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View Full Version : Happy birthday DWD!

17-01-24, 08:48 AM
Today is DWD’s 17th birthday! Something that Suzi started from her sofa has grown and grown over the years to a wonderful community of people who want to be there for each other.

I joined DWD in 2012 having no idea what to expect, and instantly felt welcomed, cared about and, frankly, home. Over the years DWD has supported me, encouraged and emboldened me, and has been a huge part in helping get me through some of the worst periods in my life. The trust that Suzi placed in me and the team is humbling and, as we hope to build on the dream she had for this community, we know that it is only with the contribution of every single member of DWD that we can make that happen.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what DWD has meant in your lives, so feel free to comment ;)

https://i.ibb.co/vsMXDYq/IMG-1234.jpg (https://ibb.co/9wdZGtg)
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17-01-24, 10:12 AM
I joined DWD at the end of 2015 and was instantly made welcome I was going through a difficult time and felt very isolated since then I've become a different person who's much more outgoing and happier.

I'll raise a glass of my favourite tipple (in my case a hot choc with cream) to Suzi who had the knack of always saying the right thing and say a big thank you to Paula, Magie and Jaq for their tireless efforts in keeping DWD going and not forgetting Struggling Mum who joined the DWD mod team comparatively recently.

17-01-24, 02:11 PM
I joined in 2014 and I've been hanging around like a bad smell ever since!
Seriously, I was made to feel welcome from the very first day! At first I was quite shy, and it might have been a slow start, but now you can't shut me up.
Of course our Suzi was an inspiration, absolutely the ground fell from under us when she had to leave so suddenly. Honestly, I for one am still trying to find my feet. The best advice Suzi said, was take things one at a time, one breath at a time, and has left us with the lovely saying - wwSs - what would Suzi say?

17-01-24, 05:09 PM
I’ve spoken time and time again about the impact that Suzi & DWD have had in my life and changed everything. I wish I could be back to the days when I felt a part of the community as you put it.

Today doesn’t feel like a day of celebrating. It’s just not the same without Suzi here. I miss her so much.

17-01-24, 07:40 PM
Suzi would have wanted us to celebrate that DWD has made it through a very difficult year, and reached its 17th birthday.