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10-07-20, 02:35 PM
Book you ever read?

Movie you've seen?

10-07-20, 02:42 PM
Sleepless in Seattle - ironically cures insomnia

Birds of Prey (and the fantabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn) - they changed the title because the film flopped. The title as dreadful as it was wasn’t even the worst part.

10-07-20, 06:18 PM
Worst movie - you’ve got mail. I will never get those 2 hours back

Worst book - IT. Don’t think I need to explain

10-07-20, 06:37 PM
IT was awesome! Creepy as hell but that’s what you want from a horror novel right?

10-07-20, 07:27 PM
Worst movie: Dune - so bad I chose to write a 20,000 word assignment on education policy after the first 15million years through it...

Book: Catch 22 bloody hated it. The word Major repeated for several pages.... Meant to be funny. Crapest book ever and I had to study it for my A level lit!

10-07-20, 08:13 PM
Book: The Handmaid's Tale. Hated it! I seem to be in the minority but I absolutely detested it. Had to study it for A level and then had to resit as I got an E on the paper. Question on the resit? "What do you like about the Handmaid's Tale?" 90 minutes of lying!

Film: any of the various crap horrors on the horror channel that my mum inflicted on me!

10-07-20, 10:11 PM
OO That's on Hazel's A Level text list...

11-07-20, 03:27 PM
Book The boy who followed his father into Auschwitz. I didn't like it because it was full of sub notes and references that I was going from the story to the back of the book. It took me ages to read it.

Film I think Cats. I don't like cats in general because my experience of them. The come into my garden and use it as a litter tray. Aisling wanted to see the film because they were talking about it at school. It felt like the longest film I ever sat through.

11-07-20, 07:09 PM
Anyone seen Boogie Nights? Videodrome? Also high on my "omfg wtf was that?" list of movies...

11-07-20, 07:23 PM
Anyone seen Lavalantula? Those B movie are so bad but always good for a laugh

11-07-20, 08:03 PM
Unfortunately yes...

11-07-20, 09:22 PM
Unfortunately, I have too....

11-07-20, 10:38 PM
I even went back for seconds and watched again just to make sure it really was that bad lol

Dare I say it but I actually like the Sharknado movies.

12-07-20, 10:35 AM
Any movie with lots of unnecessary violence.

12-07-20, 12:28 PM
Seen Bait?

12-07-20, 12:32 PM
No, tell me more...

12-07-20, 12:47 PM
OO Australian supermarket gets flooded by a tsunami (obviously) and a shark gets in... Hilarious in places - watch out for the dog...


17-07-20, 04:13 AM
Long time ago as a kid, I watched Avatar the last airbender in the cinemas....boy was it a huge mistake. I almost dosed off half way through the movie. Never ever again.

17-07-20, 11:19 AM
I didn't hate that movie. But then I've seen some shocking ones!

19-07-20, 09:52 PM
I just came here reading worst haha its the Dutch word for sausage.

Worst movie I saw is crocodile dundee 3. Oh and highlander 2 and 3

They are all tied for first place haha

19-07-20, 11:02 PM
That's hilarious! I hadn't thought of it in different languages!

20-07-20, 09:54 AM
I just came here reading worst haha its the Dutch word for sausage.

Worst movie I saw is crocodile dundee 3. Oh and highlander 2 and 3

They are all tied for first place haha

I love the Highlander movies. Admittedly neither sequel came close the the original movie but I still found them entertaining.

16-10-20, 10:53 AM
the worst book I ever read was any of the disc world novels. I don't " hate" them, but I don't like them either. I find them confusing

worst movie I saw?

it's a tough one, and I don't think I can narrow it down... but I don't like westerns or war movies, so any of those (though saving private ryan is a good film)

16-10-20, 12:05 PM
You are the only person I’ve ever met who didn’t worship Terry Pratchett

16-10-20, 12:17 PM
I've never read any. The discworld series has been on my "should probably read" list for ages as so many people I know adore them....

16-10-20, 01:05 PM
I liked them, but not all of them. You have to be prepared for weird

16-10-20, 01:22 PM

16-10-20, 03:29 PM
at stella: I guess dragons and stuff just don't appeal to me. lol

16-10-20, 05:01 PM
You don't love dragons? Awwwww

24-10-20, 12:41 PM
Book you ever read? - war and peace, i just couldn't get through it

Movie you've seen? - worst and sickest - human centipede. After watching both H and I look at each other go what the (swear) we just watched.

24-10-20, 05:53 PM
Human centipede was sickening. This film actually made me gag.