beautiful Angie (nod) - really atmospheric - I love it :)
Thank you both xx It caught my eye when saw the tutorial for it x
Here is my latest one I managed to make snow on trees in Bryce (
Yep,id hang that on me wall.very good!
Miss Molly
15-09-14, 05:25 PM
That is so lovely :)
Thank you,
Will let you into a secret I entered that in a competition at daz and won best newcomer and got $10 store credit to spend as a prize
Wow!! Angie that is so gorgeous (nod) - I LOVE it xx
Here is the latest one (
I'm not as keen on that one tbh - it's something about the way she's standing - seems a little odd.. love the backdrop to her though! :)
I can't believe how long it is since I opened one of my programmes and finished a project, this one has taken me ages and am still not happy with it so it may change yet in some way. It's made in Bryce 7.1 Pro. My aim was to work on clouds in Bryce so it is far from perfect yet! (
It's good, gorgeous actually but not quite 100% realistic with the clouds. But I'd put it on my wall happily :)
Thanks hunni, am going to play with the clouds as there is a tutorial online that have found so see what happens.
I think this is better and so is the sky colour as the sun is still high in the sky so it shouldn't be that dark (
Wow! There's so much movement in it. I can almost feel the wind coming from behind me! (no jokes please!)
16-06-15, 01:39 PM
These are great.
Its great to get to see this. You do it so well. Thanks for sharing. You do have talent.
Thanks Welf, its something I have always loved but am better at digital art like this than painting and drawing.
I believe it does not matter where somebody is good at. Its all so cool and good to see. I realy like your art.
I found one I did ages ago and just love its so tranquil ( .html)
Are these from your imagination or from places you've visited?.
Some from tutorials as am still learning the programmes I use others from imagination and fiddling around in the programmes to see what I can come up with
Well the one I did the other day has changed I changed the field of view and some of the settings to get a better render (
It's shifted! Beautiful as usual :)
It has as I narrowed the field of view so it brought it closer, it was the FOV that was stretching the clouds aswell, its hard to get right but am going in the right direction and thank you hunni.
Well have been playing about in Bryce again, might fire up Daz studio in a while and see what can come up with (
Well found one that had done quite a while ago and forgotten about nothing special but quite like it and its done in Vue. (
14-01-16, 10:11 PM
Excellent Angie, are these done in the digital domain (using a painting program on a computer) because the detail looks too fine to have been done with oil paints or pen and ink.
I did try a painting program called dogwaffle but my attempts were totally useless, I'm no artist.
I use Daz Studio pro, Bryce pro 7, Poser pro, Vue, Hexagon for my art and also use paintshop pro x2, but cannot use photoshop just cannot get my head around it, yes they are all digital programmes, all of them apart from paintshop pro x2 are also 3d programmes and hexagon is a modeling programme
14-01-16, 11:58 PM
Wow! I thought that was a photo! It's amazing x
Thanks hun x
Am still learning but that is part of the fun for me.
Actually I think that last one is my favourite one!
Here is my latest one done in Vue 10xStream (
23-01-16, 06:57 PM
That is amazing! X
23-01-16, 07:56 PM
Truly amazing.
25-01-16, 12:07 PM
Here is my latest one done in Vue 10xStream (
That really is Stunning Angie. I am no expert but i do like the different colours and the contrasts of the lake and the mountains with the reflections. it really is good.
P.S. I have printed it off and going to frame it later. You should sell them as post cards on your stall.
Thank you PF.
Please don't share my artwork though or put it up online anywhere, It is ok printing it off for your own personal use though.
I would have to get a lot better than I am and need a lot better computer to start selling my art, it is for personal use only right now.
Well have had a play with the last one I did, and it makes a lot more sense now with a new addition to it (
30-01-16, 05:21 PM
I see you've cut down some trees and built a stone building on the right (I wonder how long it took the builders to build that house!!!? ;).
It looks great Angie such talent.
30-01-16, 05:22 PM
It's beautiful. Very restful and actually reminds me of summer long ago, when we would go to the lake in Galway, and try to swim out to a little island, near the shore. The water looks very cold. I'm not sure I'd be able to swim in that water!
30-01-16, 05:30 PM
Absolutely stunning x
30-01-16, 05:33 PM
I'm just downloading VUE Pioneer 2015 it's the free version (is it time limited not sure) as the paid for ones are bit expensive as it may beyond my capabilities to use it.
30-01-16, 05:36 PM
It's beautiful. Very restful and actually reminds me of summer long ago, when we would go to the lake in Galway, and try to swim out to a little island, near the shore. The water looks very cold. I'm not sure I'd be able to swim in that water!
Magie it's a virtual environment where all is possible. ;) if only life was like that he said wistfully. :)
Thank you all.
Magie, the cottage is meant to be like a Irish Cottage
I have Vue 10 xstream so it is a few years old now but does me fine.
Mike I am not sure if it is a time limited or that Eon put the Vue copyright on the finished picture with the free version but it will do fine to learn on,
Have a look at Geekatplay for tutorials and I can help as much as I can though am still learning but have used different graphics programmes for a number of years.
Though a word of warning the graphic programmes can be very intensive on your computers resources so be aware of whether you can run them or not, they may say you can but that is the bare minimum they need to run itms?
30-01-16, 11:13 PM
Thanks for the info Angie, downloaded and installed just registering it now.
30-01-16, 11:26 PM
Apparently my video board is incompatible with some of the necessary functions and some functions have been disabled.
Time for supper I think.
S deleted
30-01-16, 11:43 PM
Time to upgrade ya graphics card Mike
Loving your stuff Angie. Never thought of printing a copy of your stuff Angie. Glad you've given permission cos I think I could do with some artwork around my home. Thanks for allowing us to share for personal use
I at some point am upgrading my computer from a laptop to a tower, so will build my own to the specifications I need Mike, this can take 2 or 3 days or more to render one picture depending on the quality of picture I want.
Thank you Stella, and no problem at all hun personal use is fine with me and if you print it off and put any of my art on your wall please show me a pic :)
S deleted
31-01-16, 01:39 AM
Of course I will share a pic chick. as it should be
31-01-16, 01:48 AM
Time to upgrade ya graphics card Mike
Loving your stuff Angie. Never thought of printing a copy of your stuff Angie. Glad you've given permission cos I think I could do with some artwork around my home. Thanks for allowing us to share for personal use
Having had a play with VUE Pioneer 2015 and a look at some of the tutorials (there's hours of tutorials) I don't need a graphic card upgrade I need a brain upgrade it seems way beyond my capabilities.
Lol Mike it can be a bit confusing at first.
I just play around until I get something I like the look of. It isn't beyond your capabilities though hun honestly.
Well finally opened Daz studio and came up with the following she is called Kataya and is an elf but needs more work yet g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ht=scontent.fbhx2-1.fna&oh=fc78e20cfab935f4e7cdeef2abdc3c2c&oe=5C476E30
Daz studio is a new one on me is it like maya? We've currently been looking at indesign and twinmotion for our renders.
22-10-18, 12:26 PM
Love the hair if I was a woman and had hair I'd have my hair done like that.
Who says you have to be a girl to have hair like that!
I make my scenes and figures in Daz 3d or Bryce or Vue xtream or poser.
For renders octane is good
All the above will render and if you have the file as the correct type can take it into them but a good independant renderer would suit you better
Daz 3d where I do my figures will do backgrounds and marvel use it aswell now its really come on leaps and bounds over the last few years
These programmes can be recourse heavy on your computers a good graphics card and ram memory is key to be honest
have a look at this link Jarre
Thank you she isnt finished yet so see where she goes
25-10-18, 01:07 PM
Who says you have to be a girl to have hair like that!
Suppose I could get a blue wig ;)
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