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23-01-21, 10:36 PM
Hello, everyone.

I guess this post will serve as my warm introduction and my acknowledgement that I don't really know precisely what to say yet (or even, exactly, what I'm doing here). The one thing I'm learning on my journey (with depression as my lifelong companion) is that there's nothing quite so wonderful as connecting with peers. And by peers I mean, presumably, you!

I imagine that within this forum I will discover that, although the world is full of people who know nothing about what it feels like to live with depression (and bless their hearts for that!), here might be a sanctuary from the advice-givers ("buck up!" "just take some XYZ supplement" "have you tried a brisk walk?") the bright-siders ("just think of all the good in your life!") and the general assortment of ignorami who are always handy to remind us that we're doing depression wrong somehow.

i imagine, in short, that you (at least many of you) will recognize yourselves in bits and pieces, here and there, of my posts, just as in the reciprocal I will recognize myself in your own posts herein.

Thank you for being present and for including me in this community, and I look forward to getting to know you as you see fit. May peace be with us all.

--Mary Mae

23-01-21, 10:45 PM
Hi and welcome! I've never known anything but support offered here

23-01-21, 10:55 PM
Hi and you’re very welcome :) I may be slightly biased but I think this is a wonderful commmunity

24-01-21, 01:51 AM
I agree, I have looked around (believe me) but have yet to find a place so warm and friendly as this forum here. As I have read in your post, you seem to know a lot of the stereotypes that are being mentioned when someone says they are feeling depressed. How about you? What are you going through? And have you been speaking to your gp?

And I am happy to meet you. Welcome here (panda)

24-01-21, 09:45 AM
Hi and welcome. It's lovely to meet you.
You say you've lived with depression a long time, how are you doing at the moment? Everyone here is at different stages of their journey but we love to listen, support and help if we can.

Oh and just a warning....I'm the the devil for asking you if you've had a walk or some fresh air(rofl) it doesn't cure depression but it does help lift the mood a bit

24-01-21, 11:28 AM
Hi and welcome to DWD! I'm very proud of the community that has been created here. I will try to get you to look at the positives - especially when things are the toughest, and I'm also a person who likes to remind you often about the basics...

So have a look around and join in where you feel comfortable! If you need anything just shout and someone will be able to help ;)

24-01-21, 12:06 PM
Welcome to DWD

24-01-21, 04:08 PM
Thank you, @Jaquaia. That's very good to hear, and I'm glad you're here on the journey with me.

In this case, @Paula, I suspect that your bias might be based on very good evidence. :) Thank you for your kindness and for the warm welcome.

Thank you, @Suzi. I just realized that my remarks (above) might seem hostile to peers who genuinely want to support me, and that was not my intention. I welcome support of peers, and I appreciate your kindness. Indeed, suggestions to look at positives or to check the basics sound very different to me when they're offered by peers who "get it" rather than from people who have no idea what depression feels like. I trust you'll understand all of this. A million thanks for your generous words and your warm welcome.

Thank you so much, Mira. I can hear your caring and concern in your kind remarks. Yes, outside the peer community I have been frustrated by the stereotypical "helping" responses when offered by people who've never struggled with depression, but when I'm among peers, those suggestions sound different because they come from a place of true empathy, you know? I look forward to getting to know you and all of our pals on the journey, and I am grateful for your supportive presence.

@Strugglingmum yes, sometimes a reminder about taking a walk and getting fresh air is exactly the right reminder! It really does make a difference when that sort of reminder is offered by someone who truly understands. And I like your focus on the "now," for of course the only place we really ever live is the present. Today I am in a place of peace, and as I'm sitting here responding to you, and to the others in this forum, I feel a sense of hope and community-wide warmth. For today, that is enormously uplifting. Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, and I look forward to continuing the sharing and caring w/you and everyone here.

24-01-21, 04:24 PM
Hi (hi) Mary Mae welcome to DWD

24-01-21, 05:27 PM
You're more than welcome lovely, and you didn't seem hostile at all ;)

24-01-21, 09:58 PM
Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear that you've had some stereotypical responses regarding your issues... in this forum, you're always welcome to speak out and you'll always get help (panda) This community is such a warm place that always makes someone feel welcome (hi)