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01-03-12, 11:57 PM
Copied from our "Archive Forum" here: http://archive.dealingwithdepression.co.uk/index.php?topic=5262.0

Not originally by me, all credit goes to the original posters!

Distraction is a huge thing whilst trying to deal with depression.

One of the things that has helped me and I never go anywhere without it is my Ipod. Especially as I travel by bus a lot of the times I found it helps drown out the noise of the other passengers.

Another thing I use is guided meditation Cd's to help me sleep .

So come on people add anything that helps distract you, and lets see if we can help each other.

02-03-12, 12:03 AM
Craft activities or phoning a friend if I am home alone and feeling vulnerable.

i've started downloading free podcasts from radio 4 . If I wake up early in the morning I can just put it on and it helps drown out all the crap buzzing around in my head

Photography is the only thing that seems to work.

I read books, I always bring books with me whenever I go, it helped me a lot I also bring my mp3 player it can be very handy if I don't have my books with me, and on weekends I do mindful meditation for 30 minutes and also I do yoga to help me relax.

I take my iPod, my phone and a book wherever I go. When I'm at home, I tend to kill a lot of time on the Internet, playing online games, or I watch DVDs to distract myself from my thoughts.

Doing a crossword is really great as I get a sense of achievement from doing it and it's some time when she can't criticise me.
iPods are great too but you have to spend some time engaging with people, but it is really great for ensuring that you have no distractions for a while.

Singing. It really works.

I loved my ipod but I dropped it last week and it's broken, can't tell you how upset I was with that.
I have got 350ish episodes of 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue' on mp3 I listen to which helps but I'm really getting through them at the moment.
I have been researching a friends family tree for a couple of weeks which helps but I've finished it now.
I have got in to the habit of taking a book in to work as well as my PSP to try to keep occupied, work is so boring though they don't have much impact.

Cross stitching, films, books, writing letters to friends (long letters), looking through photo albums. Also sad to say but cleaning... the sense of achievement after and knowing for example you have a very clean bed to get in at night.

Please guys, do lets add some more!

02-03-12, 03:54 AM
playing and singing with my guitar .

02-03-12, 09:30 AM
For me it's getting lost in a good book, so lost the characters are more real than I am in a way. I find it helps because I can let my emotions out but sort of feel it's through them or for them, itms? I can cry and be happy and go through the range of emotions a good book provides, and it's very cathartic and lets me feel more emotionally stable when I close the book, as though I've sort of used up the surplus emotion in my system and am more on an even keel again. Is that odd?

I also used to enjoy, and am just getting into again, creating computer art such as forum signatures etc.

I also play games, I used to play a major online game but found it was becoming too much of a time sink and no longer healthy for me. Nowadays I tend to play lighter ones, and non-real time ones.

02-03-12, 10:33 AM
I play MMORPG's to transport me into another reality, the final fantasy role play series I have played since the late 90's and I am able to loose myself in them which clears my head. I also like to watch comedy DVD's and videos especially from comedians who talk about real life i.e. Billy Connolly who i do see as an inspiration of how hes got to where he is from such a bad childhood but also because his comedy you can relate to its about real life and you find yourself thinking, "I am not the only one" For me the biggest "calming thign" is to loose myself in someones arms in a hug or snuggle its the only time I feel safe and at peace.

02-03-12, 11:20 AM
Watching TV/Films
Talking to people!

02-03-12, 11:29 AM
Making my art

02-03-12, 12:22 PM
lolcats (http://icanhascheezburger.com/)
I enter lots of competitions (http://www.loquax.co.uk/), it has the upside of sometimes you win (every few hundred anyway!) so you get something!
Fantasy shopping in the ikea catalogue (blush)

02-03-12, 08:12 PM

^ be warned, it's so distracting it's potentially addictive sometimes, but it's *really* distracting!

04-03-12, 04:27 PM
Sometimes nothing will distract me - I try to avoid the news etc - this usually depresses me. I used to meditate, but now it makes me angry.If the depression is really bad I try pornography or booze. Music usually helps.

04-03-12, 05:21 PM
The admin and mod team would not recommend the use of alcohol as a distraction as it is a depressant and rather than distracting may actually make the situation worse.

As to pornography if it works for you that's fine but for many of us it would not be a viable choice.

04-03-12, 06:24 PM
To be honest, my depression has completely trashed my libido, so porn wouldn't work for me. I've also learned the hard way to stay away from booze when depressed.

04-03-12, 06:35 PM
Pron has been know to actually do more harm then good . has a subconscious trait to cause patholgical changes....... as for alcohol it a depression would not do it.

04-03-12, 07:18 PM
Porn... Needs must when the devil drives LF (wasntme)
Not obsessed with it but for me it is an option.
Booze has never done anything for me, I honestly can't see what people see in it. No accounting for taste though.

04-03-12, 10:29 PM
I think porn is really very like alcohol. The odd amount enjoyed responsibly isn't an issue, if you want to that is (nothing wrong with being teetotal either!) but becoming dependant on it or addicted to it, or allowing it to desensitise you to the real world, that's when it's dangerous. As such I wouldn't recommend it as a "go-to" distraction in relation to depression, as using it while in a vulnerable state of mind is going to increase the negative effects.

05-03-12, 12:15 AM
I sometimes wonder if people who write in these forums understand depression or are suffering from it. When I get depressed my only though is to try something that will stop me harming myself in the next 30 seconds... the long term effects are not at all relevant! Because when I am depressed there is no long term! I would be happy to be an addict - rather that than depressed, angry & likely to use self harm as a distraction method (although sometimes I have no choice!)

05-03-12, 12:32 AM
Sidney, everyone here has their own experience of depression, either their own or that of a loved one. I do understand the urge for short-term relief from the depression, but the only way to truly combat it is to FORCE yourself to realise the longterm does exist, and to work for it.

05-03-12, 01:35 AM
My Apologies to anyone offended - Thinking about "the long term", makes me want to vomit (literally) - so I don't. I'm not at the stage where I want to consider that possibility yet - I can only see a future of old age, homelessness & starvation (hopefully hyperthermia before that).

05-03-12, 08:03 AM
How long have you been suffering mental health issues Sidney?

05-03-12, 09:25 AM
My Apologies to anyone offended - Thinking about "the long term", makes me want to vomit (literally) - so I don't. I'm not at the stage where I want to consider that possibility yet - I can only see a future of old age, homelessness & starvation (hopefully hyperthermia before that).

I wasn't offended love, sorry if it sounded that way. I just wanted to reassure you that the people here really do understand! I really think some form of CBT might help you, as the only way to get out of this hole is going to be replacing those negative images of the future with positive ones, to make yourself *want* to get there.


05-03-12, 09:33 AM
EMDR therapy sounds like it may help as that is what i am undertaking to help me get over the traumas causing my depression.

05-03-12, 11:23 AM
Yes was told that there may be some CBT available for me in december by my GP - but not until december coming (just a 12 month wait then!) - keeping my fingers crossed for that. what is EMDR

05-03-12, 11:48 AM
Having said that about porn/booze - I find for the last week I can't find an interest in anything, least of all sex - I guess I have:
1) the stage of my mind needing to find distraction in order to avoid anger (this is when distraction is useful),
2) then the stage where it just sits and cries - at that point distraction dosn't work - only crying is available now.

30-03-12, 01:07 PM
my distraction technique is my pets.....

i keep snakes, everytime i get really low i get a new one. i have 120 now. all are immaculate as i am very OCD about them. it wasnt until recently i realised it though.

people have a go at me for keeping them, they dont understand that they are my one and only passion. they just say to get rid of them etc. i dont want to, the more i have the more time they take up in care etc and the less time i have for thinking about my depression.

but no one understands that :(

30-03-12, 10:07 PM
but no one understands that :(

I understand :) I don't understand why you chose *snakes* (shudder) but I get how important they are to you.

Just be careful you aren't using them as an excuse to avoid other things, like getting out and being social etc.

30-03-12, 11:05 PM
Interesting issue coming up in my head here.
Why does Aspasia think that "getting out and being social" is so high on her agenda, it's got to be as high on everyone else's agenda as well?
Sorry to butt in!

31-03-12, 02:55 PM
its very difficult for me to get and and be social. my best friend moved to the isle of man earlier last year, and my other 2 friends live at the other end of the country to me and i can only see them every few weeks due to financial constraints on the cost of travel...

i see my mum a couple of times a week but at the moment she is pre-occupied with my sister due to her expecting her first child.... that has become the sole focus in my family.

I live in the country so there are no social activities available, and im too scared to go anywhere alone. I cant even go into a shop alone if it is one i have never been in before whilst with someone else.... x

31-03-12, 02:57 PM
snakes are my passion, i love everything about them. they are sophisticated, specialised, diverse and absolutely fascinating :) for me, hatching some eggs is the best feeling ever, seeing those little faces break into the world for the first time x

31-03-12, 03:55 PM
That's fantastic Amanda. I always admire anyone who dares to be different.
Even though 120 snakes reminds me of Harrison Ford in that pit of snakes!

My nephew Paul used to have a tarantula spider that he took out with him.
At another time he had a big lizard that would run up me, and run up the walls.

Little Lulu
31-03-12, 05:00 PM
Not sure about snakes lol. I keep chickens and I love them. They are really comical and full of character. Got three of them who are very tame and they follow me round the garden after treats. And the eggs are wonderful too. They cheer me up on a bad day and I have to look after them so it gets me outdoors even for just a short period when things are bad.

02-04-12, 01:28 AM
Getting out and being social is not allways high on anyone's agenda and quite often we isolate ourselves without realising we are doing it. All of the mod team, not just Aspasia, remind members of the forum to be mindful of isolation as it is hard to break out of and can perpetuate a lot of negative thought and feeling which in turn will not aid recovery.

02-04-12, 05:24 AM
When feeling so low I know its hard to want to get out. But I know with me its the best distraction. Just meeting a friend for coffee is a great distraction for me. Seeing a friend and having a good chat really takes my mind off my depression. It's makes me feel good that I got out and met a friend. But being sociable doesn't just mean having to get out. Picking the phone up and calling someone is a great distraction especially if feeling very vulnerable at that time or having any harmful thoughts.

02-04-12, 08:24 AM
It raised endorphins, gets fresh air, stimulates the need for social interaction, gets exercise... It hits all the positives for helping yourself! Simples! :)

02-04-12, 08:49 PM
but thats ok if you have friends to socialise with.... i do not x

02-04-12, 11:33 PM
Do you have a hobby or an interest that would help you get out and make friends?

03-04-12, 07:42 AM
As MH says, what things do you enjoy doing? Could you make a more social thing about it?
What about just going out for a walk and taking a camera?

04-04-12, 11:44 PM
because i cannot do things like that on my own ;(

04-04-12, 11:53 PM
Why? What is stopping you?

05-04-12, 12:06 AM
i just cant do it, i try to go out on my own but i panic. i cant go into any shops that i havent been in before with someone previously.. i feel sick, and want to run away and hide away from the world :(

05-04-12, 08:02 AM
Can you try just building it up slowly? I don't know where abouts you live but do you have a garden or something where you can start?

13-04-12, 11:24 AM
im ok in the garden, but thats as far as i can get x

20-08-12, 09:20 PM
Knitting and reading I find are wonderful time-wasters

06-10-12, 06:45 AM

^ be warned, it's so distracting it's potentially addictive sometimes, but it's *really* distracting!

Definitely one of my favorite distractions ;) I've also started listening to soothing instrumental music to help keep me calm. My youngest daughter asked me, "What's up with the music mom?" but it really seems to help. My favorite: Claire de Lune by Debussey.

Scarlet Devil
10-10-12, 10:09 AM
(nod) Couldn't agree more. I find it great for procrastination, had never really thought of it as a 'distraction' when I'm feeling low though ....perhaps actually baking all the yummy stuff I pin would be good too!

10-10-12, 01:33 PM
I have found that FB and chatting at times helps to distract me. Mostly though as of lately, I have been using my beading to help. Its calming and fun. It also makes me feel like I have accomplished something.

17-10-12, 12:26 AM
Coloring. It's a soothing and repetitive activity for me.

19-10-12, 07:51 PM
nothing REALLY helps distract me, but I found things to do that give me strength to go on..

~So really, what "helps me" is, clean my apartment (it's become something I look forward to do.. "clean house, clean soul"- so they say!!)

~Draw and paint gives me the opportunity to express my feelings..

~play with my dog and go for walks with her

~friends can help me be distracted in some ways sometimes by being around me and doing things with me

25-10-12, 09:35 AM
One for helping you calm down, that will give you a few moments of solid concentration on something else, is to learn to juggle. The Japanese believe that only the Samurai have the skill it takes to juggle. It takes 100% concentration, so if you feel yourself "loosing it" it can be a great way to distract yourself for five minutes. Several years ago I worked with homeless people. I taught many of them to juggle so that I could use it when they got frustrated and angry.

If you want to learn start with one ball. Throw it from one hand to the other and back, in an ark that peaks in front of your eyes. Watch the top of the arc and learn to catch the ball without watching it into your hand. Then go to two balls. Throw the first from one hand, when it is just past the apex of its arc throw the second in a mirror arc of the first. Practice this until you can throw and catch repeatedly. Then introduce the third ball, As ball 1 starts to fall, just past its apex throw ball two from the other hand. As ball two starts to fall throw ball three from the first hand. It will take you a while but it isn't hugely difficult. Once you get this going there will be no stopping you. Heavier balls can be thrown higher which slows the process down. That technique is called a "3 Ball Cascade". Odd numbers are all juggled on this principal. Even numbers are a different technique (two per hand). If you practice the goal is more than 12. No one has ever been able to juggle more than 12 items.


31-10-12, 04:16 PM
I watch foreign TV shows with English titles that force me to pay attention to what I am looking at. Keeps my mind from wandering into dangerous places. Binge foods help a little, but the end result makes me feel worse so I try not to go that way. Arts and crafts really help show me what I am feeling, and I have all kinds of mediums that I mix and match at whim

02-11-12, 05:28 PM
I enjoy cooking and running the dogs.
Recently, I have become obsessed with minesweep and spider solitair!! I can concentrate on that and stop worrying about other things.

18-11-12, 04:31 AM
I started cross stitching to help distract my mind. I also started a blog about my depression, bipolar and PTSD and the things I am learning in therapy to help me.

07-12-12, 01:02 PM
It really depends on how down I'm feeling sometimes the things I think will be hard to face and make me feel worse actually do the opposite. For example I was sitting watching tv with my flat mate feeling secretly terrible.. Then he said everyone's coming round to watch the football soon.. I was dreading it thinking I'm going to be an anxious mess but actuality the opposite happened.. We had a gd laugh and my mood completly lifted.

07-12-12, 02:29 PM
Then start there. Make that your outside "happy place". I also am without friends. Alas, my problem is that I have pushed most of them away. If you like to garden, go on Pintrest. You can find things for your garden, things to do in your garden, and things that you may never do, but that can be your "fantasy garden". Baby steps! I live in the US in Illinois. We had a Super Walmart open and the first time I went there I had a massive panic attack and had to leave. Since it's open 24 hours a day, I try to go very early in the morning or late at night. Never on the weekend. I also do the same when I shop for groceries. "Happy places" can be anywhere or anything. Your snakes are your happy place. One of my happy places is a gas station that has a cappuccino machine. It has my favorite flavor. Over the years, I have lost a lot of my happy places (distractions). I used to love to read. That's gone. There are a ton of other things that are gone, so I try to find other little things that can be a new "happy place".

07-12-12, 02:40 PM
I don't call them distractions, I call them my "happy places". (nod) Computer games (hidden objects ones are my favorite because I really have to concentrate), Pintrest, facebook, TV shows. Depending on how I'm feeling, cooking or baking makes me feel better.

Dave Baird
12-12-12, 07:44 PM
Some very interesting suggestions here, although I was a bit taken aback by the judgemental replies regarding porn as a distraction. It doesn't work for me, but the last thing I would do is impose my opinion on someone else who does find it useful as a tool. I left Facebook because there were too many negative downsides (for me). I own over twenty guitars and have hardly been able to pick one up in the last five years. I have a dog who is lucky if he gets out for a walk more than once or twice a week. I can't concentrate long enough to read a menu in McDonalds, let alone a book or magazine. Being around people works for a very short period - it doesn't take much to send me into either stress or anxiety around people, and even in the midst of a huge crowd, I am still alone and lonely, as well as stressed and anxious. The very thought of turning every activity as therapy, and evaluating it as such is incredibly depressing. Maybe I am really just a lost cause, after all.

21-01-13, 08:08 PM
lmfao, thought i hit booze to drown sorrows and the bad music i was playing, am male and single so porn goes with out saying lol, keep on rockin in the free world : )

22-01-13, 08:53 PM
I was in work and thought of sydney's earlier post made me laugh again, Distraction techniques for males beer, porn and music lol

30-01-13, 12:16 AM
I always find checking that my animals are ok takes my mind off things

30-01-13, 08:26 AM
I like hidden chronicles as a distraction when things get to much on Zynga

04-03-13, 10:35 AM
I read, if I can manage to hold the words in my head and not re-read the same page multiple times
I blog, it started out to document my migraines so I had the information and has fine in from there, I now have a blog for depression, a blog for my poems (not happy ones I'm afraid) and a random blog, tat I hope to build on if I get better

I found that if I can just stop myself from thinking! I can get by for that amount of time.

04-03-13, 10:37 AM
Sorry cant see an edit and wanted to apologise for the typo I saw after posting. Should say has gone on from there.. My auto correct on phone is worse than I am!

04-03-13, 11:51 AM
Dont worry about the odd typo x

04-03-13, 01:04 PM
Never worry about typos! :)

02-04-13, 02:45 AM
A man I was talking to about depression said the way he bet it was exercise, doesn't matter what form just go out and expand the lungs, get oxygen in to the blood as it feeds the brain, a 15 min walk clears the head from thought, even if its raining, get out and do something, walk the dog, if you dont have a dog borrow one. There are children dying in countrys that would rejoice at seeing rain. Dont make excusses,,! He spoke the truth, it helped me a lot, must say thanks Bob.

08-04-13, 04:46 AM
For me it is computer games and documentaries.

I also read a lot of factual stuff, always online and never books. Stuff about history, science and conspiracies. I find that stuff fascinating. Especially when you read different theories on different things.

I find soaps, Hollywood films with the "happy ending" or love story and most of todays pop culture brings my mood down.

29-04-13, 04:20 PM
Exercise is my most recent distraction with the added bonus that I seem to be fitter than I have ever been. I have always used walking to improve my mood but more strenuous exercise seems to help burn off some of the bad feelings.

23-05-13, 07:27 PM
Cycling off road in the dark, I recommend using good lights though, you'll be concentrating so hard everything else in the world will go away.
Climbing, when on the wall and climbing well I'm so focused it's just me and the wall nothing else.
I use my mp3 player, a lot, first thing I do every morning is put my earphones in.
Reading sometimes works, I can't always just sit and read though so find short stories work better for me.
YouTube, I spend far too much time on YouTube, but is good for discovering new bands through the recommended videos.

26-06-13, 06:37 PM
For me it's getting lost in a good book, so lost the characters are more real than I am in a way. I find it helps because I can let my emotions out but sort of feel it's through them or for them, itms? I can cry and be happy and go through the range of emotions a good book provides, and it's very cathartic and lets me feel more emotionally stable when I close the book, as though I've sort of used up the surplus emotion in my system and am more on an even keel again. Is that odd?

I also used to enjoy, and am just getting into again, creating computer art such as forum signatures etc.

I also play games, I used to play a major online game but found it was becoming too much of a time sink and no longer healthy for me. Nowadays I tend to play lighter ones, and non-real time ones.

This is exactly me! I feel the exact same about reading and I had to give up my games as they were really taking over. I know play games that aren't so intrusive

26-06-13, 07:22 PM
Zumba I get lost in it if could find a class each day I would

29-06-13, 09:38 PM
i do very little. I feel my depression is new so i have not found a distraction.
I lie in bed most of the time and think.
I Do listen to music a lot. Deep purple mostly.

29-06-13, 09:54 PM
Lying in bed is not going to be helping you at all love...

Emms 123
08-01-14, 10:32 AM
That's true, I used to do that when my kids were small. Once they were old enough to go to school on their own, when hubby was at work I'd go back to bed. Often when he was there in the mornings (he worked shifts) I'd lie in bed while he got the kids ready and wouldn't get up til the afternoon. It does you and eveyone round you no good at all, honestly.

13-01-14, 06:03 PM
Do nothing for 2 minutes (http://www.donothingfor2minutes.com/) is peaceful and relaxing, I have used it a few times since finding it late last year and it helps. It's quite nice to just listen to the waves and be calm for a couple of minutes.
Other than that, things that require concentration are often good distraction techniques :) crafty things such as knitting, painting, or drawing are great as you tend to be completely focused on what you are doing and nothing else (with the added bonus of creating something unique and lovely). Exercise is also good for distraction, but from time to time you don't feel like moving around at all. To get around this I put on my 'happy songs' playlist (full of bouncy, happy music, or cheesy crap, anything that makes me smile) and do something like cleaning or just playing with my dog in time with the music. It gets me moving soon enough and trying to concentrate on working to the beat of the music is great (even if it makes me feel really silly!).

16-01-14, 10:53 PM
I've recently taken up fishing (7 months ago) and have found it soooooo theraputic. I find it clears my mind completely of crap, and even when my concentration is akin to that of a gnat I can concentrate on fishing as it's so involving. The other big plus is it gets me outdoors, which is good in the dark winter months as I get to experience much more daylight than I otherwise would with the resulting benefits to health and happiness. I only wish I'd done it years ago, especially as I live on a narrowboat!

26-01-14, 09:17 PM
i find that talking and interaction with people can help,and also going somewhere busy,such as the gym etc etc and getting an endorphin high.But then again,sometimes a good ol cry can help too!!

07-02-14, 03:29 PM
Keeping myself around positive people, knitting, planning for the summer holidays

09-02-14, 10:36 AM
Lolcats is aaalways going to cheer you up! I don't care how down you are, you will at the least crack a smile. Buzzfeed is good for that as well as Humortrain.

Otherwise, I love getting lost in a good book as well, there is nothing so wonderful as getting lost on a completely different planet, time and life.
I also like to write, it's good to get some of the cobwebs out in the mornings and that helps me set up for the day.

09-02-14, 10:50 AM
I love lolcats (rofl) - I oftwn have difficulty concentrating to read when depressed .... on the other hand as a general rule of thumb my solution to almost any problem for as long as I can remember has been 'buy a book'
As you might imagine... I've got a lot of books ;)

09-02-14, 11:35 AM
I have an iPad and follow a site called freedigitalreads.com. Every few days it sends you a list and links to free books in the Amazon kindle store. I now have thousands of books I've yet to read ......

10-02-14, 03:57 PM
this 'time to talk' campaign is right in saying that a cup of tea and a chat can be lifesaving. i was feeling terrible yesterday and was awake until 7 this morning but then my bro came over and we had a cuppa and I'm feeling really good now (rofl) i don't even feel bad that i have to go to work for 6 hours which was unthinkable not long ago. sending big hugs and good vibes to all of you. much love (bear)

02-04-14, 02:48 AM
I really like going to the gym. Working out with my music really distracts me and helps keep my anxiety at bay.
I used to be a runner. Now I just like going for walks by my local trail.
I love to drive around on warm summer nights in the country.
I journal and try and write creatively, whether it be short stories or poetry. It's hard to get into a good book for me.
I wish I could do more volunteering. Last year I tutored kids which was really rewarding.

17-09-14, 03:06 PM
Dont log in to facebook. Play games instead. :)

17-09-14, 09:10 PM
So right.

14-10-14, 12:44 PM
Hello, all. I'm new here and thought I'd share some of my favourite distractions. Mine are running, (I did couch to 5k this year and it has helped me enormously. The only trouble is it's hard to go when the weather is as rainy as it is at the moment!), photography (particularly nature photography when I'm very stressed/down), stroking my pet hamster (he's adorable) and listening to audio books. I love the website booksshouldbefree.com. It has lots of the classics for free. I'm currently listening to Jane Eyre. I'm getting a Kindle soon too, which I think will also be a great distraction! Oh, and occasionally, I love to bake cakes too. :)

14-10-14, 12:54 PM
I use crafts as my destraction. It can be photos, knitting, sewing, glueing and decopage. I can spend weeks on different projects,, and usually have 3 or 4 projects at a time. I can even spend a night colouring in my little ones colouring with her.

S deleted
20-11-14, 11:19 PM
Music is a big distraction for me, although after seeing my CBT therapist, she is trying to stop me using distraction techniques and going down the route on exposure therapy to help with my anxiety.

11-01-15, 02:37 AM
first thing in the morning i put spotify on. once i'm out of bed it's either more music or singing. i hardly stop singing to myself at work. my colleagues think me strange but it's all that gets me through

13-05-15, 05:42 PM
I like house work. I find if you do a couple of hours on the hoover or washing, it really helps to pass the day. I also like music.
(i have to admit i was listening to i want to break free and yes i did do the dance with the hoover (rofl)

14-10-15, 02:35 PM
I used to listen to music to divert my mind.

15-10-15, 12:15 AM
I like house work. I find if you do a couple of hours on the hoover or washing, it really helps to pass the day. I also like music.
(i have to admit i was listening to i want to break free and yes i did do the dance with the hoover (rofl)

The big question is what were you wearing! (rofl)

23-10-15, 02:49 PM
Perhaps that's why I spend so much time gaming, what if its helping me rather than "wasting" my time.

16-11-15, 05:08 AM
Distraction is a technique to come out of the negative mood if you are upset of something. I like to do some of the artistic work that help me to come out of distraction.

16-11-15, 06:10 PM
Little meditation...but that's can be hard.

16-11-15, 06:18 PM
It took me a long time to be able to focus my mind. I have to admit it has been a huge help for me to relax at night before i go to bed.
it is well worth the effort.

Chihuahua Mum
02-12-15, 03:46 PM
Adult colouring books and a huge selection of felt tips!

02-12-15, 03:48 PM
A little exercise. While you are walking or running or swimming you can sort things out in your head. Great help to me.

02-12-15, 07:36 PM
Adult colouring books and a huge selection of felt tips!

Yep colouring books while listening to classical music, going for a short walk helps too.

Chihuahua Mum
02-12-15, 11:07 PM
Counsellor told me this method for distracting oneself.

1. Look around and say 5 things you can see
2. Look for 4 things you can touch
3. 3 things you can hear
4. 2 things you can smell
5. 1 thing you can taste

This is a nice idea in theory but I find when I'm having a "funny" day I can't concentrate at all. I wasn't even listening as she was explaining this so I'm hoping it's correct, it's something along those lines anyway!

10-01-16, 07:22 AM
Distractions has been a big help for me, figure keeping my mind occupied with a task or a interest has helped keep me sane.. few of mine are:
-gardening / growing foods
-trying new hobbies...

10-01-16, 09:41 AM
Gardening (this is great for long summer sunny days)
DIY (nothing like using your hands to make or repair stuff)
Gaming PS Vita, PSP or 3DS (tend to fall asleep while playing these days)
Walking (fairly short lived effect)
Jigsaws (did these years ago only recently started again)

02-02-16, 01:27 PM
tidying my garage

02-02-16, 01:29 PM
Hi Stephen, good to meet you? When you're ready, it would be great if you could tell yourself a little about you :)

11-05-16, 06:36 PM
Just going to pitch in as a forum newb but long time coper.
I feel there are 3 types of stages and activities that can help for cope which worked for me as a complete loner. I hope it helps for others:

1- the Catatonic state
Cant move, get out of bed. Lowest energy.
Distraction: audiobooks, just roll over, put on Bleak Expectations by radio 4 or a Terry Pratchett Discworld audio book and just enjoy the comedy. Laughter can be the best medicine if not a distraction at the very least.

2- the Sloth state
Excuses for everything, wont leave house, wont do work, hours of convincing yourself to do anything. Some energy.
Distraction: make a list of all things you have to do in town that you can do in one fell swoop eg pick up your favorite foods, check bank from atm, see what offers are available in clothes/video/cd/supermarket shops, pick up leaflets at tourist information centres, library visit.
Make it a full round journey thinking only on the destination and what you want to do there, even if its an hour out and you're listening to audiobooks/music all the way through, you've been out and done all the seemingly annoying tasks that needed to be done outside of home so that you can enjoy your results at home.

3- Motivation spike, or the "Meh"-state
A moment of time you feel you want to do something but feel everything is boring.
Distraction: go swimming, gym, biking, walking, running- just get out of the house. These moments might be rare, so take the opportunity to do it, get used to being outside and dont forget your media player in case things get boring or your mind starts fizzing again. Dont force yourself to make a routine of it, just do it when you can or you might feel guilty for breaking a routine.

Bonus: Any time at all. Look for comedy. Every time I found my self feeling low I've always turned to Comedy.
Gabriel Inglesias is a stand up comedian that has made me laugh tears even in the darkest times. Some let's play personalities like Markiplier or Game Grumps are also funny. Comedy Based cartoons and anime as well has helped too where I veg out and binge watch a whole series with a happy grin across my face.
These might not be for you but I thought I'd throw in my two cents and hope this helps people.

15-05-16, 08:33 PM
Football podcasts, watching old re-runs of classic comedies (Only Fools and Horses being my favourite) and sitting down noodling with the guitar on my lap and hoping my No.1 hit wonder will come out making me millions overnight! (grin)

16-06-16, 11:22 AM
Okay that’s all set. That’s good way to distract from depression as we have many gadgets accessible and many things interesting so why not to adopt ways of getting rid of depression a stupid thing from our life. Why we will think about things which increase or depression level. I read a study that repetitive depression can make hippocampus smaller. Why we need to care about careless factors? We have our life and things we have to manage and organize for future betterment.

16-06-16, 12:02 PM
Okay that’s all set. That’s good way to distract from depression as we have many gadgets accessible and many things interesting so why not to adopt ways of getting rid of depression a stupid thing from our life. Why we will think about things which increase or depression level. I read a study that repetitive depression can make hippocampus smaller. Why we need to care about careless factors? We have our life and things we have to manage and organize for future betterment.

Hi and welcome. I'm not quite sure what you mean here, but it would be great if you could start your own thread so we can get to know you a,bit better :)

17-06-16, 12:53 PM
Hi there,

wondering if someone can relate to this? Due to PTSD i have difficuilty handling certain emotions.
I understand this processes intellectually but tackling emotional triggers has turned out to be a hell of a lot of work. Dont get me wrong, the willing to change/transform is there but it is extremely hard and nerv wracking.

I get extremely furious when people come across authoritative or proud (Which of course comes out of a feeling of inferiority, fear, Anger) I want to then make this person feel shame, to show that i am way better and smarter. This has created some problems in my history.
After therapy my situation got better but there are still moments where this feeling gets on to the surface.

Has someone got any advices?


17-06-16, 09:47 PM
Have you had more specific therapy? Could you be referred for more?

12-03-17, 10:45 PM
I have just started playing Animal Crossing Wild World on Nintendo DS and find it a really helpful soothing activity. It is therapeutic with the soft sounds and little animals and colours and you can get lost for a couple of hours in your own virtual world, tending flowers, catching bugs or decorating your home.

Another thing I do a lot is read. Sometimes I like to catch up with my favourite bloggers on youtube which is also soothing, or I will colour (I coloured before the adult colouring hype) but it is so relaxing! Cleaning is also good and it stops me festering in bed and smells great :~) Thankyou for this sticky, I will keep looking to find new tips x

30-05-17, 02:40 PM
As a way to distract myself from a whole bunch of things, I made this youtube channel, comedy based, but I've been wanting to make videos on more mental illness things and I did my first ever video on this, with a bit of humor called "Dealing with Emotions". It would help so much if you could check the video out and maybe subscribe. I've been feeling really bad lately and I would be so appreciative if you could!!

30-05-17, 03:19 PM
Hi and welcome sgchdra. I've removed the link from your post. It's nothing personal. We just like to get to know members more before they post links to external sites. We have a responsibility to our members and have had to deal with a lot of people signing up to advertise their own stuff and disappear again. That isn't what this place is for. By all means, feel free to post and let us support you, we just generally don't allow links in a first post. :)

24-07-17, 04:29 AM
A lot of great suggestions have been made how to occupy their time to handle overwhelming thoughts. Fishing has been a real nice activity I've been recently enjoying and really helps as I am a nature lover. Goes well with my hiking and such. There's one thing many have not mentioned that really helps cope with negative thoughts on a sociology level. If your feeling anti-social, distrusting and insecure then maybe this hobby will illiviate those thoughts and feelings.

The hobby I'm gonna reference has been around for about 127yrs now and involves electrical engineering technology, science, nature, survival preparedness, emergency preparedness, astrology, radio engineering, broadcasting, and a broad range of discussions that can relate to everyone. This hobby is called Ham Radio, or Amatuer Radio Broadcasting.

It's a neat hobby that involves wireless communications that will keep you active learning how to build a radio station suited for your wallet. It has a community of people who relate themselves to bettering the human race and encourages others to become embassadors of good will world wide. There's is no prejudismn. There's no color, religion, race, or creed barrier. When I'm feeling alone, anti-social and depressed for some reason I turn on my transceiver and it goes away. I'm proficient in Morse code up to 30wpm and enjoy it when I don't feel like talking. The Morse helps me concentrate on the code and nothing else.

You'll be surprised at the melting pot of people involved in this wonderful hobby. I've met and made friends all over the world which has allowed me to meet some wonderful people. I've spoken with Princess's, Kings and embassadors of other countries. From top military personal, astronauts, politicians, famous radio broadcasters like Walter Cronkite, to your blue color worker from every occupation imaginable.

I've been a ham for over 27 years and still love it as much today as I did then. When my days are down I turn on the rig and if it's searching for a foreign radio station (S.W.L.), military signal, space signal, DX chasing to "Radio Contesting" it's been my drug that calms me, makes me happy and allows me to forget all. Not my Lexapro.

Hope this gets to everyone and if you have any questions how to get started in your country don't be afraid to ask. You will enjoy associating with many people from all over the world in your field of interest both job, or hobby related.

As we say in the ham community, 73 (best reguards and be well).

24-07-17, 10:00 AM
I'm so glad you've found something to help and it does sound cool.. I think in this country you need a license.

25-07-17, 01:40 AM
That would be correct as I am a licensed here, but it is not difficult to obtain. In fact it can be the distraction and the motivator that you need. After that it's a great accomplishment and you will feel great about it. You are now part of something others are not privileged to be a part of.

That would be correct as I am licensed here, but it is not difficult to obtain. In fact it can be the distraction and the motivator that you need. After that it's a great accomplishment and you will feel great about it. You are now part of something others are not privileged to be a part of.

It's very well worth looking in too.

25-07-17, 10:51 AM
I've got a short wave receiver and used to listen to foreign stations and amateurs and may have even gone for a license if there wasn't the need to learn morse code (not sure if that is still a requirement). Short wave is largely rendered obsolete with the internet and being able to chat all over the world. Though tinkering with electronics and chatting via radio does seem a good hobby. :)

26-11-17, 10:06 AM
children's cartoons.

it might seem a strange one (given my age), but it really works.

programmes like the loud house, peppa pig or ben and holly really distract me.

try it

they are short enough to distract you for a while

16-01-18, 05:37 PM
I do the same thing, there is something so calming when watching kids shows or Disney movies :)
they are my favorite.
i love all these ideas, i plan to try lots of them. :)

children's cartoons.

it might seem a strange one (given my age), but it really works.

programmes like the loud house, peppa pig or ben and holly really distract me.

try it

they are short enough to distract you for a while

16-02-18, 07:07 PM
Still trying to find my feet.

16-02-18, 09:12 PM
You'll get there.

16-02-18, 09:15 PM
Horrible feeling this x

16-02-18, 09:19 PM
Can you try some of the distraction techniques or call a helpline if you want/need to?

30-03-18, 10:56 AM
To kill depression I go for a small tour on my beautiful *Link removed by Admin as per DWD rules* scooter.

08-06-20, 09:03 AM
Copied from our "Archive Forum" here: http://archive.dealingwithdepression.co.uk/index.php?topic=5262.0

Not originally by me, all credit goes to the original posters!

Distraction is OK but it has to be done very often and it doesnt always work. Distraction doesnt solve the issue, it helps cope with it. i think all issues should be confronted and addressed in a counterproductive way.

08-06-20, 10:24 AM
There’s nothing wrong with doing something that helps cope. And not all issues can be confronted and addressed immediately, so whatever we can do to cope......

08-06-20, 12:01 PM
Distraction can stop someone from self harming or killing themselves. Distraction is a very important coping strategy.

08-07-20, 04:55 AM
Distraction can stop someone from self harming or killing themselves. Distraction is a very important coping strategy.

This is so true! I wish I knew about that sooner. Last time I used to just sit in my room and complained how life is boring. But now, I go out and try to find new projects to do. I always keep myself busy now!

27-07-20, 05:49 AM
when you came crossed your depression you can also just go to sleep. it will heal as you woke up. sleeping help relaxing the body. sometimes, you feel depressed because you're tired.

27-10-20, 09:25 PM
Music everytime for me, listening to...and attempting to play the guitar. I also like to meditate...helps me realize that my thoughts are not me... they can just be observed. Keeping my mind in the present moment, consciously, is a helpfull skill i find