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17-01-23, 08:41 AM
Today is DWDs 16th birthday!

I can't believe we've been here for all that time! It's wonderful as I still speak to some of the original members and team members. It blows my mind how many people we interact with (either as part of the forum or the FB page) from all over the world every single day.

I am always humbled when we hear lovely comments, and am always so thrilled for anyone who is working one step at a time and shares positive things.

I can't believe that all of this started through a conversation with a friend of mine and DWD was born. We've always been busy, which sadly shows how needed we are, but I'm also so grateful for those who have come into my life whom I wouldn't likely have met without her. I am so humbled when I speak to people who say things like they don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for DWD and having somewhere safe to talk.

Thank you all, for chatting to me whilst I sit on my sofa!

Suzi x

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17-01-23, 08:53 AM
Happy birthday, DWD! (party)(party)

This place has got me through some scary times and I’ll always be grateful for that. But, most of all, I’ve made some amazing friends!

17-01-23, 02:48 PM
I was first diagnosed back in 2009, and I found this little slice of heaven in 2014. You have seen me through some very dark days, and some nights, and on the flip side, I've celebrated some very good days too. A million thanks wouldn't be enough for all you've done for me. It's so nice to be able to come here every day and know that there is someone listening.

17-01-23, 04:03 PM
I love you both so much!

17-01-23, 04:19 PM
I can only second what Magie and Paula have said. This place kept me going when I felt like giving up. It's a safe haven and you should be very proud!

17-01-23, 06:28 PM
I couldn't be prouder! But she is what she is because of all the amazing members and team members who've been here with me for all that time! There is no way I could do this on my own.

17-01-23, 06:36 PM
16 years....wow! I had no idea the site had been up for so long! What an achievement. Happy Birthday DWD! I'm so grateful for this site and the lovely people on here....don't know what I'd do without this site, especially recently! Well done :) xxx

17-01-23, 06:37 PM
So lovely to have met you and had the chance to get to know you! :) And yes, we've been here for what simultaneously feels like a matter of weeks to forever....