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19-03-23, 12:02 PM
So glad you had a good time! Pacing a bit today/this week?

19-03-23, 03:00 PM
Tonight we’re going out for dinner, tomorrows work and Tuesdays physio……

19-03-23, 09:06 PM
Hope you've had a lovely dinner! Ouch for work and physio...

20-03-23, 02:48 PM
I might be a tiny bit broken. I’ve cancelled physio tomorrow….

20-03-23, 04:39 PM
Only do what you are able. If you need rest, then rest. Can you reschedule your physio for later in the week?

20-03-23, 05:19 PM
I’ve rescheduled. He’s on leave next week so it’s not for a couple of weeks, but that’s how exhausted and sore I am, I didn’t even question it lol

20-03-23, 07:44 PM
Sounds like you need a real recharge(panda)

20-03-23, 09:40 PM
Aww hunni, can you rest and pace?

20-03-23, 10:43 PM
Tomorrow will be a ‘do as little as possible’ day. I probably shouldn’t have gone to work this morning but I did. I’ve also agreed to do a second shift on Thursdays

21-03-23, 11:38 AM
Erm, why have you agreed to a second shift if you're struggling????

21-03-23, 12:49 PM
I was only struggling because the last few weeks have been so hectic. And I’ve already been doing a second shift recently to cover another volunteer. I want to do a second one because, if I’m going to get back into paid work, I need to build up my stamina ;)

21-03-23, 01:32 PM
That makes sense.

21-03-23, 08:42 PM
I totally understand it love! You've got this, I know you have.

22-03-23, 05:00 PM
FINALLY I’ve got Si to agree to getting me a riser recliner! Doing a little happy dance right now ;)

22-03-23, 07:11 PM
Woohoo! I've been looking at those too! Come to the mobility shop where I got my wheelchair! Although it might be a bit of a jaunt lol...

22-03-23, 08:11 PM
Just a little ;)

22-03-23, 09:26 PM
Pfft, I question your dedication! :)

22-03-23, 10:11 PM

25-03-23, 02:05 PM
Horrible, horrible day. Dom's mum has been found by his dad and aunt, passed away. I don't know much more, Dom and Katie are on their way over there and she'll update me when she knows whats going on. She was in hospital a few days ago with a large gash on her head, and they wanted to admit her to detox but she refused.... She had originally refused to even go to hospital til the paramedics threatened to call the police to make her go

25-03-23, 06:51 PM
O love I'm so so sorry. What an awful situation. Thinking of Katie and Dom.

25-03-23, 09:55 PM
OMG that's beyond awful. Sending so much love to you all.. I feel so much for them. Alcohol is such a dangerous drug and so underestimated.

25-03-23, 10:29 PM
Well, she was found in bed, which I hope is a comfort. But the police were there and an autopsy has to be done, just because it is in theory unexplained. I don’t know how Dom is going to feel, he doesn’t do emotions but he hadn’t seen his mum for months as he’d given up on her. Katie’s going to need to be his crutch for a while, I think. I’m glad I raised a strong, compassionate woman

26-03-23, 10:51 AM
I feel for Dom so much. It was always hard enough for Marc when he didn't know what state he'd find his Dad in.... I know Katie will be there for Dom and you will be there for Katie. Please know that I/we are here to help you too.

26-03-23, 07:03 PM
Poor Dom! That's absolutely awful!

27-03-23, 08:23 PM
Hey love, how are things?

27-03-23, 08:38 PM
They’re going to clear the house tomorrow - apparently it’s a pigsty with bin bags full of bottles and a whole room completely full of beer crates….. it’s just horrendous how this disease destroyed her life - her partner left, neither of her children talking to her. Even her sister had given her an ultimatum.

27-03-23, 09:11 PM
It's such a hideous disease... It spreads through families and destroys so much - and yet unlike other drugs it's totally legal to go and buy it and drink it whenever... My heart goes out to him and the whole family. It's good that he's got Katie to be there for him and you all to help support her. It's just so horrible.

27-03-23, 10:34 PM

28-03-23, 10:50 AM
Just checking in on you love. Have you been able to rest/pace at all?

28-03-23, 11:49 AM
Today, although I’ll be studying, I’m completely on my own. So, I’m taking everything at my own pace today.

28-03-23, 03:10 PM
So much for studying. I got about an hour done, then got a call from the MH centre asking me to do a crisis and safety plan. I thought it’d be 10 minutes….. 40 minutes later, my hands hurting from holding the phone and I’m exhausted!

29-03-23, 10:44 AM
Oh no! Was that for you or for someone else? How are your hands today? What's on your agenda? How are things?

29-03-23, 10:48 AM
It was for me. She did say I’d answered the questions about as fully as she’d ever heard ;). I’m ok, hands are ok. I was just really exhausted by it so I rested. I’m ok today.

29-03-23, 11:08 AM
Well done love. It's so hard to talk about things and having to be open and honest about how things can be. Glad you rested, what are you up to today?

29-03-23, 01:29 PM
The assignment I didn’t do yesterday lol

29-03-23, 04:38 PM
(rofl) (rofl) (rofl)

30-03-23, 04:06 PM
Ive been really anxious today. I was supposed to meet a friend from coffee after my shift, I waited for a bit and she did t turn up, then I had to get out of there (turns out her message didn’t come through, her child was poorly). Hate this, but glad I was able to get through my shift though

30-03-23, 08:15 PM
(panda) how are you doing now? Resting I hope?

30-03-23, 08:28 PM
I have spent the afternoon buried in a book, so calmer now, thanks

31-03-23, 10:03 AM
Sorry love...

How are you today? How's everything with Katie/Dom? It's not surprising your anxiety is flaring a bit love, there's an awful lot of "stuff" piling on around you right now.

31-03-23, 10:11 AM
I’m ok. Study day today so I can bury myself in that. I’m immensely proud of how Katie and Dom are holding up atm, I’m not sure I’d have done as well in these circumstances at their age. Dom’s dad is spending Saturday night with them, I think they all are keen to be with family as much as possible itms. I think they want to get the funeral sorted but are waiting for the autopsy to be done.

31-03-23, 05:12 PM
It's a horrible thing when you can't get closure as you are waiting for one piece of paper to be able to do the next hurdle. It was awful with my Mum, so I offer all my sympathies. I'm glad they have each other to help them through it all though.

04-04-23, 08:11 PM
Had a physio appointment this evening. I’ve been really struggling lately with my knee, hand, foot, back and hip. When he was massaging me he said my muscles in my back and hip were as taut as guitar strings. So we’ve changed things up…..I didn’t want to lose the progress I’ve made with being stronger, better balanced and walking better. I’m to try doing the exercises every other day and he’s changed them all to be less about strength and more about movement. I hope it helps because I’m at my wits end with it.

He did start talking about other methods of pain relief inc chilli patches (https://www.circlehealthgroup.co.uk/treatments/qutenza-patch-treatment?_its=JTdCJTIydmlkJTIyJTNBJTIyZWUwMWE1ZTg tNjJkZC00Y2ZhLTgyNGItZDA3MWVlMmE5ZmJkJTIyJTJDJTIyc 3RhdGUlMjIlM0ElMjJybHR%2BMTY4MDYzNTM4N35sYW5kfjJfN DYyMTlfc2VvX2VjZDFhYjk3MWQ1NGJjMjg5ZDEyMjMwMWRmMzB hNDY0JTIyJTJDJTIyc2l0ZUlkJTIyJTNBMTk3MzYlN0Q%3D#ar ia-panel-1) but I’m not sure - my boss had them and had a nasty reaction. Though that doesn’t mean I would

04-04-23, 11:01 PM
Not heard of that, but it does sound interesting... What do you think about it?

04-04-23, 11:14 PM
Honestly? I’m reluctant, my boss really had a hard time after having it. And, as Si pointed out, we need to try to deal with the cause, rather than just trying to cope with the symptoms

I must be struggling tonight, Si’s has suggested I might be more comfortable in my new chair. He may have a point ;)

04-04-23, 11:15 PM
How is the new chair?

If you're reluctant then maybe put it on a back burner? Are there other things you can try first? Are you in contact with the pain team?

04-04-23, 11:25 PM
I’ll go back to my consultant if I need to. My boss actually gave me some lidocaine patches a couple of months ago(unsolicited). I didn’t use them as I don’t like taking meds I wasn’t prescribed, although I’ve not found any contraindications with any of my meds. I’m sitting here with the patches in my lap and am so tempted.

05-04-23, 12:03 AM
If it has the chance of helping then is it worth trying? Although I'd always suggest in the morning in case of an allergic reaction...

05-04-23, 12:14 AM
Nope, couldn’t bear it any longer without trying lol

Oh, and chair is super comfy - another of its tricks is it reclines flat, with a footrest, so I can sleep on it

05-04-23, 11:30 AM
How did it go? Something to try longer?

That's my plan to get one that does that too ;) But I need to replace the sofas for everyone else too!

05-04-23, 12:36 PM

I’ll give the patches a couple of days and, assuming they continue to help, then ring the doctors to get a prescription

05-04-23, 12:43 PM
Oh that's really great!

08-04-23, 02:13 PM
So, last night I forgot to take my night time meds - which includes amitriptyline. I didn’t sleep well (mainly due to a very vivid dream (thankfully involving my husband ;)), and I never have vivid dreams anymore especially not ones that make me blush. Also, this morning I was up and about, without falling asleep over my breakfast and my Spanish lesson accuracy increased by 10%! I think it’s quite clear what drugs are causing brain fog and a general lack of energy. But, the ami are at a really high dose because it’s for my mental health and chronic pain. So what do I compromise? Maybe it’s time to talk to the doctor

08-04-23, 02:48 PM
Maybe it is time Paula. Perhaps after the long weekend?

09-04-23, 09:02 AM
Definitely talk to your Dr love. There's such a fine balance between helping and causing so many side effects...

How are you this morning?

09-04-23, 09:41 AM
I’m ok, had a good 8 hours sleep, which is always good ;)

09-04-23, 11:01 AM
Paula talking to your doctor is a good idea it some of your meds are causing brain fog.

09-04-23, 08:28 PM
Is it really bad of me that I can’t remember how old my godson is next week? (think)

09-04-23, 11:30 PM
Is it really bad of me that I can’t remember how old my godson is next week? (think)

Definitely not! I forget things like that all the time. I've taken to checking my FB memories for some of it lol

11-04-23, 11:08 PM
We’ve just found out Jess’s godfather has endocarditis due to his prosthetic valve and he’s really poorly - his results are being sent to the Royal Brompton for ideas…. ;(

12-04-23, 10:14 AM
Fingers crossed they can do something for him (panda)

12-04-23, 10:22 AM
Oh love, I'm sorry... Hope that something can be done to help him...

13-04-23, 05:00 PM
Well, the title of this thread seems very relevant today. After much soul searching and research, I’ve almost decided to go to university (well, the OU) and do a Ba Hons in Health and Social Care. Not terrified at all!

13-04-23, 05:43 PM
Ooh!!!! You'll absolutely nail it! And they are so supportive!

13-04-23, 08:06 PM
WOW! That's awesome! You'll be totally brilliant!

13-04-23, 08:13 PM
It’s going to take 6 years though, lol

13-04-23, 08:21 PM
You can study full time if you want ;)

13-04-23, 08:27 PM
God no, we’ve talked about that and neither one of us think I’m up to that….

13-04-23, 10:00 PM
Doesn't matter how long it takes....

13-04-23, 10:43 PM
No. Si pointed out that I’m not going to do this for a future career (as I’ll be way too old lol) - but because I want to.

14-04-23, 09:36 AM
Isn't that the best reason to do something?

14-04-23, 10:26 AM
That’s very true!

14-04-23, 04:11 PM
Well, the title of this thread seems very relevant today. After much soul searching and research, I’ve almost decided to go to university (well, the OU) and do a Ba Hons in Health and Social Care. Not terrified at all!

You've got this you'll ace it.

29-04-23, 10:31 PM
Tonight, I went to see Giovanni Pernice’s show with my eldest. It was fab! Brilliant! We had an amazing time. And it was so nice to feel like things are normal :)

29-04-23, 10:45 PM
Glad you enjoyed it (panda)

29-04-23, 10:52 PM
It was the first time I laughed in a while….

29-04-23, 11:32 PM
To be honest, I have no idea who he is, but if he made you laugh after the last week or so, he's awesome in my book (panda)

29-04-23, 11:45 PM
Lol he’s a dancer from Strictly

30-04-23, 09:30 AM
I'm with Jaq not a clue who Giovanni Pernice is but the main thing is you had a good time Paula.

I'm more a Wheel Dealer guy than a Strictly guy, I say whatever floats your boat then go for it.

30-04-23, 09:34 AM
I’ll admit 85% of people there were of a certain demographic - middle aged women ;)

30-04-23, 03:31 PM
Sounds like a great night.

02-05-23, 01:05 PM
How are you?

02-05-23, 01:45 PM
I’m ok, coping better. I’ve got to start the final question of my assignment today - I got a weeks extension but I want it done asap

02-05-23, 04:09 PM
Hope you get it done. Xx

02-05-23, 04:13 PM
I’m sure you’ll have it done in plenty of time

02-05-23, 04:48 PM
I believe in you. You've got this.

02-05-23, 05:36 PM
It’s done. I’m not convinced the last question is any good but I decided not to keep staring at it and just submit it lol

02-05-23, 06:48 PM
Knowing you, it will be great (panda)

02-05-23, 08:06 PM
Well done. I had faith in you.

03-05-23, 10:52 AM
I'm sure it will be fine, even if you feel its bot up to your A+ standard!!

04-05-23, 08:18 PM
How was work today?

04-05-23, 08:56 PM
Would have been a lot easier if I’d remembered my glasses……. Otherwise, it was fine, thank you

04-05-23, 09:26 PM
You'd never catch me forgetting my glasses!

Mainly because I can't see past my nose without them and would be bouncing off everything! (rofl)

04-05-23, 09:30 PM
Oh, I was wearing glasses …. Sunglasses. Good for driving, not so good for staring at a screen for 3 hours in an area with no natural light (rofl)

04-05-23, 09:46 PM
I sometimes forget to change my glasses after driving. I usually remember when I walk in the house and almost trip over as suddenly it's really dark! (rofl)

05-05-23, 10:24 AM
That's reminded me I need to organise an eye test.

05-05-23, 10:48 AM
Glad to be of service ;)

05-05-23, 11:41 AM
That’s the sort of thing I do on a regular basis. If I had a pound for every time I got out the car and left my shades on I’d be rich lol