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View Full Version : New to this. Please bear with me

09-11-19, 04:39 PM

I have been a follower of the 'Dealing with Depression' Facebook page for a while now but I'm in a bit of a dip so I have chosen today to join the forum.
I'm 33 years old. I have 2 children, a 12 year old and a 2 year old. I work as a Community Mental Health Support Worker (ironic I know) in the NHS. I love my work although I have recently had some time off.
So, recent events have found me falling deeper and deeper into the black hole. I am what some would maybe call high functioning but things have become increasingly difficult for me. I have been stable for around 5 years now and I thought maybe I had beaten it finally for once in my life but no it's back with avengence.
Visiting the doctor is always hard. It's always "well what would you tell your patients to do in this situation" it doesn't really work as easily as that. And I hate the "do you have anyone you can talk to?" Because even if you answer no they look at you as if to say well you must have. On of the doctors did finally listen to what I had to say to them and I have had my medications increased and I am currently on a waiting list for IPT which could take quite a few months. I do have someone I can talk to however currently they are in Syria in the US army and have been sent out of camp for we don't know how long so I'm the worry over them is also causing me some anxiety.
I a bit of a random introduction I know. I'm not sure what I would like to get out of joining this forum, maybe just to have like-minded people to speak to. Some others who maybe understand and know that I am not on my own in this.
Thank you for taking the time to read this :)

09-11-19, 08:10 PM
Hi, hunni, and welcome. You are absolutely not on your own with this, and you do now have others to talk to.

Do you have a partner? Do you work full time?

09-11-19, 08:14 PM
Hi and welcome!

09-11-19, 08:19 PM
Hi and welcome! It's not ironic you are struggling as a CPN. My husband had his first complete breakdown when he was working as a mental health supported housing officer....
It's brilliant that you are able to talk about how you are feeling here. Do you know if there has been something which has triggered you to feel worse?

09-11-19, 08:30 PM
Hi and welcome x

09-11-19, 08:43 PM
Its so nice to meet you. There are lots of nice people here. And lots of understanding. And even better, there is no judging here. Welcome.

11-11-19, 01:01 PM
Hi and welcome. You will always get an answer here, not always immediately but it will come.
This place has helped me soooooooo much. It's knowing that you are not alone. It's the people here who have your back. It's noticing when people are quiet, and if that's normal or not. (It can be the first sign of trouble).
You are very welcome and I look forward getting to know you.