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View Full Version : Is it me?

12-05-23, 01:22 PM
Hmm....do you ever wonder, if its you? If its you that's keeping yourself stuck in the depressive cycle? I'm going to try and make sense, but to be honest....I'm not even sure what I'm talking about! I go through periods where I feel OK...but then, it's like, I can only feel ok for a couple of days before something happens or something is said to make me start thinking off all the sh*t again. I'm doing the therapy and medication now, but I sometimes wish I had done it all sooner and reclaimed my life. See, now at 38 I feel like this is just it and this is what my life is always going to be about.....all the things that happened because, for some reason, I can't let go and move on from it all. I feel like I'm keeping myself stuck and I should be doing more for myself but it's just so hard

12-05-23, 01:36 PM
Oh huni, I have often felt like that.
It takes time to change our thought processes as they are so ingrained but with time and therapy I fully believe life will get better for you. Dont be so hard on yourself.
The biggest thing to grasp hold of is that you are worthy of better, you deserve better and you are going to fight for better for yourself. I believe in you. Xx

12-05-23, 01:41 PM
It's a work in progress so you need to be kind to yourself. You didn't get I'll overnight lovely, it will take time to get well again(panda)

20-05-23, 04:27 PM
Hi, lovely, how’s things?