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07-04-20, 08:12 PM
I hope this is allowed.
When I get quite bad I have a few things up my sleeve to try and get myself up again. Usually things like reading a lot of quotes. But one thing I usually do is to watch a video which I’ve tried to post the link to below. And although it’s primarily based on the late John Woodens coaching career, his words of encouragement and the things he says can be applied to pretty much any situation I guess.

I don’t really have many ‘hero’s’ I look up to but John Wooden is my main one for sure. I hope you enjoy the video if you watch it.

http://https://youtu.be/0MM-psvqiG8 (https://youtu.be/0MM-psvqiG8)

Maybe if anybody else has any videos or quotes that helps them they could post them below?

07-04-20, 08:54 PM
That old dude is pretty cool.

Those who have had the misfortune to meet me in the fresh will know that I have a penchant for superman memorabilia, but it’s more than just a love of the superhero and more about what the logo stands for. Hope. It helps to have the reminder that there is always hope if I’m to scared to think about it.

07-04-20, 10:17 PM
I don't normally allow links from those we haven't known for a while, but I'll leave this one here. Glad it helps you..

30-06-20, 05:04 AM
For me, when im not doing too well, I tend to watch old youtube videos that I used to watch as a kid back in the day. Watching those old videos brings back memories when I was young and it makes me happy. It serves as a distraction from reality to me just for a while.

30-06-20, 10:48 AM
Oh yes nostalgia is good for the soul.