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View Full Version : Having a blip

31-01-20, 04:00 PM
These last few weeks have been really difficult. It's bad enough coping with perimenopause symptoms but money worries on top of that compound things. So I have been doing ok for a while even managed to get out and find my self a partner ! We don't see lots of each other but when we do we have to make the most of it. Done some stunning walks.

So far I have managed to hide things pretty well had a few out bursts in work . Nothing that has caused major offence to anyone. The morning depression is back . I keep telling myself it will be ok once the lighter days and nights are here. Why is it so debilitating to a point you can't function in the morning. It makes my life difficult.
I work a lot of hours in a job that is demanding it doesn't pay enough for me to live off. I have looked for other jobs yet still can't seem to get above a certain limit on pay. Just feel trapped by health and money worries.

It's safe to say I am struggling a bit lately. Told my immature boss this and she said well go home 😟. My new partner doesn't know of my struggles and I don't want to scare him off or feel that he has taken on a can of worms. Why does depression come and go ? There is no bloody logic to it at all. It's been bad today , couldn't make eye contact with anyone in the supermarket too busy trying not to cry. On a positive note I finished the shopping without abandoning the trolley.

31-01-20, 04:49 PM
Well done on finishing the shopping

I’m sorry things are such a struggle, lovely. Is it worth contacting Citizens Advice to see if they can offer any guidance with how to deal with your money issues?

31-01-20, 06:45 PM
Hunni, I'm sorry you're struggling lovely...
I agree can you see someone re finances? Are you at the point of needing to use the foodbank?
Have you seen your Dr and told them how things are for you right now?

01-02-20, 03:56 PM
I am just scraping by with what I have . No one knows the struggles I go through. The only thing to do is take on an evening job. It's a tall order when you spend your life in a permanent state of thinking about your bed. I am in the doctors next week .

01-02-20, 05:43 PM
Then please talk to someone about getting help financially ....

01-02-20, 07:34 PM
I agree, why wouldn't you go and talk to someone about getting help? Surely taking on a second job is only going to put more pressure on you medically?
Can I ask why you haven't told your partner about how you are feeling? I do think that maybe it would help to have their support...

11-02-20, 05:23 PM
I agree, why wouldn't you go and talk to someone about getting help? Surely taking on a second job is only going to put more pressure on you medically?
Can I ask why you haven't told your partner about how you are feeling? I do think that maybe it would help to have their support...

My relationship is only a few months old and as we live miles apart we have to plan our time together . I feel it's too soon to open up and tell him about my struggles plus the fact I don't want to scare him off. The second job is something I need to take on . It doesn't matter how many cut backs I make the cost of where I live is high. Moving is not an option at the moment. 😟

11-02-20, 08:19 PM
Have you had any information from the CAB or something to see if there are any other options?

11-02-20, 08:53 PM
If you don’t want to speak to Citizens Advice (which I would say is preferable) they do have an online budgeting tool which could help you https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/budgeting/budgeting/work-out-your-budget/