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View Full Version : No friends

02-10-19, 08:09 PM
Had the most horrendous 18 months, I've coped with having a baby, post natal depression, an emotionally abusive relationship and crippling loneliness..But how on earth do i cope with my best friend..(the only friend i have) finding a new exciting best friend?..My best friend of a decade has found a new best friend and I'm feeling very pushed out and ignored!I feel a bit silly writing this down but i relied upon my friend:( now i feel like she never wants to talk and says shes too tired,yet she talks to her new pal for hours and hours upon end..and when we do have a conversation,she just tells me all the great things shes planning/doing with her mate..its a horrible horrible feeling

02-10-19, 08:35 PM
Hi and welcome. You've been through a lot! Do you have any support? Could you go to mother and baby groups.

02-10-19, 08:48 PM
Hi no i don't have any support whatsover..I've been trying to go to groups but ive lost a lot of confidence and its hard to get talking to people

02-10-19, 08:54 PM
Hi and welcome. I've had PND with each of my 3 babies so I can understand some of what you are feeling.
Mother and baby groups can be really scary! But.... as hard as it is, do try to go because (and speaking as someone who also completely lost who "I" was/am) it is good for you and good for baby!
How old is your baby? Are you both in a safe environment? Did you get help with your PND?