View Full Version : Friday Fab 5's: Friday 31st March 2023

31-03-23, 09:44 AM
Morning all! Woohoo! 'Tis Friday!
So, in the epic DWD fashion, I ask you the most important question you will be asked today.... *pauses for drum roll and dramatic effect*…

What 5 things have been positive or made you smile this week?

Remember, they don't have to be "danced in the rain like no one was watching," or, "beat the Guinness world record for star jumps," but they could be, "saw and appreciated some nature in my garden," "took my meds as prescribed" or "posted in the Fab 5s."

Also, remember - NO NEGATIVITY or it will be removed.

Mine to get you started in no particular order:

~ The DWD teams
~ Was open and honest with my little family
~ Shopping with our middle one
~ Spending time with our youngest
~ Plans

Your turn!

31-03-23, 10:00 AM
Oooo “plans” sounds exciting, Suzi!

- my riser recliner has been delivered (it’ll hopefully be hauled upstairs on Sunday)
- so much pride in how well Katie is dealing with a truly horrible situation
- making pink gin, I’m testing it tonight ;). Though it’s come out more like amber gin - or wee coloured according to Si…..
- crying with laughter over Katie retelling how Mango (her ‘not quite there’ cat) giving himself conjunctivitis by impaling himself on Katie’s toenail (rofl)

31-03-23, 10:06 AM
(rofl) (rofl) at wee coloured gin and mango!

Plans - yup, the current theory is that instead of Marc going to Wales to pick up Ben, his GF and his gecko - Spike, and then take them back a couple of days later, that actually Marc, H + F and I would tootle to Wales to take them out for lunch and a wander round Cardiff or something. It's easier on Marc, and it'll be nice to have a day out and meet them on their turf itms?

31-03-23, 10:07 AM
That’s sounds like an awesome plan!

31-03-23, 05:09 PM
I'm really excited about it. We get to go, have lunch, talk to them both and apparently Cardiff is really flat, and very accessible for wheelchairs! Woohoo!

31-03-23, 05:23 PM