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Pamela 123
21-06-21, 05:21 PM
Sorry to be so negative but today I feel so disengaged with society, I’m functioning but feel as if the world is carrying on around me, I feel so alone but at the same time so pathetic

21-06-21, 05:25 PM
Hi there and welcome to DWD. I'm sorry you're struggling. Have you spoken to your Dr and those around you about how you are feeling? Are you taking care of the basics? - So eating healthily, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep?

21-06-21, 06:02 PM
Hi and welcome, it’s good to meet you (hi)

Pamela 123
21-06-21, 06:09 PM
Thank you for replying Suzi and Paula
Yes I’m on meds, still feel hopelessly sad, no worries, I’m too much of a coward to do anything drastic but that doesn’t stop me wondering why beautiful people with lots to live for get life limiting conditions and I keep going!!! Wish I could take their place, oh how I wish I could, life is not fair.

21-06-21, 07:51 PM
Can I ask how long you've been on meds? When was the last time you've had a meds review? What about talking therapy?

Do you live alone? Have a job? Friends?

Sorry, so many questions!

21-06-21, 10:04 PM
Hi and welcome to DWD.
I'm sorry you feel so alone and disengaged. It's a horrible feeling. How long have you been feeling so low.

Pamela 123
22-06-21, 11:56 AM
I’ve been on meds for a few months, no recent review. I feel that it’s more reactive depression than chemical and wonder if meds will help at all.
I live alone, well me and my boy (ginger Tom) who I love dearly, had a pretty shit life but hey, I’m lucky compared to some. Trying to keep busy, keep welling up but get stuck into something else so that I don’t have to think too much.
I’m sorry, I’m talking about myself again……I do hope you are all feeling ok today x

22-06-21, 12:37 PM
Please don't apologise for talking about how things are for you - that's kinda the point to here, a safe space to talk...
Ginger Tom cats are amazing aren't they? :)

Since you started meds have you been on the same dose all the time? Would you think about talking to your Dr again and telling them how you're feeling?

22-06-21, 12:42 PM
It can take some tweaking to get the medication at the right level for you, it might be worth talking to your GP again….

Pamela 123
22-06-21, 12:57 PM
I do need to do that really and I know it’s good advice so thank you everyone. It’s good to get it off my chest and I think talking therapy would help but not sure if I’m strong enough to cope with facing everything head on. I did ring Samaritans last month but they didn’t seem overly concerned as I did say that although I have really dark thoughts I wouldn’t do anything as I couldn’t bear my kids to have that to live with. That doesn’t stop me wishing I could go naturally though!

22-06-21, 02:28 PM
Have you heard of SHOUT? You text 85258 and it's text based only and you can talk to a trained volunteer. It's a totally free service.

Why not try to get an appointment to see your GP? They should also be able to refer you for talking therapy - but there's normally a very long waiting list on the NHS.

Pamela 123
22-06-21, 05:08 PM
Thanks Suzy, not heard of shout, worth a try. I have an appointment next Monday with the doc.

22-06-21, 05:13 PM
Hi and welcome. You should be able to self-refer through IAPT too. It's called different things in different places though but it's Improving Access to Psychological Therapies. Depending on area you'll get between 6 and 10 sessions usually.

Well done on getting an appointment.

22-06-21, 07:32 PM
Well done for making that appointment. That's a great step.