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04-11-19, 02:58 PM
Time to start a new thread!

My ankles are stiff, have been since I woke up, same with my elbows. They weren't an issue when I was 4 stone heavier so it's something I need to mention to my rheumatologist at my next appointment. It's annoying how tired I am after a quick trip to town but I do feel a sense of achievement

04-11-19, 03:22 PM
Woohoo! New shiny thread!
When's your appointment with your rheumy?

04-11-19, 03:32 PM
Not actually got one sent through yet!!! I should be due one as she said 8 months, but I'm not flaring, just achey and stiff so I can wait as others need the appointments more.

04-11-19, 03:41 PM
Woo hoo a bright new thread :) Jaq I wonder if the cold damp weather has anything to do with you being stiff and achy.

04-11-19, 03:59 PM
It's not helping but the main issue is my immune system isn't dampened down enough. At my last bloods the nurse told me my inflammation markers are up and down, meaning I still have active disease.

04-11-19, 04:02 PM
Not actually got one sent through yet!!! I should be due one as she said 8 months, but I'm not flaring, just achey and stiff so I can wait as others need the appointments more.

You are just as important. You’re in active disease, which, as I understand it, can lead to irreversible damage. Please push for an appointment.......

04-11-19, 05:16 PM
I don't feel like I am. I feel like me having a tough day doesn't matter as it always feels like my mums health issues are what's important.

Anyway, sorted these today...

The photo album is gorgeous. It's brown leather with an embossed fairy

04-11-19, 05:43 PM
Those are fab... But I agree, if you are in active disease then you deserve to be seen... You are important. Please give them a call tomorrow....

04-11-19, 05:51 PM
I will see how I am tomorrow. It's possibly because it's been cold and damp today.

04-11-19, 05:54 PM
Please ring regardless. Most days you are in significant pain (enough for you to change the way you live your life because of it). That is a significant disability and needs to be dealt with. You need help

04-11-19, 06:24 PM
I completely agree with Paula.

04-11-19, 07:08 PM
I have no idea why I'm being so stubborn

04-11-19, 07:34 PM
Then don't be and call tomorrow... :)

04-11-19, 07:44 PM
Perhaps because no one wants to be labelled disabled ......?

04-11-19, 08:17 PM
I thought I'd pretty much accepted it, I mean I'm even contemplating trying to claim disabled students allowance. It's just frustrating. It did mean a lot the other day when James asked if him having a flu jab would benefit me, he's going to look into it since it will help me. I don't think anyone has ever been willing to do something like that for me before

Well I'm resting tomorrow. He's decided he's taking me for lunch and since it's near the Minster, we're going to go see the poppy installation and the Michelangelo exhibition:)

04-11-19, 09:38 PM
OOO take loads of pictures!

Def apply for the DSA Ben's just been accepted, he just has to book an assessment and he's getting one of the disability officers to go with him as they will do all of that. It's definitely worth applying - the worst they can do is say no!

04-11-19, 09:48 PM
I will!!! I've been wanting to go since they announced it was coming to Hull. I can't wait!!! It's only going to 2 places in the country and Hull is the only one you can see it for free

04-11-19, 10:13 PM
Such an awesome thing - even more poignant in November too...

04-11-19, 11:39 PM
This guy does the installations in Hull and Beverley Minsters every year


05-11-19, 06:16 AM
What an amazing display of poppies Jaq! I think Nov. 11th is such an important day. I have a big one - poppy that is! - on the grill of my car. Poppy day is a big thing in our village.

05-11-19, 08:29 AM
Wow Jaq, those were so moving! Such beautiful tributes to something so hideous, makes you stop and look and think.

How are you today?

05-11-19, 09:45 AM
He is an amazing artist. I'm looking forward to seeing it myself rather than photos this year.

I'm ok, I was stiff when I woke up but a hot shower has helped that massively

05-11-19, 10:06 AM
Are you going to chase up that appointment?

05-11-19, 10:33 AM
I'm feeling a lot better today. The rheumy nurse told me the phone number was for flares and I'm not flaring. Or this isn't a flare in my understanding of it anyway. My CRP level is in the low-mid teens so it's classed as minimal active disease.

05-11-19, 12:37 PM
But you are having more symptoms, which means a flare....

05-11-19, 02:41 PM
Have shared lots of photos of the Minster and the exhibition on fb

05-11-19, 06:18 PM
What do you consider a flare?

05-11-19, 06:22 PM
Pain and swelling. What caused me to seek out treatment in the first place. My consultant has never seemed to be concerned about stiffness

05-11-19, 06:23 PM
But you do get pain, all the time

05-11-19, 06:30 PM
I would say it's more discomfort than pain, a throbbing ache more than anything. I sometimes wonder if I have a high pain tolerance as fracturing my wrist didn't really hurt that much...

05-11-19, 06:41 PM
Have you considered that even discomfort is more than you should be dealing with, especially as you’re being treated for it? That maybe that suggests you’re in flare even if you don’t see it?

05-11-19, 07:46 PM
I hadn't but I maybe should

05-11-19, 09:23 PM
I feel like I’m constantly on your back, sorry, love ........

05-11-19, 09:36 PM
It's ok. I know you only nag me because you care (Kiss);)

It's just been stiffness in my hands today. I need to try taking anti-inflammatories when I get pain as they should help. If ibuprofen doesn't work I promise I will go to the doctors and ask for something stronger. He can give me steroids too if he thinks they'd help. I have self-heating gloves that will help too. It's the first step the hospital would take.

05-11-19, 09:54 PM
Nag?? Noooooooo, gentle encouragement ;)

05-11-19, 10:02 PM

I picked up a book and forgot my tutorial...

05-11-19, 10:06 PM
Hi, I have been out of it for a while. Been reading your thread. And I wish your discomfort and pain would be way way less. How are you doing otherwise?

05-11-19, 10:47 PM
I'm ok. I've actually rested today. I should have worked but I know if I push it I will be in a huge amount of pain so pacing! Tomorrow is a full day of study

05-11-19, 11:40 PM
You forgot your tutorial? Oops!
Will you please try to see yourself in the same way that you would see us - in pain tell us to get checked out.... The same rule applies! :)

06-11-19, 05:12 AM
Its possible to overdo it with study as well. So I hope you can be kind to yourself.

06-11-19, 08:47 AM
I take regular breaks and read a chapter of my book!

06-11-19, 08:55 AM
Morning love, you are you doing today?

06-11-19, 10:18 AM
Nose in the books I guess. I am glad to hear you take breaks and relax.

06-11-19, 11:26 AM
Hey you, have you made that call yet?

06-11-19, 11:47 AM
You can stop nagging me now! My rheumatology appointment came through. It's 2 weeks today :P

06-11-19, 12:00 PM
Pmsl, but good news :)

06-11-19, 12:08 PM
It's at a completely different hospital which has thrown me so just rang to double check... personal growth!!! The only issue is I'm at James' that week and he's working so I need to get round the in-laws...

06-11-19, 12:30 PM
I’m sure they’ll be happy to help

06-11-19, 01:05 PM
He's going to speak to them about it about it. I just feel cheeky needing their help

06-11-19, 03:00 PM
Why do you feel cheeky asking?! What help are you asking for?

06-11-19, 03:02 PM
I'm staying with James that week and he's at work so I will need a lift to the hospital as public transport is hit and miss. Proper village!!!

06-11-19, 03:04 PM
I can't see that they'd have an issue with that, and if they do then you can always call a cab?

06-11-19, 03:08 PM
Don’t be a daft moo ;) you’re part of their family now, of course they’ll want to help!

06-11-19, 03:29 PM
Love how subtle you are Paula;)(giggle)

I will get there. J is making me take my laptop with me tomorrow as I mentioned I had another tutorial...

06-11-19, 04:20 PM

06-11-19, 08:53 PM

07-11-19, 11:06 AM
I did reversing!!! Without panicking!!!!!

07-11-19, 12:35 PM

07-11-19, 01:15 PM
Well done love! That's awesome! :)

07-11-19, 01:52 PM
You rock! And as I can see yes you are part of a family.

07-11-19, 03:39 PM
Bob said I surprised him with how quickly I picked it up.

Currently sat in the bank in Beverley while he sorts getting her taken off the bank account. My right arm is aching from my shoulder to my wrist and it's making me feel a little sick. Going to take some pain meds when I get to Js and rest.

07-11-19, 03:55 PM
Have you hurt your arm?
It's taken him a while to get her off the bank account when they haven't been together officially for over a year.....

07-11-19, 05:00 PM
Yep! She refused until the money came through and more recently, she made excuses about not having had the form long/no time etc. A few weeks is long enough for not even quarter of an A4 sheet and a signature. Funnily enough, when she questioned when he was paying maintenance, as soon as he said he was setting the payment up when he handed the forms in, they miraculously appeared filled in... Cynical? Moi?

I suspect the RA may be affecting other joints. I will mention it to my rheumy when I see her

07-11-19, 07:58 PM
Hmm, I'd be a bit cynical too....

I hope you do mention it - maybe keep a pain journal until you see her?

07-11-19, 09:21 PM
You’re probably right....

And while you’re doing a pain journal, please make sure you write down the pain ‘made you feel a little sick’. That, my sweet, is a flare

07-11-19, 10:20 PM
Sounds like a good idea that the others said. Hope you can sleep and rest tonight.

07-11-19, 10:43 PM
I will. James is so thoughtful! He made me bring my laptop so I could do my tutorial. I wasn't going to but the painkillers kicked in and I'm glad I did it as it was fascinating! When my tutorial finished I looked up and he had disappeared. He'd gone up to run me a bath! (inlove)

07-11-19, 10:50 PM
Thats great. So nice that you could enjoy it. And what a great guy you have there. From what I can tell you make each other happy. Enjoy the bath.

08-11-19, 08:57 AM
How are you today lovely?

08-11-19, 10:16 AM
I'm ok so far. Not been up long, but a hot bath last night and a hot shower this morning has really helped!

08-11-19, 10:50 AM
Glad that your feeling ok hunni x I love hot baths

08-11-19, 01:56 PM
Hooray for hot water! :)

09-11-19, 10:49 AM
How are you doing today? Any plans for the weekend?

09-11-19, 12:50 PM
Just studying this weekend though just been told my sister is coming for dinner tomorrow. I'm home now but don't want to be.

09-11-19, 01:35 PM
Anything else you could do? Is J going to be there? That could help a little. I do not know him but from the pictures and stories I can imagine that he has a calm over him.

09-11-19, 02:17 PM
Oh no! I thought you were staying with him for a while....

09-11-19, 02:22 PM
Just Thursday/Friday night. Though it was nice to hear that he didn't want to bring me home either.

I'm staying with him a week on Sunday until the Thursday. He said about giving me a key in case I need to go out as he's working. As soon as he mentioned about my rheumy appointment his mum told his dad he has to keep the Wednesday free and then said about the hospital having a nice cafe! That made me giggle, I feel really accepted.

09-11-19, 02:29 PM
When are you meeting the kids?

09-11-19, 02:32 PM
That IS lovely! I think he's right to get you a key!

How is the de-cruella-ing the house going? Has he spoken to the children about you yet?

09-11-19, 03:04 PM
We've packed away all of her CDs and boxed the wedding photos up and they're in the loft. There's no trace of her in the living room, bathroom or his bedroom now, and we've ordered the furniture to finish the living room.

No idea about the children but his dad spoke to the solicitor last week (he'd gone about protecting J's inheritance from her) and she said that they need to meet me soon.

09-11-19, 03:48 PM
Thats a positive hunni xx

09-11-19, 07:48 PM
Yes. It seems that way to me too. Things are moving along. I am happy for you. You deserve it all. And all the great things that go with it.

09-11-19, 08:06 PM
Good. I completely agree

09-11-19, 08:56 PM
So the solicitor and his parents think they should meet you soon? So what's holding him back?

09-11-19, 09:04 PM
I have no idea

09-11-19, 10:14 PM
Have you asked him? Actually scrap that, I'm sure you have....
So, your sister is coming over tomorrow are you doing anything positive for you this weekend?

09-11-19, 10:17 PM
A few times. He just says it needs to be done properly for the children and that we will get there.

I've finished Good Omens and started reading Circe by Madeline Miller

09-11-19, 10:20 PM
In my therapy they said I should check if I got nervous or anxious about something. And I noticed I think I said something wrong and worry you are cross with me. Is that true or am I totaly wrong? And is it ok that I ask?

09-11-19, 10:23 PM
Of course it's ok to ask! I'm proud of you for asking, that's huge for you! I am not cross with you lovely, not even a tiny bit annoyed (panda)

09-11-19, 10:24 PM
(bear)(bear)(bear) Jaq... So much love and respect to you x

09-11-19, 11:47 PM
Hunni, it’s not usual for a solicitor to get involved in things like that. DoYou know why that comment was made?

09-11-19, 11:51 PM
It came up in conversation with his dad.

10-11-19, 08:55 AM
Jaq, I know you’re being guided by him on this but I’m concerned he’s not handling this right. The longer he leaves it, potentially the harder he’s going to find it and he’ll end up not ever telling them. And the higher the risk that she’s going to tell them and will poison them against you. I think you need to start pushing him - else this could put everything you have together at risk .....

10-11-19, 08:57 AM
I've already said all this to him.

10-11-19, 08:59 AM
But have you pushed him?

10-11-19, 09:25 AM
I've tried and I just get the answer I've already told you

10-11-19, 10:34 AM
Oh hunni, you're in such a difficult position. I wish I had the magic answer.

10-11-19, 11:14 AM
He's said he intends to tell them before Christmas so all I can do is wait and see

10-11-19, 11:38 AM
You seem sad and frustrated by it all....

10-11-19, 11:54 AM

10-11-19, 12:38 PM
I think I am. I'm tired of having to keep our relationship a secret. It's much better than it was, I mean it was lovely being able to go for a wander around Beverley and go for a drink without worrying about it getting back to her. It was lovely meeting his friend James, he said J never looked as happy as he does now when he was with her. But it would be nice to start working towards living together. I told him last night that I would like to be living together by the summer holidays

10-11-19, 01:05 PM
I get why it would make you feel this way. When you tell us how things are between the both of you I get happy too. Its easy to see how you both feel about each other. And to be honoust. Its the same reason as to why there are so many love songs around. The two of you are great together.

But this is something that would leave me feeling sad too. I get why it had to be done at first. Because of the ex and how nasty she can get. But now it should be all about the 2 of you. And getting closer together. With the children too. I hope it will happen soon enough for you. You deserve it.

10-11-19, 01:30 PM
Thank you

10-11-19, 06:54 PM
I hope today is going ok. Even with your sister coming over. How are you doing?

10-11-19, 07:13 PM
I'm tired. Scarlett was all for me again so I spent a lot of the afternoon sat on the floor drawing with her

10-11-19, 08:03 PM
I'm not surprised Scarlett wants you and lots of time with you - you are amazing.

I don't understand why J is not pushing forward with this - it just seems madness to me. You love him, he loves you so why not move forward?

10-11-19, 08:10 PM
I know how it can make you tired. When I am at my friend his daughter takes all my time and leaves me tired. But I would not want to miss it :)

10-11-19, 08:26 PM
I couldn't tell you. He just keeps telling me that we'll get there. I just have to trust him.

She was funny today. She started walking round with her plate telling my dad to hurry up with dinner

10-11-19, 09:56 PM
Well I suppose that's what you'll have to do huh? (think) I assume he doesn't know how hard this is for you....

10-11-19, 10:11 PM
He does. I've been honest with him. Or as honest as I can be

10-11-19, 10:16 PM
Or as honest as I can be

What does that mean?

10-11-19, 10:17 PM
That suggests you haven't told him how much it's bothering/worrying you or what's really going on in your head....

10-11-19, 10:43 PM
I've told him. I've just possibly not explained it enough for him to completely understand

11-11-19, 09:07 AM
Oh love.... How are you today?

11-11-19, 10:37 AM
I'm ok. Achey and headachey.

11-11-19, 10:40 AM
Ok, tough question. Have you really (really, really) explained you him how vital it is that you are in a position to leave your parents sooner rather than later? Have you explained all this is not just about him and the children? That he needs to start thinking about you and about you as a couple?

11-11-19, 10:53 AM
He knows I want to be out of here, but I don't want to use him as an escape and it's me who insists that the children are ok about me moving in. He said last night that to him, this isn't as simple as telling them "daddy has a new girlfriend" but about introducing them to someone who is going to be in their lives for a very long time.

Plus on the practical side, I need to pass my test. Public transport is almost non-existent and Bob doesn't cover that area. I really don't want to change instructor.

11-11-19, 11:18 AM
Ok, except you’re a couple and all implications should be taken into account when looking towards your future. It’s not just about him and the kids. You matter too. Also, the kids are not going to be ok about you moving in until he tells them about you!

11-11-19, 12:05 PM
I was thinking that the sooner they know about you the easier it will be when you do move in together. Now it feels as if the kids will find out when you are about to move in.

11-11-19, 02:32 PM
I don't know what else I can do. He knows I'm not happy about it.

11-11-19, 02:44 PM
Oh hunni, and now I imagine it feels that we're all asking you questions that you can't answer as it isn't you who is the issue!

11-11-19, 04:03 PM
I don't know what more I can do.

11-11-19, 04:57 PM
I did not mean anything by it. And it was not me being critical. Its more me being supportive. And caring.

11-11-19, 05:29 PM
No I don't think that you can do anything else.... I just really feel for you - as we all do I think....

I feel for the kids too. I know that their lives will be much better with you in it....

11-11-19, 05:31 PM
I did not mean anything by it. And it was not me being critical. Its more me being supportive. And caring.

I know lovely, please don't worry :)

No I don't think that you can do anything else.... I just really feel for you - as we all do I think....

I feel for the kids too. I know that their lives will be much better with you in it....

I hope so. My biggest fear is that she will tell them out of spite and try and turn them against me

11-11-19, 06:43 PM
Sweetheart if she does do that once the children meet you they will know the truth is the total opposit, children arent stupid and they will of witnessed her behaviour so will know what she is like x

11-11-19, 07:22 PM
I hope so. My biggest fear is that she will tell them out of spite and try and turn them against me

Sorry, I’m not sugar coating this, much as I’d love to (bear). But this would be my biggest fear too. You are not the type of person to issue ultimatums, but you might have to consider that, hunni, before it all goes to (swear)(swear)(swear)(swear) .....

11-11-19, 08:19 PM
The thing is, she is capable of doing that.... And I think she'd get satisfaction from it. Have the children met her new partner?

11-11-19, 08:42 PM
Not yet. She wants to tell them when they've been together 3 months and she's asked about him being there Christmas day...

I don't think I have that in me Paula

11-11-19, 09:13 PM
Of course you do, you’re far stronger than you think. And sometimes we have to fight for what we want, or risk losing it....

11-11-19, 09:21 PM
You are such a strong and powerful lady.

Alternatively you can let Paula and I "talk" to him ;)

12-11-19, 09:17 PM
2 hours sat hunched over my laptop and I am ridiculously stiff!!!

12-11-19, 09:20 PM
Sounds painful. Maybe a nice shower and a hot drink? That helps me sometimes.

12-11-19, 09:21 PM
If I could drive I would have been on my way to J's for a bath!!! He'd never know, he's at work...

12-11-19, 09:22 PM
That would do the trick :) a bath is great for feeling stiff.

12-11-19, 09:40 PM
So you need driving license, car and keys.... Easily sorted ;)

12-11-19, 09:49 PM
I haven't even done my theory...

12-11-19, 09:52 PM
I am sure that the theory will not be that difficult for you. I remember when I did it I took 2 times to pass. But I did get it in one day. But I do not know how its done in the UK.

12-11-19, 09:59 PM
It's trying to fit it in around uni at the moment. I have so much work to do and I'm behind

12-11-19, 10:46 PM
It really doesn’t take that much time......

12-11-19, 10:54 PM
I haven't even read the full highway code yet.

12-11-19, 11:13 PM
I don’t think my two did ever read the whole thing. It needs some study but there are apps that can help, and most of it is common sense

13-11-19, 07:57 AM
B didn't ever read it either. He learnt the stopping distances and some signs. You can do it love.

Behind with uni stuff?

13-11-19, 08:03 AM
Yes. The tutors have said it's quite common. I don't need a lot of my 60 credit module for my assignment as it's not related to the reading. I have 2 chapters to read for another module but that's on counselling and psychotherapy which I find fascinating, and this weeks reading to do for my 3rd module.

13-11-19, 09:04 AM
Morning sweetie, how are you feeling? You will get there with Uni xx

13-11-19, 09:53 AM
I'm stiff. I'm going to have a hot shower and then do some reading

13-11-19, 10:17 AM
Sounds like a plan. Enjoy the shower and reading. The weather here is perfect for a day like take. Snuggled up nice and warm while reading.

13-11-19, 10:27 AM
Sounds like a good plan sweetie xx

13-11-19, 02:43 PM
How are you doing love? Did the shower help?

13-11-19, 02:49 PM
The shower did help and the heating is on too. I'm going to bring up the stiffness with my rheumy next week.

Reading about drug treatments in anxiety and depression. It's absolutely fascinating!!! Nearly finished the chapter! Psychoanalysis next.

13-11-19, 03:03 PM
Glad you're enjoying your reading. Are you keeping a note of your stiffness/pain etc?

13-11-19, 03:15 PM
Just finished it!!! Can't remember the last time I finished an academic chapter in less than 3 hours!

I haven't but I should have. I'm stiff most days at the moment so I will mention it. And I will mention that my left middle finger seems to be developing a swan neck deformity too

13-11-19, 06:42 PM
Definitely mention these things - maybe you need to keep a list?

13-11-19, 07:14 PM
How is the stiffness at the moment? Are you trying to relax?

13-11-19, 07:21 PM
Starting to get a little stiff. Heat helps but I got too hot so opened my window.

13-11-19, 08:35 PM
Do you have heat wraps or heat bags or something?

13-11-19, 08:38 PM
I have thermoskin gloves if I need them. They're self-heating.

Finished my 2nd chapter so resting now. Going to read for 20 minutes then it's the apprentice

13-11-19, 09:20 PM
Oh the Apprentice is amusing us tonight!

13-11-19, 09:26 PM
It amuses me most weeks. I'm really not keen on Lottie

13-11-19, 09:33 PM
OOO definitely not! We can't wait for her to go!

13-11-19, 09:38 PM
She survives this week, she's in the train task clip at the beginning

14-11-19, 07:36 AM
Yes, but that's only next week, hopefully she'll be out next week!

How are you today love?

14-11-19, 07:41 AM
A little stiff and anxious. It's really windy here and I've never driven in strong wind before.

14-11-19, 07:52 AM
Much better to do it for the first time in a lesson. You've got this. You can do it.

14-11-19, 08:03 AM
I agree. You can do this. My very first lesson was in the snow. Made me real nervous. But I had a good instructor. Just like you have. So you are in good hands. And you can drive. You got this (y)

14-11-19, 11:08 AM
I kept to my comfort zone while I got used to the wind and rain and ended up driving halfway home!!! I was nervous as they were new roads, and it showed but I did it and did a decent job!!!

14-11-19, 11:12 AM
That's brilliant! Well done lovely!

14-11-19, 01:14 PM
I bet you feel more tired than normal after doing strange roads! Be kind to yourself for the rest of the day.

14-11-19, 01:47 PM
Thats great. You did things that were new to you. And how. Good going :)

And I agree with Magie on the being kind to yourself.

14-11-19, 01:58 PM
I am tired but it's a huge step towards my aim of driving home before Christmas. Had an appointment to go to with my mum when I got home and they're always exhausting as she's never truthful.

My plan is to do a little studying. We've got thunder, lightning, rain and hail here so it's not pleasant!

14-11-19, 04:48 PM
Did you interject at her appointment and tell things as they really are?
Hope the weather has settled....

14-11-19, 04:55 PM
I did and she tries arguing with me and it never works.

I ache all over now, my body feels like lead, my wrists are throbbing, the moment I came downstairs my mum asked me to make her a cup of tea... surprising I know. And despite instructing her to ring the doctors to say her hydroxychloroquine needs reviewing, she got off the phone without actually telling them it needed reissuing!

14-11-19, 04:59 PM
Oh no! Can you get her to call back?

14-11-19, 05:03 PM
I just have. Apparently the doctors is closed for a staff meeting. I'm just fed up with her at the moment. I told her in front of my dad to stop making excuses and start taking responsibility for her own health. I always feel like I can never have a bad day as it's always about her. Always.

14-11-19, 05:21 PM
I can see how being there for family is a good thing. But they do need to take these things into there own hands. Its unfair to put this all on you. And thats not even taken into account your own pains and struggle.

You did well to tell her to stop making excuses. Even if its not coming across. And you might need to do it more often. Please keep doing it. This is good for you even if it might not feel like it.

14-11-19, 05:25 PM
Well done, hunni

Can I ask why you don’t drive home?

14-11-19, 05:42 PM
My confidence hasn't been up to it. My route home crosses one of the main roads out of the city and it can be very busy.

14-11-19, 05:46 PM
I'm glad that you spoke up at the doctors and also to your mum, you will get there with the driving, doing driving in bad weather with an instructor is a good thing x

14-11-19, 07:28 PM
I'm another one who's really proud of you for standing up to her - especially in front of your Dad! Go you!!!

14-11-19, 07:39 PM
Well I've decided not to study today as I think I need rest. So I'm reading

14-11-19, 07:40 PM
Good plan. After a day like this you should do something to relax a little.

14-11-19, 09:20 PM
This is part of the route where I have my driving lesson!!!


15-11-19, 07:09 AM
Oh wow. That looks rough!

How are you feeling today?

15-11-19, 08:48 AM
It does look rough in those photos.

15-11-19, 08:53 AM
They had to close the major road into the city last night because of flooding!

I'm stiff and my wrists are throbbing. Going to take some paracetamol and try and keep my wrists warm but popping shopping.

15-11-19, 09:13 AM
Keep warm sweetie and dont over do it xx

15-11-19, 10:17 AM
Definitely agree with Angie. Stay safe and dry and be kind to yourself.

15-11-19, 10:53 AM
Just got home. Bought all my Christmas cards and something small for my brother-in-law so slowly getting organised. Not planning on taking my hoodie off for a while yet!!!

15-11-19, 11:14 AM
Awwww please keep wrapped up and warm sweetie it wont be helping your hands if your cold am not trying to teach you to suck eggs. xx

15-11-19, 11:16 AM

15-11-19, 11:42 AM
Will you see J soon? Being in a cuddle is a great way to stay warm.

15-11-19, 11:49 AM
I need to do some work so I'm going to put the heating on and get my thermoskin gloves out. They're self-heating and I think they'll be easier to write/type in than my splints!!!

Mira, sunday! I'm meeting him from work Sunday evening and staying most of the week :)

15-11-19, 11:56 AM
Do you think you've over done it recently, or is it because the weather is so damp? Are you writing all of this down for your next appointment?

15-11-19, 12:31 PM
I think it's the weather. The gloves are helping though

15-11-19, 12:39 PM
Glad that they are helping sweetie x

15-11-19, 12:42 PM
I'm glad something is helping.

15-11-19, 02:38 PM
Jaq - what are the thermoskin gloves like? I've not got any, do they really help?

15-11-19, 03:40 PM
They're really easing my wrists. And they've gone over my ring splints too which is a bonus. Have you got a physio or OT you can ask for them before you buy them? The rheumatology OT gave me these.

15-11-19, 03:49 PM
No, I have no one like that at all. Just me... Thanks love, am looking at getting some next week.

15-11-19, 04:32 PM
It's the first time I've used them and they look too big, you can't even see my little finger in them! But they've really helped ease the ache. I'm looking so glamourous today. Slightly too big gloves, trackies that are getting too big for me, amd an oversized hoodie but I don't care! I'm warm!!!

15-11-19, 04:45 PM
As long as you're warm that's all that matters I'm sure your inner beauty shines through your hoodie.

15-11-19, 04:46 PM
Awww Mike!!! (blush)(Kiss)

15-11-19, 04:59 PM
I agree with Mike! Besides oversized hoodies are the best..

15-11-19, 05:08 PM
I misjudged how much weight I'd lost when I ordered it!!! It wasn't supposed to be quite this oversized! (giggle)

15-11-19, 05:10 PM
I love oversized as can layer up underneath loads in winter without it look odd x

15-11-19, 05:44 PM
I misjudged how much weight I'd lost when I ordered it!!! It wasn't supposed to be quite this oversized! (giggle)

Oops (giggle)

15-11-19, 07:09 PM
Hoodies are awesome oversized. Even better if they are for around the house.

And Mike is a true poet and right.

15-11-19, 08:12 PM
I misjudged how much weight I'd lost when I ordered it!!! It wasn't supposed to be quite this oversized! (giggle)
(rofl) I never seem to have that issue lol

15-11-19, 09:27 PM
Finished 2 assignments!!!! Have a week and a half 2 work on the other 2 and 3 days to myself at Js to get some serious work done on them!!! Well... me and the builders and my rheumy...

Plus I should be getting my counselling results back soon...

15-11-19, 10:20 PM

Well done love! I'm so proud of you!

15-11-19, 10:23 PM

15-11-19, 10:23 PM
He is having the back door bricked up to create more room in the kitchen. He doesn't use it as he has patio doors in the living room so I suggested it as he'll be able to have extra cuboards and work surface

Thank you!

15-11-19, 10:26 PM
That sounds cool!

15-11-19, 10:27 PM
He is having the back door bricked up to create more room in the kitchen. He doesn't use it as he has patio doors in the living room so I suggested it as he'll be able to have extra cuboards and work surface

Thank you!

So this is your first contribution to making the house your home?

15-11-19, 10:29 PM
Erm... I suggested the wallpaper for his room and had a say in how the living room was decorated. I even chose the curtains! He said he wants my input as he wants me to be happy there

15-11-19, 10:37 PM
That's awesome ;)

15-11-19, 11:28 PM
Thats brilliant

16-11-19, 10:36 AM
How are you today?

16-11-19, 10:38 AM
A little stiff but a hot shower has helped.

I'm just planning on studying today with lots of breaks

16-11-19, 10:43 AM
Glad the shower has helped sweetie, can you figure a way to give me a kick up the bum to get my studying done, (why did I put in for my level 2 ) lol

16-11-19, 10:59 AM
You're planning on pacing? That's amazing!

16-11-19, 11:02 AM
Glad the shower has helped sweetie, can you figure a way to give me a kick up the bum to get my studying done, (why did I put in for my level 2 ) lol

Little and often! We learn better in smaller bursts apparently!

You're planning on pacing? That's amazing!

No need to sound so surprised!!! :P

16-11-19, 11:02 AM
Oh I am surprised!

16-11-19, 11:05 AM
I've been getting quite good at pacing!!!

16-11-19, 11:07 AM
Thanks Jaq, got a call cancelled but as under 24 hrs notice still get paid so going to make a start shortly, this should be fun x

16-11-19, 11:30 AM
Both of you are making me twitchy for studying.. I miss it

16-11-19, 11:32 AM
Awww is there anything you would want to study?

16-11-19, 11:32 AM
The OU have loads of free courses on their Open Learn resource ;)

16-11-19, 11:44 AM
I did a bible study course years ok, and finished 8 or 9 modules. The college has stopped doing them but my curate has a lot of the study books so is going to get them to me. I won’t be able to get any qualifications but I just want to learn

16-11-19, 11:47 AM
The OU do a Religious Studies degree if you wanted a qualification. http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/r14-rs

16-11-19, 11:50 AM
Sounds like a plan Paula and I like Jaqs idea aswell x

16-11-19, 02:34 PM
The OU do a Religious Studies degree if you wanted a qualification. http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/r14-rs

Yes, I saw that a little while ago. It may be a possibility but I don’t study for qualifications, I study to learn itms.

16-11-19, 03:18 PM
Makes perfect sense sweetie xx

16-11-19, 04:51 PM
It does. You might find some of the open learn stuff interesting.

16-11-19, 06:00 PM
Yes, I saw that a little while ago. It may be a possibility but I don’t study for qualifications, I study to learn itms.

Makes perfect sense and is one of the best reasons for studying.

17-11-19, 10:55 AM
How are you doing today? You must be so happy its J day :)

17-11-19, 11:40 AM
Morning love, how are you feeling?

17-11-19, 12:49 PM
Tired and a little stiff. Just getting my stuff sorted to take to J's with me. Had my mum being her usual self on finding out J is working til Wednesday... "so just why are you staying then??"
Erm...maybe because we get to have each evening together and I get a quiet and comfortable place to work during the day while he's working and some peace from having to do everything!

17-11-19, 01:31 PM
Hope you have a great time. What time are you leaving?

17-11-19, 01:44 PM
About 20 to 5. My mum is moaning about him not picking me up but he's working a 12 hour shift. I don't want him taking a 45 minute detour to collect me followed by a 40 minute drive home, not when I can get to him easily enough and he can pick me up from the station which isn't even a 5 minute drive from the signal box.

17-11-19, 01:50 PM
I am happy you are going to be with him soon. Its been a while and you are up for some good times with him.

Is your mum always this way? She seems so off in what she is saying to you. About being there while he is working and About him picking you up. Its good to be out of that house for a while.

17-11-19, 02:15 PM
Fairly often. I had this out with her the other day, reminded her that I am almost 36 years old and she needs to remember that and treat me like an adult. J offered to pick me up, it was me who said no.

17-11-19, 02:31 PM
That 's both of you being considerate. And its great when things go that way. You are right. You are an adult. A smart one at that. And more then capabele to do things the way you want to.

Sometimes it just feels as if your mum is a bit bitter.

17-11-19, 02:39 PM
Enjoy the peace and quiet

17-11-19, 02:43 PM
Enjoy your time with J sweetie, xx

17-11-19, 02:59 PM
Possibly so. I don't know. I think me living at home means she struggles to see me as an adult.

Love proving my dad wrong. They were saying about my brother not wanting to really take my mum to the hospital for her injections so I said if I was further on with my lessons I would take her. Jumped in straight away with no you won't, too expensive to put me on the insurance and when I said I don't need to go on the insurance, jumped in getting really arsey with me before I even had chance to explain about learners insurance. I got equally arsey back and said about learners insurance and said about taking a book to the hospital so I wasn't driving without a qualified driver. But it will backfire on him, because if he carries on then I won't be going on the insurance when I qualify either. If I take her she'll be going in my car.

17-11-19, 04:54 PM
That is a shame. You are an adult and it would be good to be treated like one.

And sounds like your dad did not want to listen in this instance.

Enjoy your time with J :)

17-11-19, 05:04 PM
Thank you :)

17-11-19, 06:15 PM
Draw a line love and focus on enjoying your time with J..

18-11-19, 09:36 AM
How are you feeling? Is it good being with J? I hope you can relax a bit more now.