View Full Version : Having a bit of a dip

12-11-23, 07:03 PM
Could be a number of reasons, I'm not even sure what's going on with me. Do you ever feel this way? Like, you're just sad/tearful and there may be a few contributing factors and I don't know which is bothering me more. Does this sound strange? I don't know

12-11-23, 08:08 PM
It sounds completely normal to me. Recovery isn't a straight line and it's important to remember that a few bad days doesn't mean things are going back to how they were. Even people without mental illness have bad days

12-11-23, 09:27 PM
Completely normal. One psychiatrist once told me that even those without MH issues have good and bad days, why should I be any different? Harsh but true…

13-11-23, 01:33 PM
We all have our ups and downs it's quite normal as Jaq and Paula mentioned as sure as eggs is eggs things will improve.

19-11-23, 08:39 AM
Hey, gorgeous, how are you doing?

22-11-23, 10:37 PM
My head is a strange place right now! I have had a run of days.....well, maybe run is the wrong word, when I have cartilage damage in my right knee ���� but anyway, I can have a run of good days, where I feel like I'm doing ok....and that's how it's been, there have been issues with work but I've straightened that out. Strange thing is that....and I don't even know how to explain properly but it's like....I'm thinking of the things I do that make me feel rubbish again because I don't believe I should be feeling "ok" I've probably said similar to this before but I'm bringing up again, as it's how I feel now. Why can I not just be ok with being ok?! This isn't just me, is it?

22-11-23, 11:59 PM
No, love, it’s not just you. I’m so good at talking myself into a low mood/being anxious etc. That’s when talking to the people who know you and care about you is so important. That’s why an environment such as DWD is vital - we can talk out how we’re feeling and be reassured that this is normal and will pass (panda)

23-11-23, 08:43 AM
Thank you! and thank you for checking up on me!

23-11-23, 09:51 AM
Anytime, love