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05-02-21, 01:43 PM
My wonderfully talented and favourite Aunt has allowed me to share these pieces with you all. I hope you like them as much as I do.

I shook, I cried, I gasped for breath,
My life was going to end,
I’m stuck, right here, within myself,
With terror as my friend.

I don’t know why I am like this,
A prisoner of my mind,
Where everything I try to do
With reason I can’t find.

They call it mental illness,
To me it’s mental hell,
Those days I cannot function
And you just cannot tell.

It’s hard to rent your head out,
To a lodger who won’t leave
And one who doesn’t pay his dues
When heart and mind both bleed.

If you could see inside my mind
You’d see a total mess
But no you judge me as you see
A looser at a guess.

Don’t judge me as you see me
It’s neither fair nor real
And until you’ve walked in my shoes
You know, not how I feel.

Patricia Weston

05-02-21, 01:44 PM

When trauma follows trauma
And you build a wall to hide
Where nothing else can touch you
Whilst you lay deep inside
Where no one else can hurt you
So pain can be no more
And none can see that jibbering wreck
That’s you upon the floor.

At first it is your safe house
It’s walls held thick and true
Where only you can see the bricks
Of that safety net round you
Each day you add another brick
In that wall around your mind
Till you become oblivious
Of anything unkind.

As Bit by bit you heal inside
You need to see the light
So you get to add a window
To the wall that is your life.
As window follows window
You edge towards the door
To try and see that person,
The one you were before

It takes a while to venture out
That pull of power is strong
That wall you built around you
As everything went wrong.
But sure as daybreak lightens
And sunset turns to night
Your life will lift and lighten
Then once again be bright.

You’ll always keep a thin veneer
To protect you when In need
But that wall you built to shield you
Will tumble down like weeds
You’ll get to see the brighter days
Far more than you have done
And when that last brick tumbles
You’ll rise to face the sun.

‘ Pat ‘ 28/05/2019

05-02-21, 01:56 PM
They are both amazing. Really Express a lot of how I feel.
Tell her thank you from me. They really helped me today and thank you for posting them.

05-02-21, 02:00 PM
Fab!! Brought tears to my eyes

05-02-21, 02:28 PM
She is amazing and been through so much, battling cancer on and off for around a decade and losing her soul mate in my uncle October 2019. I have so much respect for that woman and love her to bits.

05-02-21, 05:40 PM
She's very clever and sounds a very special lady.....I'm not surprised you love her to bits.

05-02-21, 06:07 PM
I have a large family and of all my aunts and uncles she has always been the one I could talk to about anything. No judgement and always spoke her mind and offered good advice. It was the reason she was top of my list for godparents when I had my first born. She once described me as the daughter she never had (she had 6 boys) and if I’m honest I had the kinda relationship with her that I wish I had with my own mum. She is awesome and when I lost my brothers he sent me one of her beauty poems then which really helped...

Heaven Awaits You

What can I say about you
That no ones said before
How can I raise a smile or two
As you knock Heavens door
When all the while I’ll miss you
And sometimes, yes, I’ll cry
As you were taken far to soon
I have to ask it, why?

Why, when others live they’re life
Rotten to the core
The good Lord sought to take you
To knock on Heavens door
I guess he had his reasons
Of which we know not why
That he recalled you back to him
Somewhere up on high.

You’ll liven up the atmosphere
As you take to the floor
To raise a glass to us on earth
From inside Heavens door
Whilst we are left with memories
To fill the place of you
The smile, the laugh, that look of yours
From someone good and true.

You never were an Angel
But you still ticked the score
To leave this earth for pastures new
Your place at Heavens door
Our hearts will always hold you
Today with tears and pain
But we’ll hold fast our memories
Until we meet again.

One day the sun will shine for us
Just like it did before
And we will look towards the sky
Our glimpse at Heavens door
Where you will stand there waiting
A smile upon your face
A loving hand to greet us all
As we too, take our place.

‘Pat’ 04/03/2020

05-02-21, 07:52 PM
She's got an amazing way with words. She's fabulously talented. Thank her from me x

05-02-21, 08:11 PM
I have passed on your messages and here is her reply...

Thank you so much. I was a lonely child in a large family and my gift, as a teacher once branded it, for words was my solace and friend. It’s nice to share and help others identify. X

05-02-21, 08:49 PM
She's amazing. If she ever wants to, I'd love to share some on the DWD FB page...

06-02-21, 09:33 AM
Truly amazing poems from Aunty Pat thanks for sharing.

06-02-21, 10:04 AM
Well she gave me permission to share the first two with DWD. Maybe you can contact her directly and ask. She has got tons and tons of poems over the years.

06-02-21, 11:16 AM
I've sent her a message to ask ;)

24-03-21, 07:06 AM
Thank you very much for this piece. Indeed, on emotionally difficult days, no one can understand what is going on in my head. Indeed, it is better not to judge anyone!