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08-01-24, 05:01 PM
I'm not sure how to explain this properly but has anyone woken up suddenly in middle of night, with a gasp/heart racing. It happened 3/4 times on Friday and 2 times last night...any ideas?

08-01-24, 05:05 PM
It could be any number of things, including anxiety. But if it’s an ongoing issue, you need to speak to the doctor.

08-01-24, 05:34 PM
I get that with nightmares. X

15-01-24, 08:38 PM
Session tomorrow and although there have been a few dramas this week....none of them have been mine, so I'm keeping myself away from it all, as although I'm doing pretty OK, I don't want any of that. had to leave my workplace early....not that it's a bad thing....I didn't want to be there anyway but because of some issues with childcare, I couldn't work my last 2 week notice. Worked out OK, because I'll have 2 weeks off before starting new job on 22nd Jan. I'm going from working as a Veterinary Receptionist, which I hated to working as a Veterinary Nurse again and I tell ya, I couldn't be more excited to get back into the operating theatre. Hope you're all doing OK guys

15-01-24, 11:10 PM
I’m so chuffed you’ve found something that means you can go back to what you love! What are your hours? Is it easy to get to?

Could please refrain from opening up a new thread whoever you would to talk about a different situation? Keeping them all together, unless they’re on specialist parts of the forum, keeps it easier for all of us to be clear about the history behind everything you’re saying - and therefore makes it easier for us all to support you. I’ll be merging your 2 recent threads. Thanks, love

15-01-24, 11:16 PM
I'm so pleased you're doing ok.
Things sound really positive for you. Hope your session goes well tomorrow

16-01-24, 07:57 PM
The hours will be either 8-1 or 2-7....so much better than the hours I have now. It'll be easier to get to, yeh. So all is good with that!

18-01-24, 11:20 AM
Start new job on Monday! Although I'm excited....I'm also a little scared now! They've sent me 3 week rota and the majority of it is theatre work....which, again, I'm excited about but I also have my head telling me things...like I'm not good enough, I'm going to mess up, they aren't going to like me, I'm not going to be able to do it etc etc....and I think it's because I haven't done any theatre work since Nov 2022! Hopefully, once I get into it properly, I'll be better....not completely better, because I don't think that feeling of not being good enough will ever go away! I need to give myself a real pep talk....Monday is an induction day, I have Tuesday off....so I'll speak to therapist before starting properly in theatre on Wed...I'm hoping she can help and get me to challenge the way I'm thinking and how I think other people will think of me. It's exhausting! What can I do for myself to help with all this? Any ideas?

18-01-24, 11:39 AM
You can remember that they wouldn’t have recruited you if you didn’t have the skills to do the job! But it’s a good idea to get so,e help from your counsellor. You’ll be awesome!

19-01-24, 07:00 PM
You are going to be brilliant and I'm sure once you're back in the environment everything will come back to you. Good luck

22-01-24, 05:40 PM
Hope today went ok for you. X

24-01-24, 11:35 AM
How’s it going, love?

28-01-24, 10:00 AM
It's been ok, to start but not now and I don't even know. I don't know what's going on with me! I was excited for this job, I really was but my head is just against me, even more so this week (not sure of because last session was a really hard one) but I keep telling myself I can't do it, no one likes.me, I'm rubbish, I should just leave and now I feel like I don't even want to do any of it anymore and I don't want to be there! It's messed up! I'm bloody messed up! It's a complete 180

28-01-24, 10:01 AM
You can do it! And love, you’re an absolute sweetie, there is no possibility that they don’t like you. Ignore the overthinking, and just enjoy doing the job you wanted

28-01-24, 10:14 AM
Aw, thank you for that nice comment!