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26-01-20, 11:55 PM

So this is me, I'm pushing 40, a father of 4, although I sadly am no longer with the kids mum or live with my kids. I was diagnosed with ME/CFS 4ish years ago and it has set my depression off big time.

I have almost nothing left of my old life before ME/CFS, I am unable to work, I don't get many hours that I can do things during the day due to my ME/CFS, I probably have about 2 or 3 hours where I can semi do things before exhaustion kicks in and I have to rest.

It's almost like my life ended, but I carried on living. Life is pretty poo to be honest, and I'm struggling to pick myself back up and try to improve things.

I watch a lot of tv, taught myself to knit and crochet a year or so ago, read when I can concentrate enough to do so, basically try and find something to fill my time until I fall asleep again.

So yeah, this is me, can't really think of anything else to say at the moment.

27-01-20, 04:39 AM
Hello, nice to meet you. That must be so rough. I can relate to your story a little. When I turned 30 I was diagnosed with cfs. I managed to work but sleep the rest of the time. This went on for a year. I did recieve treatment but that did not do much.

Over the years I am still tired a lot. But I doubt if its cfs. I do still go to the hospital for sleeping. And they want to send me to a sleep therapist now. But I believe my problems stem from my other mental health issues.

Sorry for rambling. I wanted to let you know that people here go through a lot of the same troubles. And that to me is worth a lot. Being with People that understand.

27-01-20, 08:00 AM
Hi and welcome. You’ve found a wonderful community here, all of us affected in some way by depression. CFS also seems to be one of those conditions that often goes along with depression and several members here struggle with that and can emphasise.

No pressure, just talk whenever you feel up to it :)

27-01-20, 08:31 AM
Hi and welcome to DWD. I've a diagnosis of CFS along with fibro so I sympathise. I have to seriously pace now. I also crochet ;) It's good to meet you...

27-01-20, 10:15 AM
Hi and welcome! I can sympathise. I don't have CFS but I have rheumatoid arthritis and suffer badly with fatigue when I'm flaring. You will always find a friendly ear here

27-01-20, 02:42 PM
Hi Puscifer, welcome to DWD, had to look up CFS and while I've not suffered from CFS when my depression was at its worse I suffered from severe fatigue and struggled to function, so I can understand how debilitating it can be. DWD is a place where you can express your feelings as there is always a friendly ear to listen to you.

27-01-20, 08:53 PM
Hi and welcome

27-01-20, 10:23 PM
Thank you all for the welcome :)

28-01-20, 08:47 AM
Have a look around and join in where you feel comfortable.

29-01-20, 04:52 PM
Hi and welcome. Our experiences of depression are very different. My depression started as a teen and has gone on for most of my adult life. I have had most available treatments but now stay well on a cocktail of drugs including lithium. I understand about exhaustion but mine is due to depression and doing too much !
You’ll find support here and people are friendly and supportive like a family really.