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08-12-20, 09:19 AM
I am SO glad to see you here!!! Hi gorgeous Mike!

08-12-20, 10:16 AM
Hi lovely Mike. Glad to hear from you. X

09-12-20, 12:43 PM
Well I will not say gorgeous or lovely haha but its good to see you friendly and allround nice guy Mike!

09-12-20, 04:08 PM
Hi Mike! All well?(hi)

15-12-20, 03:56 PM
I'm around but not square as rounds are better than squares as the's no corners to collect dust (giggle)

Not much to report just shopping and gaming :)

15-12-20, 04:52 PM
You've been so quiet.... I worry about you.

15-12-20, 07:01 PM
Mike! You’re back! :)

16-12-20, 05:48 AM
Morning Mike! Nice to hear from you!(bear)

18-12-20, 06:58 AM
Hi, hunni, how’s things?

18-12-20, 12:40 PM
How are you today hunni?

19-12-20, 01:10 PM
I'm A OKAY despite the gloom and doom on the TV.

Argh thought I bought 2 boxes of mince pies yesterday but they turned out to be Cherry Bakewells mask wearing misty glasses makes shopping hit and miss, spoke to sis and Brenda (from lunch club) yesterday all doing fine though a bit cheesed off with nothing much changing what with the pandemic.

Not sure what lunch will be except it will be roast spuds with something ;)

19-12-20, 01:52 PM
Do love a cherry bakewell though(nod)

19-12-20, 02:03 PM
How are you feeling, love?

19-12-20, 09:51 PM
We're going into the new Tier 4 tonight :( Hope your lunch was yummy!

20-12-20, 06:05 AM
I'll have cherry bakewell over mince pies any day. It's all a mess isn't it?:s

20-12-20, 08:36 AM
Must admit cherry bakewells are scrummy, I'm a bit scared with all this virus business worsening though.

Suzi is Ben home now or is he stuck in Wales?

20-12-20, 11:17 AM
TBH Mike I think that if you carry on the way you have been - which is being sensible - I think you'll be just fine. As for christmas day, if you can't see sis as planned then get yourself more food in then at a later date when this mess blows over a bit you can have a delayed Christmas day. There are people in our village that are going to do that. I feel sorry for everyone who had plans to enjoy the day with friends and relatives and this decision has come too late!

20-12-20, 11:49 AM
Ben's been home for a little while and isn't now going back when planned either as he is meant to be at home for an extra couple of weeks (which I'm thrilled about!)

Are you still planning on spending Christmas with sis?

23-12-20, 09:29 PM
Think I'll have dinner at sis's but won't stay overnight with all the new variant faster spreading virus and now the new, new South African variant is in England things are a bit fluid.

As for today replaced one of the washing machine valves as it wasn't shutting off properly. Nothing like playing with spanners.

That reminds me of this video ;)


23-12-20, 09:36 PM
Well if you are already there for dinner may as well stay over. Not going to make much difference. You should enjoy as much time with your family as you can.

23-12-20, 10:45 PM
I agree with Stella, but you have to go with how you feel. You class as in their support bubble so from the legal side of things you should be good to go. Spend some time with them love, you've been on your own for so long.

24-12-20, 12:31 AM
I totally agree sweetie, if it was me I would stay x

24-12-20, 07:49 AM
Mike just do what feels comfortable and right for you but I would love to think of you spending as much time as possible with your sis. If you are there for a few hours for a meal, I cant see it making any difference staying over. You deserve all the time in the world with her, but Boris says 24hrs is enough (boo) enjoy enjoy enjoy whatever you decide. X

24-12-20, 07:51 AM
I am so chuffed you’re going to be with your sister, for however long you want to :)

24-12-20, 10:22 AM
Yes! Stay with her Mike....and have a good day.xx

27-12-20, 08:42 AM
In the end we decided not to have Xmas together best keep safe it was an almost impossible decision to make especially after all the dire warnings about the new variant and only mix if completely necessary, sis and bro in law popped round with a box of Xmas goodies including stuff to make me an Xmas dinner we had a long socially distant chat me inside and them outside wished one another a good Xmas and parted company hopefully we'll meet up when this virus is back under control.

27-12-20, 10:48 AM
Oh no! Why didn't you pop in here so you could at least spend some virtual time with people? I've so sorry that you spent the day alone love.

27-12-20, 11:07 AM
You should have come on here Mike!

27-12-20, 11:25 AM

28-12-20, 06:01 AM
Oh what a shame!....but I suppose in the long run it's better to be safe than sorry Mike. But like you say, when the virus is under control again you - and many thousands of others too - will be able to make up for it with a Good Riddance To Covid celebration! I know there'll be plenty around here!

28-12-20, 09:47 AM
It snowed a bit overnight though not enough to make a snowman ;)

28-12-20, 11:07 AM
It’s just started snowing here - I hate snow!

28-12-20, 12:30 PM
We haven't got any snow yet... Are you doing anything nice today Mike?

28-12-20, 08:21 PM
Dont send snow my way please as I cant get out in it

28-12-20, 08:55 PM
At 7am the snow was really heavy. A local Facebook friend shared a pic of an igloo he built in his garden lol

28-12-20, 10:56 PM
We haven't even had a snowflake!

29-12-20, 08:59 AM
At 7am the snow was really heavy. A local Facebook friend shared a pic of an igloo he built in his garden lol

(rofl) Made me giggle.

A wet one today oh for warm dry summer days.

@Angie when I was younger much younger than today (sounds like you could make a song from those words) I'd be out in the snow now I'm old and grey (who am I kidding I'm a little baldy) I don't venture out on snowy and icy days.

29-12-20, 10:48 AM
We used to love the snow when I was kid but now I struggle to walk in it and its cold!!! We woke up to two inches of snow this morning was freezing last night car was iced over by 7 pm but the snow started after 7 am

29-12-20, 11:28 AM
I don't tend to go out in it either for fear of falling and not being able to get up again like I had happen to me a few years ago...

What's on your agenda today love?

29-12-20, 03:16 PM
Spoke to sis on the phone this morning, bent a piece of plastic pipe (so it has an offset) so it would fit closer to the wall coming down from the boiler before it crosses the hot and cold water pipes, going to paste some paper behind the boiler and washing machine pipes as what was there was rather bitty I sense by now you've lost the will to live. Been watching Combat Dealers on TV.

29-12-20, 03:36 PM
Way more exciting then most of us right now, I expect (giggle). How are you feeling?

29-12-20, 09:09 PM
Sounds like a lovely day!

31-12-20, 10:24 AM
@Paula my mood is good how are you?

View out of my bedroom window this morning good job I did shopping yesterday, there's only one thing for it today but to stay at home and have hot choc and mince pies ;)
https://scontent.flhr2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/134365435_1305847069814473_177562669381785339_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=HJ4iX91KbggAX882Zwx&_nc_ht=scontent.flhr2-2.fna&oh=9d5ff0b79453759e78ae10622a4c549a&oe=601487E5

31-12-20, 10:50 AM
Wow!!!! That's as pretty as a picture postcard! Definitely hot chocolate weather....

31-12-20, 11:05 AM
Very pretty, but you can keep it there!

02-01-21, 11:37 AM
Time for a rant why do the size shape and colour of my meds keep altering is it some devilish plan to confuse us folks and why oh why did the last lot of 4mg candesartan tabs come in a massive box which contained a sealed aluminium pouch with a sachet of silica gel and note not to eat it ^) inside the pouch were the tiny tabs in sealed foil strips and all this in a box 12 cm long by 6cm wide by 3cm deep you could keep a packed lunch in there (giggle)

02-01-21, 12:05 PM
I think we all hate that! Changing of brands, extra packaging!

02-01-21, 01:50 PM
I have this every time I get my meds and it drives me insane I once got an order where there were 3 different brands of one medication.

07-01-21, 09:53 AM
What a week it has been I've been avoiding the news as it is so depressing. Had planned to do some shopping but not venturing out as it is so icy out there.

After all the disgraceful goings on in the USA it reminded me of this song.



07-01-21, 10:18 AM
I'm glad you're being careful. Are you able to do online shopping?

07-01-21, 12:01 PM
Aaagghh! Can't stand Leonard Cohen!!!...it's enough to make you jump off a cliff!!....but as you say Mike..if it floats your boat!!(giggle)

07-01-21, 12:12 PM
Its better to jump into the water then on that floating boat? Or jump on a waterbed? A jacussi in a floating boat? Oh the ideas. All thanks to mr Cohen haha

12-01-21, 10:23 AM
Not much to report spoke to sis on the phone only a short chat as she is not too well sickness and vomiting :s

12-01-21, 10:57 AM
Oh dear sorry to hear about your sis Mike.
How are you doing?
Are you dreaming of days to get back out in the garden?
I'm starting to dream of my veg beds this year and what I might put in them.

12-01-21, 11:22 AM
Oh no :(
How are you?

12-01-21, 11:34 AM
Oh no! Poor Sis! Has she had the bug for long?
What have you been up to? Any more wandering around the local area for a walk?

16-01-21, 02:50 PM
Long chat with sis yesterday she's better though fed up as we all are with the miserable weather and rampaging covid.

Shopping yesterday no battered cod but on the high side got blueberry muffins and choc ice cream with fudge brownie pieces.

Boy is it cold outside, just finished sharpening 9 wood chisels and a plane blade gotta look after yer tools ;)

16-01-21, 03:43 PM
It's really cold here! Are you on the alert for snow?
Glad that you and Sis are talking. Is she keeping busy at home?

16-01-21, 06:27 PM
Hi Mike!...greetings. Glad you're well. Isn't British weather odd? It's very mild here. Glad your sis is better.....onwards and upwards! Nice to hear from you.

17-01-21, 10:23 AM
Oh dear sorry to hear about your sis Mike.
How are you doing?
Are you dreaming of days to get back out in the garden?
I'm starting to dream of my veg beds this year and what I might put in them.

I'd like to get out in the garden in the warm sun not decided on what veg to grow yet.

@Flo yup weather is odd as are current times so onwards and upwards as they say.

@Suzi snow not on the menu round here thank goodness.

@Paula I'm doing okay.

A bit of boring info from 'The Towers' the hose feeding my wall mounted hose reel has dropped off (ouch must be the cold weather (giggle) ) being serious now the thread 3/4 BSP on the steel connecting tube has corroded away and seeing as it would cost me £35 for a die/wrench set to recut the thread I've decided to invest in a plastic wall mounted hose reel for £58 argh seems a bit pricey but needs must.

17-01-21, 11:03 AM
No snow forecast? I know Angie had some a few days ago...
What a pita about the hose!

17-01-21, 01:03 PM
Oh gawd!!! bit pricey isn't it? But like you say...needs must!

18-01-21, 09:07 AM
We're growing french beans and squash, or trying to anyway! I just need to remember where we put the seeds!

18-01-21, 09:55 AM
Morning Mike! How goes "stuff"?

20-01-21, 09:52 PM
Hope you're staying safe Mike? Just seen things are bad in Manchester

21-01-21, 09:35 AM
Wow, just seen the news. Please stay safe love...

21-01-21, 09:55 AM
It did nowt but rain yesterday, went to put my empty milk bottles out last night and everywhere was white, still white this morning though the snow has melted away on the road but the garden is still white.

Just had a phone call pretending to be from BT saying my router has been compromised well I say (swear)(swear)(swear)(swear)(swear)(swear)(swear)( swear) router a okay :@

Edit: Apparently I can't say Boll*cks to which I reply Ballcocks (giggle)

21-01-21, 10:06 AM
You had snow? At least it's not flooding....
How are you though love? Are you still talking to Sis on the phone? How are her and BIL? Still both keeping well?

21-01-21, 10:46 AM

21-01-21, 11:53 AM
Lovely to hear from you Mike.
Sounds cold and a day for tea and buns.
You doing ok?

21-01-21, 01:49 PM
Glad all is ok Mike...thought of you this morning when I watched the news! Plenty of cocoa and SM's buns! Oh hang on..I'll reword that! The buns that SM's making!(rofl)

21-01-21, 02:01 PM

24-01-21, 03:53 PM
Glad all is ok Mike...thought of you this morning when I watched the news! Plenty of cocoa and SM's buns! Oh hang on..I'll reword that! The buns that SM's making!(rofl)

(rofl) I believe Flo you've got a bounteous set of buns yourself especially the choc chip ones are a delight to behold (giggle)

Got my covid jab lined up for next Thurs.

24-01-21, 05:19 PM
Yay! That's brilliant news Mike!

24-01-21, 06:43 PM
Delighted you are getting your jab Mike. One step closer to getting out and about again.

24-01-21, 07:05 PM
Awesome news!

25-01-21, 06:03 AM
Fantastic news!....you'll be half way to freedom (trying to be positive here)(y)

25-01-21, 08:46 AM
How are you today Mike?

25-01-21, 08:52 AM
How are you today Mike?

Great thanks Suzi blue skies here but a very hard frost so could be very slippy out there so staying in, in the warm ;)

25-01-21, 08:57 AM
Very good plan! I've seen some of the cars sliding around so I'm not venturing outside at all today either!

28-01-21, 11:10 AM
Another wet day.

Just back from having my covid Astra Zeneca jab, brother in law took me as wouldn't fancy taking a taxi.

Soon be lunch time ;)

28-01-21, 11:13 AM
I'm so glad you've had it. I've heard you get a sore arm for a few days, but that's about it... We'll leave you to be reporting on it...

28-01-21, 11:32 AM
My sister had the Oxford vaccine a couple of days ago and she came down a headache and I sore arm but other that she’s ok. Not heard anyone else complain about reactions from the jab.

28-01-21, 12:07 PM
My in laws are going for theirs today and my mum has hers next week. I'm in group 6 I think.

28-01-21, 01:00 PM
I’m so glad you’ve had it, lovely.

28-01-21, 01:53 PM
My partners mother had her vaccination on Saturday and she says she's not had any side effects, but then she has a crazy high pain/discomfort threshold lol

I think we'll be quite low down the list of people having it in our area, I don't have any physical issues and I'm in my mid 30's so I've still got a wait to go.

29-01-21, 10:43 PM
No reaction to my Covid jab though speaking to some of my neighbours on my way home from shopping one had quite a bad reaction and felt unwell for about a week. Where I went they were very efficient and only spent 35-40 minutes there including the 15 minutes you wait afterwards though my neighbours across the road had to wait an hour in the car park and then another hour queuing inside waiting for the jab.

Got another letter this morning inviting me to go for a jab and at the end of the letter it said if you've already had the first jab ignore this letter ^) and you'll receive a letter for your second jab.

29-01-21, 11:27 PM
Talking to people here, there’s a definite disparity with after jab nourishment depending on whether it’s done at the hospital, in temporary hubs etc - some get Malteser bunnies, some rich tea biscuits.........

30-01-21, 06:20 AM
Well done Mike!.....re what Stella said....Zoe (Scotland) said that two of their school drivers had the Oxford jab. One had bad muscle and joint pain and the shivers for three days, the other one had no reaction. Two of their eldery residents had the Oxford. One was very poorly and the other had no problem at all. I think each person reacts differently to vaccines...my body doesn't like them much! Watch this space.

30-01-21, 11:31 AM
Glad you're doing well love. What's on your plan for today?

04-02-21, 02:10 PM
Suzi my plans for today, eat, drink play video games.

I've got eight unused ball point pens and none work argh bring back inkwells and nibs anyone my age would remember inkwells at school where you dipped your pen in the well and out popped a wad of ink sodden blotting paper impaled on your nib that some numpty had stuffed in the inkwell, ah those rosy school days of times gone by.

04-02-21, 02:13 PM

04-02-21, 02:58 PM
I much prefer fountain pens!

05-02-21, 06:09 AM
Hey Mike I remember the nibs and ink wells....the teacher used to come around at beginning of term with a box of pens and I always chose the pale blue ones. Mum used to go ballistic when I came home with my hands covered in ink! I love fountain pens too and have quite a collection.

07-02-21, 05:41 PM
Dealing with covid is like doing the hoki koki first you get a jab then the jab's not very effective so we need a new jab a case of one step forward, one step back and repeat so that's what it's all about.

Just pondering about what veg to grow this year.

Going to have fish fingers chips and mush peas for dinner.

07-02-21, 06:01 PM
Potatoes! Courgettes, carrots?

08-02-21, 10:02 AM
Soil is a bit heavy for carrots anyway this is what I've ordered.

Potato 'Arran Pilot'
Pea 'Bingo'
Dwarf Broad Bean 'The Sutton'
Leek 'Musselburgh'
Spring Onion 'Performer'
70 litres peat free compost (to get the spring onions and leeks underway)

PS. Also bought some dwarf bedding dahlia seeds (I've grown these in the past though not this variety).

Dahlia variabilis 'Dwarf Mixed'

08-02-21, 11:47 AM
We have tulips, anemone de caen, schizanthus, sunflowers, squash, and dwarf french beans to grow!

08-02-21, 02:08 PM
I love peas! I'm planning on growing tomatoes!

08-02-21, 03:49 PM
You can’t have a garden without tomatoes and runner beans. My dad used to grow them as well as potatoes, cabbage, lettuces, peas, strawberries, raspberries and at the very back a patch of mint. That was my favourite part of the garden cos of the smell.

08-02-21, 04:48 PM
I grow herbs and strawberries too :)

08-02-21, 06:07 PM
I think that runner beans are my favourite doused in gravy...or a very large knob of butter. And another knob of butter on the home grown spuds..slurp! Our raspberries were still coming at the end of October...weird!

08-02-21, 08:12 PM
I prefer runner beans raw! :)

09-02-21, 06:00 AM
Bit crunchy!;)

09-02-21, 10:31 AM
Yup I used to grow runner beans easy to grow and a heavy cropper which was okay when there was 2 or 3 of us but now I'm on my Todd Sloan (eeps I'm turnin' Cockney) there'd be way too much for me.

Raw runner beans eeps nah I'm with Flo dowsed in gravy hits the spot :)

09-02-21, 10:54 AM
I need to start planning too! I need A and Io to make me some new planters though!

09-02-21, 11:57 AM
How are you today Mike? What's on your agenda?

10-02-21, 09:57 AM
How are you today Mike? What's on your agenda?

Good thanks Suzi how's yourself?

Gaming, listening to music, watching TV and eating same as most days.

10-02-21, 10:35 AM
Sounds like a good day, but it's hard when it's same as every other day isn't it? I might push the boat out and do things in a different order today lol...

10-02-21, 12:10 PM
Totally get that. How’s your mood, love?

11-02-21, 06:35 PM
Just a quick in and out else the sausage, burger, chips and mushy peas I'm cooking may be overdone ;)

Yep every day is groundhog day these days.

11-02-21, 07:01 PM
Sounds like a good plan for dinner! :)

12-02-21, 05:54 AM

12-02-21, 09:26 AM
Morning Mike! How are you? I hope that as it's Friday you're having something nice for dinner?

14-02-21, 11:26 AM
Friday dinner was burger, sausage, chips grilled tomatoes *slurp*

Arghhhhhh on Friday I got yet another letter inviting me for a covid jab that makes 4 yes four letters plus earlier in the week I had a phone call from my GP surgery inviting me in on Friday for a covid jab to which I replied I had one on the 28th Jan it makes you think do they actually know who's had the jab or not and if so what make of jab you've had.

Hope you're all keeping well.

14-02-21, 11:44 AM
Are these invitations for the 2nd one?

14-02-21, 11:55 AM
Are these invitations for the 2nd one?

Nope for the first one in the letter (except for the first I received) it says "Please ignore this letter if you've already had your first jab, You'll be contacted in due course for your second jab" I'm paraphrasing here but that is the gist of it.

14-02-21, 03:15 PM
Lol! Better to get too many, rather than not get one!

15-02-21, 06:12 AM
Nope for the first one in the letter (except for the first I received) it says "Please ignore this letter if you've already had your first jab, You'll be contacted in due course for your second jab" I'm paraphrasing here but that is the gist of it.We got the same letters Mike on Saturday...waiting for us when we came home from just having the first jab!

17-02-21, 10:06 AM
Spoke to sis yesterday she and bro in law have both booked their covid jabs at Haydock no not the race course a pharmacy there, they've also booked there second jab in eleven weeks time though we are only a few miles apart we come under different areas, I wasn't able to book my second jab just have to wait for a letter.

17-02-21, 10:25 AM
Yay! One more step closer to seeing your sis!

17-02-21, 11:03 AM
That's such good news! I bet you can't wait to see her again!

18-02-21, 05:57 AM
That's good new Mike! There is a covid jab set up at Taunton race course a few miles up the road....we said neigh to that and had them at our surgery instead!!(rofl)

18-02-21, 09:05 AM
(rofl) (rofl) (rofl) Flo that made me laugh!

Morning Mike, how goes it?

18-02-21, 09:23 AM
I'm great on a rather wet day, some say aye others neigh I'm just horsing around. Flo you always brighten my day :)

18-02-21, 11:22 AM
Flo makes me laugh fall the time - but then so do you, Mike :)

18-02-21, 12:23 PM
You all do for me ;)

23-02-21, 08:34 AM
Had an afternoon in the garden in the sun digging up the remainder of my spuds didn't get many only enough for 3 meals and dug up more grass than spuds soil really sticky and heavy going. The plus side it was was sausage & mash with bigga (yup that was the spelling on the tin) peas and gravy for dinner. Unblocked the grid the kitchen sink drains into as it was full of leaves. The downside I've got clods of soil scattered round the house ^)

23-02-21, 09:29 AM
Sounds like a busy day! How were the spuds? Hope there wasn't too much mud!

25-02-21, 03:07 PM
Spuds were great thanks.

(Tuesday) Been busy replacing the kitchen radiator things not exactly going according to plan drilling for the new brackets I hit something hard it turned out to be metal capping over a cable so power off and pry off the capping bringing great chunks of plaster with it the so now I have metre of cable going nowhere stuck out of my kitchen wall so going under to the cloakroom under the stairs the cable ran down the wall under floor. So floorboards up and the able seemed to head down the hole so took two floorboards up in the hall no sign of the rogue cable so another floorboard up near the cloakroom door and the cable went up a hole in the floor and appeared to be heading between some corrugated hardboard and plasterboard there's about a 2" gap between the two and fill in the space up to the stairs so made a small hole in the plasterboard and was able to pull the cable out i had been cut off at bothe ends and seemed to have no purpose what so ever

(wednesday) Spent yesterday filling holes in the kitchen wall with initially with plaster until that ran out then with filler.

(Thursday) Today put back the hall carpet.

Well I bet you are all bored or is that board by my exploits need to wait for the plaster and filler to dry before I can finally drill for my rad brackets.

Done some shopping and I'm going to put my feet up and catch up with goings on at the Scottish Parliament.

Excuse any typos as couldn't be bothered going downstairs for my reading glasses (giggle)

25-02-21, 03:22 PM
Electrics and plumbing? There really is no end to your talents.

26-02-21, 09:09 AM
That sounds amazingly busy!

01-03-21, 07:41 AM
Morning, love, how are you?

01-03-21, 09:48 AM
Great Paula thanks for asking, how's yourself?

Spent yesterday moving some paving slabs from the front of the house to the back so I can finish my path off when the weather is consistently better. Fired up my bladblazer (sounds better than leaf blower) blew the leaves off my lawns into a heap had hoped to blow them to the compost heap but the heap was so big and progress stopped at the start of my veggie plot. Drained the oil from the aforesaid bladblazer so must remember to fill with 0.08 litres of oil (okay I looked that up) also need more petrol the lawns are a bit squidgy in places but now at least the acres of moss isn't smothered ;) Soil is very wet and sticky so no rotavating my spud patch yet as it needs to dry up first.

Prior to all that was it Friday or Saturday I fixed my new hose reel to the wall, stripped some wallpaper off the kitchen wall as it it got a bit ripped up when I removed some old cable as mentioned in a previous post.

Seed potatoes have arrived so that's about it.

01-03-21, 09:49 AM
Without moss, my lawn wouldn’t ever be green ;)

I’m ok, ta, enjoying the sunshine!

01-03-21, 10:22 AM
Are you totally redecorating the kitchen now?

01-03-21, 01:14 PM
Hubby cut the grass for the first time this year at the weekend.
Now the fun starts. We keep him going as he is so particular about the lawns, how they are cut, etc etc. No one ever can cut them as well as him(rofl)

01-03-21, 02:16 PM
Are you totally redecorating the kitchen now?
NOPE the area behind the stove wants tiling and I'm re-papering where a rad is going I didn't intend that but finding some old cable which resulted in chunks of plaster cascading off the wall so a bit of plastering (done) then some papering and I'm back where I was a week ago putting in my new rad.

Hubby cut the grass for the first time this year at the weekend.
Now the fun starts. We keep him going as he is so particular about the lawns, how they are cut, etc etc. No one ever can cut them as well as him(rofl)

Haha an expert greensman me thinks cutting my lawns is more akin to a moss rolling contest (giggle)

Just back from a walk to the local garage 5 litres of petrol, 2 litres of oil £18 which added to the £42 I've already spent on compost, seed spuds and veg seeds gives a total of £60 already so these veggies aren't gonna be cheap ;)

01-03-21, 02:32 PM
But they'll be delicious!

04-03-21, 03:06 PM
Last few days I've been occupied with leaf collecting, moved two great heaps to the compost heap and there is still more to collect.

Was pro-active and replaced the deteriorating petrol pipe for my blower with a piece of pipe bought from a well known online retailer only to find the following day the pipe had snapped off both at the carb end and the fuel filter end it had become very fragile due to the solvent action of the petrol so found another length of pipe and that seems okay.

04-03-21, 03:48 PM
Well done for getting those things done. Well done for fixing it! :)

05-03-21, 06:09 AM
Can you get hold of said retailer? They'll refund or send you another one I'm sure. Good that you've been busy.

07-03-21, 08:30 AM
Yesterday more leaf collecting which is very apt as I've become an Head Groundskeeper ;)

07-03-21, 09:39 AM
You've been head groundskeeper for a while lol

You said you spoke to your Sis? How is she? Has she had the vaccine yet?

08-03-21, 11:10 AM
Have you got lots of birds in your garden Mike? - the feathered kind! - are you Gamekeeper as well? Your garden will look wonderful when the summer comes. Not long before the tatties go in! Up in the Highlands it's most end of March. Have a good day matey.

10-03-21, 08:51 AM
You've been head groundskeeper for a while lol

You said you spoke to your Sis? How is she? Has she had the vaccine yet?

Sis is okay and she and her hubby had the jab about 3 weeks ago and they've booked their second jab yet I couldn't book my second jab it shows different areas have different systems.

Have you got lots of birds in your garden Mike? - the feathered kind! - are you Gamekeeper as well? Your garden will look wonderful when the summer comes. Not long before the tatties go in! Up in the Highlands it's most end of March. Have a good day matey.

Not that many birds feathered or otherwise frequent Mike's Towers lots of pigeons, a few raucous crows and magpies there's usually the odd thrush and blackbird and a few tits about.

As for the spuds I need to start sprouting them the trouble is the ground is far too wet and sticky and the rain we've got today and probably the next few days isn't going to help. Robbie le Rotavator hates wet sticky soil it clogs his tines.

10-03-21, 10:23 AM
Hi Mike love, Can you call 119 to book your second vaccination? Or use the online form?

11-03-21, 07:41 AM
Yes Mike we have lots of pigeons, sparrows etc., but I haven't seen a thrush since we moved here! But we do have 2 blackbirds that like grapes and plums that we put out for them...as for the crows...noisy sods!

11-03-21, 08:27 AM
Hi Mike love, Can you call 119 to book your second vaccination? Or use the online form?

My first appointment was done via Salford Council so will follow that route again my next jab should be at the end of April so when we get in to April if I haven't had a letter (like I'm supposed to) I'll start making enquiries.

@Flo yup crows are noisy sods but in someways they are majestic in their darkness.

13-03-21, 11:54 AM
Hi Mike, what’s going on in Mike’s Manse?

14-03-21, 09:36 AM
Hi Paula (hi)

Eventually put my new kitchen radiator in encountered a couple of problems as was replacing a couple of rad valves so endeavored to drain the system and nothing came out so disassembled the drain cock which resulted in lots of water gushing out under the floor only to find there was no washer there so why didn't it leak badly and why didn't any water come out when I undid it, it's a mystery!

There's standing water in two places on my lawns something I've not seen before and here's me wanting the soil to dry out fat chance it must be really waterlogged.

The upside I've discovered cottage pie mixed veg and mint sauce goes together, who said I've weird tastes (giggle)

14-03-21, 11:35 AM
Oh no about the flooding! Have you managed to get it all dried up?
I've heard that going out with a fork and dropping some holes into the lawn makes it easier for the water to drain away... Something worth to try?
I love mint sauce!

14-03-21, 01:31 PM
I’m having roast lamb, I’m the only one in my house that likes mint sauce so yay!!!

14-03-21, 01:59 PM
I’m jealous.

15-03-21, 08:34 AM
Oh no about the flooding! Have you managed to get it all dried up?
I've heard that going out with a fork and dropping some holes into the lawn makes it easier for the water to drain away... Something worth to try?
I love mint sauce!

Going out with a garden fork and making holes in the area with standing water was on the agenda but I ain't doing it in the rain it's on my to do list ;)

As for the water under the floor that'll dry naturally ;)

15-03-21, 09:12 AM
Oh no, still raining for you? You could make a natural pond lol...
Hope it dries fast for you love!

15-03-21, 01:53 PM
Don't blame you Mike...there's no joy in gardening in the rain! It can wait......ooh, you might get frogs spawn in your natural pond!

16-03-21, 10:58 AM
Sat down at my pooter this very morn and there's a clang as one of the lenses fell out of my glasses, screw still in place and tight so need to investigate.

Spent yesterday afternoon forking over the bottom corner of my lawns where there was standing water.

Noticed the water in the ditch was quite high due to a blockage halfway along so wellies on, there was branches, ivy, brambles and an old fence post causing the blockage which is now cleared what a job wallowing in stinky mud and silt hooray NOT fun at all.

16-03-21, 12:15 PM
Oh no! Are you going to have to take them to get them fixed? When are you due new ones?
OO wading in yucky mud is one of Crash's favourites - the smellier and the ranker the better! Glad you sorted the blockage, but please be careful you don't come a cropper and fall over!

16-03-21, 12:31 PM
Falling over is, after all, dwd thing.....

16-03-21, 01:40 PM
It really is....

17-03-21, 08:08 AM
Pottered about in the garden yesterday afternoon in the sun doing a bit of tidying up :)

I should be able to fix my glasses I've 2 pairs of reading, 2 pairs of intermediate, two pairs of distance and one pair of prescription reactalight ones. It was one pair of the distance ones that the lens fell out of.

Yup Paula falling down seems to be a DWD thing (giggle)

17-03-21, 08:43 AM
Lol plenty of choices for glasses in your house then? (rofl) (rofl)
What's on the agenda today?

17-03-21, 02:28 PM
Yup like an opticians shop at Mike's Towers (giggle)

Spam, tomatoes, cheese, pickle and a couple of slices of wholemeal bread for lunch :)

Was dull all morning but the sun has come out so may cut my lawns (first time this year).

17-03-21, 03:30 PM
Hooray for sun!
I love wholemeal bread ;) Lunch sounds fab!

18-03-21, 04:09 PM
Double egg and chips with grilled toms and wholemeal bread for lunch.

Just had a long chat with Brenda from lunch club on the phone.

Missed a triangle of grass when mowing my lawns yesterday or was it aliens who caused it to grow back (giggle)

Applied for a postal vote for the local/mayoral elections.

Filled the Census form online.

Off out to cut the missed triangle of grass.

18-03-21, 05:07 PM
I think it'd have been aliens definitely! I can't imagine you'd have missed any of it!

Glad you got a chat with Brenda. Is there any news about lunch club restarting?
Well done for getting the census form completed and sorting a postal vote too. You're mightily organised with that...

19-03-21, 08:39 AM
Was out yesterday removing grass from my flower beds till it started to go dark, loads more wants doing but that's for another day.

No idea when lunch club will restart, we've all had our first jab, we just have to see how things go post lockdown.

19-03-21, 08:53 AM
How’s your sis?

19-03-21, 11:32 AM
Are you drinking enough if you are out degrassing your flowerbeds?

20-03-21, 09:19 AM
How’s your sis?
Sis is fine thanks Paula though like the rest of us wishes covid would go away.

Are you drinking enough if you are out degrassing your flowerbeds?
I'm drinking a reasonable amount though could do better especially when outside as drinking goes out of my mind when outside.

20-03-21, 10:06 AM
Could you take a water bottle or something out with you so it's more to hand? It's so easy to not keep hydrated, but it's so important...

20-03-21, 04:21 PM
You're right of course Suzi but it is so cold out there today a hot water bottle would be nice, only pottered about with hoe for an hour and my ears are numb.

20-03-21, 04:53 PM
Thermos flask of hot cocoa or soup? :)

Have you thought any more about rescuing a pussycat or other breed of furbaby? I could see you giving an old one such love and totally spoiling them!

20-03-21, 06:02 PM
I reckon a small elderly dog would be perfect for you or a cat. Someone to snooze in the armchair with.

20-03-21, 06:44 PM
I third that ;)

20-03-21, 08:03 PM
I just wonder if it might help to have someone to shower with adoration! They'd be loved and spoilt and worshipped...

20-03-21, 08:06 PM
I can say first hand that living alone is a lot less lonely when you have a four legged friend for company.

26-03-21, 09:06 AM
Pets are great but when I lost my two cats I found that so traumatic it made me feel like I didn't want to go through that again ;(

On a lighter note I've taken up stripping (cue music) got my wallpaper steamer out and been removing the wallpaper from the area under the stairs what a hot and steamy job (giggle) well the area under the stairs is now papered and just wants painting :)

26-03-21, 09:57 AM
I understand that, my dad is exactly the same after losing the first cat he actually bonded with a few years ago (we’ve always had cats but he’s never been a fan). At least you’re honest about it, dad has come up with so many excuses from ‘I have allergies’ to ‘I wouldn’t want the cat to catch the squirrels’.....

26-03-21, 12:12 PM
I can totally understand that love. I think it's good to be honest about it and talk about it.
What colour are you painting it? Fancy coming to do my hall stairs and landing when you've finished yours?

27-03-21, 02:44 PM
I can totally understand that love. I think it's good to be honest about it and talk about it.
What colour are you painting it? Fancy coming to do my hall stairs and landing when you've finished yours?

It'll be white not just any white but BRILLIANT white, hey hall stairs and landings are not easy to paint safely you need a long pole and a roller and not as my dad used to do a plank from the landing windowsill to the banister I cringe when I think back (sweat)

Had a nice lunch of salmon (out of a tin) a huge tomato, pickled onion and a slice of wholemewal bread washed down with a coffee.

Was going to do my painting yesterday but went shopping had lunch then fell asleep (giggle)

Today when I've posted here I'm going to fire up Robbie le Rotavator and have a go at preparing the soil for my spud/veggies patch hope I don't get bogged down.

27-03-21, 04:01 PM
Marc does it with a ladder stretched across! I hate it!

OO Brilliant white indeed?! Look at you being all super brilliant!
Hope Robbie is able to move freely through things!

27-03-21, 05:14 PM
My bathroom is brilliant white

27-03-21, 05:47 PM
Long poles are great, until you have to do the cutting in..... be careful

28-03-21, 09:16 AM
Marc does it with a ladder stretched across! I hate it!

OO Brilliant white indeed?! Look at you being all super brilliant!
Hope Robbie is able to move freely through things!

Robbie struggled had to keep stopping the tines got completely blocked very quickly, job done as best as I could. Guess what it is raining again.

Stella most of my rooms are brilliant white except the kitchen which is magnolia.

28-03-21, 12:26 PM
Not more rain? Poor Robbie!

31-03-21, 10:53 AM
Brilliant idea fixed the aeration tine to mini-rotavator time to aerate the lawn, absolutely useless barely scratched the surface so change of tines used mini-rot on veggie plot soil way too sticky though it did break down the soil a lot.

Might do some moss scarifying this afternoon.

My extendable pole (all 5 metres of it) and squegee (spelling) arrived yesterday so I'm now equipped for window cleaning with my feet on solid ground.

31-03-21, 01:00 PM
Sounds like you're being really busy!

31-03-21, 01:46 PM
I’m so relieved about the window cleaning kit, love

03-04-21, 05:16 PM
Replaced my hall radiator, and spent a lot of time scarifying my lawns with a rather temperamental machine.

PS. I took a water bottle out in to the garden with me today no not to keep warm but to drink ;)

03-04-21, 08:17 PM
How are you love? How's your Sis? Any chance of you guys meeting up now the restrictions are lifting?

04-04-21, 03:19 PM
How are you love? How's your Sis? Any chance of you guys meeting up now the restrictions are lifting?

When we've both had our second jabs which aren't far off I think we will meet up then. Sis is okay but we're both confused by the latest fuss with the OU/Astra-Zenica jab.

04-04-21, 03:29 PM
What are you confused about?

04-04-21, 07:06 PM
TBH I had the Astrazeneca jab just after surgery which is the time you're most likely to get a clot. The only side effect I had was a numb arm for a couple of hours and a headache which went when I took some paracetamol and made sure I was hydrating..

06-04-21, 08:03 AM
What are you confused about?

All the brouhaha about the OU/Astra-Zenica jab first not to be used by the over 55/65's then not to be used by the under 60's and all the banging on about rare types of blood clots in the brain all this doesn't inspire confidence at all.

Moving on I ordered a table and chairs (4) patio set well the table arrived yesterday as yet no chairs.

Got my telescopic pole out and did some window cleaning it went okay but was rather cold good job I wore a three jumpers, I'm no fool, quiet at the back no snickering.

06-04-21, 08:08 AM
All the brouhaha about the OU/Astra-Zenica jab first not to be used by the over 55/65's then not to be used by the under 60's and all the banging on about rare types of blood clots in the brain all this doesn't inspire confidence at all.

Except even the WHO are saying it’s a million times (I’m paraphrasing) safer than covid....

06-04-21, 08:36 AM
But at the end of the day it has been declared safe and effective.

06-04-21, 04:10 PM
Had a chat with sis this morning did some shopping and while waiting at the till stood right behind me is a guy shouting in to his mobile phone, grrr give me strength :@

06-04-21, 04:15 PM
I hate that!

11-04-21, 02:13 PM
Scarified my lawns on Friday, collected all the moss and debris and transferred it to compost heap on Saturday.

Today (Sunday) woke up to frost then sun then snow at the moment it is just dull so contented myself with playing Zelda Age of Calamity ;)

11-04-21, 03:57 PM
Glad you're staying in and staying warm!

16-04-21, 08:28 AM
Spent my time removing weeds from my patio then jet washing it, just need to jet wash my driveway then I've done with playing with water and mud.

Did shopping yesterday morn then in the afternoon bought some petrol need to rotavate my spud patch again prior to planting my spuds.

I know boring stuff so time for a joke.

A guy turns up at A & E with 25 plastic horses stuck up his bum apparently he's in a stable condition (giggle) Well it made me laugh ;)

16-04-21, 09:03 AM
(rofl) (rofl) (rofl) (rofl)

Sounds like you've been busy again. When's your second vaccination? Have sis and her hubby had theirs yet? Any plans for afternoon tea or lunch out in the sunshine?

16-04-21, 02:07 PM
Just popped out to post my application for a postal vote which arrived this very morn.

Sis is due her next jab mid May I'm due mine end of this month, sis was saying she knows people in their 80's who haven't been called for their second jab yet yet some younger people have the info I got in the form of a leaflet when I had my first jab was don't call us we'll send you a letter.

16-04-21, 02:11 PM
I think it depends on your GP, but don’t quote me on that...

16-04-21, 03:09 PM
You can call the vaccination line and ask? Or try booking online? https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/

17-04-21, 01:30 PM
You can call the vaccination line and ask? Or try booking online? https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/

Gave that a go and got "You're currently not eligible to book an appointment via this system".

This morning been jet washing my driveway half done now, no I ain't got a long driveway it is just extremely mucky, despite having cleared 2 barrow loads of weeds/grass and given it a good sweeping ;)

FYI, Yesterday gave my spud patch another rotavate and it rotavated pretty well only one stop to unclog the tines.

17-04-21, 02:09 PM
Hmm, try calling the coronavirus line?
Hooray for the potato patch!
Bet your driveway looks sparkling now!

18-04-21, 11:21 AM
My mum has her second jab next week and she's in the same group as you Mike as she's extremely clinically vulnerable, so you should be very soon.

19-04-21, 07:55 AM
Decided to extend my veg patch removed the weeds best I could though I'm sure the docks will grow back they're so deep rooted then rotavated it boy was it heavy going Robbie the Rota struggled at times soil compacted and very sticky.

Hope you're all doing well (panda)

19-04-21, 08:19 AM
Sounds like hard work! Are you eating and drinking enough love? How are your moods? Have you been in contact with anyone recently?

22-04-21, 10:54 AM
I'm still here ;) Tuesday gave my plot a final rotavate then Wednesday shopping in the morning then planting spuds in the afternoon had to use a spade as mini-rota with plough attachment wouldn't start :@

Today I'll be sowing broad beans and peas (unless I get waylaid ;) )

Chatted with sis this morning as tomorrow she and bro in law going to pick up their new car a 3 year old Porche Macan :)

@Suzi I took a bottle of water Chez Mike's Towers yup I have my own special water it comes out of a tap (giggle) so water was available down the garden. I'm eating okay (maybe a few too many cakes (giggle) ) I have chatted with a couple of neighbours recently which makes a change.

22-04-21, 11:06 AM
Porsche? That's very swish! Glad you've been able to chat with your sister love. Any plans to meet up with them soon?
Yum,potatoes, broad beans and peas! That's delicious!

I'm very glad that you're taking water and eating (especially cake - a food group totally on it's own) and talking to neighbours is great!

22-04-21, 12:57 PM
A Porsche Macan, thats a lot of car and a lot of money. Gotta be it the region of 35-40k I'm not a fan personally, but thats because I still cant get my head around Porsche making an SUV.

22-04-21, 05:24 PM
Must admit don't have much of a clue about cars when sis said a Porche I thought one of those low sports cars, eeps I thought I'll have trouble getting in and out especially out then sis said no it is quite high up I thought well I stand a chance now. Hadn't realized it was one of those here SUV's sis said I've not much idea about cars it's just a big grey car volcanic grey or something I said you and me too.

At least we've got Stella as our resident car expert ;)

22-04-21, 06:29 PM
I’m more a classic car kinda gal. New cars bore me. They just don’t have the same character as the old one.

22-04-21, 08:36 PM
Actually Mike I find it easier to get into and out of Marc's Nissan X Trail than I do my little car!

22-04-21, 08:47 PM
There's nothing little about your car Suzi

22-04-21, 08:53 PM
Aww She'll love that you said that about her.

22-04-21, 09:01 PM
Especially these bloody daisies, lol

23-04-21, 08:39 AM
Pfft, don't be rude about my daisies!

23-04-21, 08:57 AM
It’s cool. I don’t have to drive it lol

23-04-21, 09:02 AM
(rofl) (rofl) (rofl)

28-04-21, 04:07 PM
Pfft, don't be rude about my daisies!

Daisies are lovely ;)

Just been sowing some leek, spring onion & dahlia seeds in trays, boy is it cold outside and the bit of rain we've had has barely wet the surface.

28-04-21, 05:30 PM
It is much cooler and wetter here today too. I've even got my cardi on!

30-04-21, 09:36 AM
Hey Mike, how are things?

30-04-21, 04:18 PM
Things are okay Suzi posted back my yellow, green and white ballot papers for the up coming elections was going to do some work in the garden but a bit chilly so ended up playing video games ;)

30-04-21, 05:21 PM
Sounds like a good plan! Thanks for the reminder about the voting forms, I'll do mine now!

08-05-21, 11:03 AM
:@ Arghhhh how do I get my second Covid jab it is 14 weeks and counting phoned the doctor and was told the don't deal with it and gave me the Covid vacc booking phone number and it is like you're number 70 in a queue, ferreting around on the t'internet found the SalfordCCG website because apparently they deal with vaccinations and quote if you've not had your second jab by the end of the twelfth week phone yup you got it the Covid vacc booking number thought I'd try last evening at 6:15pm ah they're closed in the evening. Tried this morning (Saturday) (guess what they're closed at the weekend. On Thursday I emailed SalfordCCG (I'm guessing it stands for Salford Community Care Group one of those private public bodies they farm out stuff to these days) about it no reply as yet. When I was talking to the docs on Thursday after I got the Covid booking phone number I said is there any way else I can contact them she said try emailing SalfordCCG I said I have she said when I said today (Thurs) you should hear from them on Friday, Well NOPE.

Any ideas from you guys.

PS on a lighter note some of my dahlia and spring onion seeds are sprouting (party)

08-05-21, 11:17 AM
Oh no :(. Sorry, love, but you’re just going to have to keep calling and emailing til someone gets the hint. I’m surprised your doctors aren’t being more helpful though

08-05-21, 01:32 PM
Can you book it online using this link? https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/

08-05-21, 03:34 PM
I think I tried that link and I wasn't able to book a 2nd dose.

UPDATE: Checked my email after I last posted here and timed at 09:00 there was an email from NHS Salford reminding me of an appointment tomorrow afternoon.

A quick search of my inbox came up with an email sent 10 days ago notifying me of my second Pfizer jab it must've got overlooked amongst all the spam I got silly me ;)

08-05-21, 03:38 PM
At least it’s sorted now.

08-05-21, 04:49 PM
That’s good news :)

08-05-21, 09:29 PM
Yay at least you're all sorted! :)

09-05-21, 05:58 PM
Just back from my second Covid jab had to queue up outside then a longish wait inside probably was there for 75 minutes in total twiddling my thumbs anyway all done.

Chicken pie and peas for dinner today :)

09-05-21, 06:38 PM
Why is it that people are having to queue so long for the 2nd jab? I know with my first I was in and out in about 2 mins.

09-05-21, 06:58 PM
I'm glad your all sorted hun x

09-05-21, 08:14 PM
Why is it that people are having to queue so long for the 2nd jab? I know with my first I was in and out in about 2 mins.

Maybe because they’re doing first and second jabs at the same time. Though tbh, we went straight in...

09-05-21, 09:16 PM
It seems very dependent on where you are going...

10-05-21, 09:05 AM
Maybe because they’re doing first and second jabs at the same time. Though tbh, we went straight in...

Yeah actually that makes some sense I guess but if appointments are being given that shouldn’t make a difference.

10-05-21, 11:46 AM
Could also be dependent on the time of day. My first one was early 8n the morning and I had no wait. My 2nd was at lunchtime and I had a bit of a wait.

10-05-21, 12:34 PM
Could also be dependent on the time of day. My first one was early 8n the morning and I had no wait. My 2nd was at lunchtime and I had a bit of a wait.

My first jab was 09:59 at Irlam Leisure Centre and got through quite quickly only was there about 40 minutes. My second jab also at Irlam Leisure Centre at 16:24 I was there about 15 minutes before that and was about 17:10 when I had the jab followed by a 15 minute rest before leaving, bro in law said when we arrived must be busy the car park is chock a block at least he had his iPad to keep him amused while waiting.

Sis and bro in law are having there second jabs today at a Haydock pharmacy.

10-05-21, 12:56 PM
I'm glad you had company there and back hun, are you able to see a bit more of your Sister and Brother in law now?

10-05-21, 02:13 PM
So glad that they took you and that they are having theirs too!

10-05-21, 02:14 PM
Guess what I just received a letter from the NHS saying it is over 12 weeks since your first jab inviting me to make an appointment on the NHS website for my second jab with the proviso that if I've booked or had the second jab then do nothing ^)

The problem is NHS who organize the jab nationally and NHS SalfordCCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) who organize it locally mustn't talk to one another.

10-05-21, 02:19 PM
Frustrating, but as long as you've had it that's the important thing.

12-05-21, 03:24 PM
Weather so unpredictable every time I decide to do some gardening it chucks it down :(

Edit: Looking at that smiley it looks like I'm really unhappy but I'm not tinned salmon for lunch followed by a blueberry muffing (party)

12-05-21, 07:37 PM
Muffins for the win! :) Much better than gardening!