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View Full Version : Help acessing iapt nhs

24-08-19, 01:27 AM
Hello everybody
I hope everyone is doing well .
In January A gp recomended me that i self refer with a service called iapt nhs which is a range of talking therapies.
I live in Barnet and appiled to iapt branch in barnet.
I made an application online but heard nothing for next 3 months. When i made the application on the websire just said my registration was successful.
I asked why using thier email address . They said they called me and sent a letter to my house.
I never receivrd these. I even specifed on the form i would like to contacted by email or sms messaging.
The whole expericnce put me off accessing therapy althoughtrt on the nhs . I had to spend my final years of university using universoty conselling services and trying to understabd my diagnois . After january i had to deal with crying spells, struggling to keep up motivation abd depressive espidoes. My university conselling services where amazing but i only was allowed 6 sessions maximum.
I manged to finish my degree and get good grades throught. Good things did happen to me.
My gp pratice where i live is useless and getting an appointment is not flexiable at all. Where i live i have to phone at 8.30am and only get offered appoitments for what is avaible on tge day you called .
I have not see not my gp in years . I dont even know who they are
Any tips on how to access Iapt on the nhs.
Share your expereinces of accessing mental health services
Currentky i have no synptoms of depression but i am aware it will come back
My depression is very weried i can months without symptoms but theb theybcome back
Wheh my depression comes back i will go to therpay


24-08-19, 09:34 AM
I've removed the double spacing in your post. Please do not double space every line. There really is no need

If you aren't experiencing symptoms of depression right now, it doesn't necessarily mean it will come back. You really do need to go and see your GP - maybe they will be able to refer you to another option. Why not take one of the appointments on the day?

24-08-19, 10:34 AM
I was depressed before this system came into being so I haven’t used it. I did look at the website however and it does seem to vary which part of the country you are in as to which therapies are on offer. If you aren’t depressed it might be difficult for them to assess you ? I would suggest that you go back to your GP for guidance. I do sympathise in trying to get a GP appointment. I don’t have GP as mine has retired and the surgery are only offering on the day appointments. The receptionists seem to be able to triage the patients which seems all wrong. Best wishes however.

24-08-19, 03:47 PM
Suzi I have been recommended to go through iapt because the service is suitable for my type of depression. I have tested positive for depression twice. I have moderate depression
I been told I need to go to therapy.
All I need to know is how to access therapy on the nhs
What is the best way that's all I am asking.
Gp tell me self refer with iapt who can't even respond to my application

24-08-19, 03:48 PM
How long has it been since you contacted them?

24-08-19, 03:54 PM
ElizabethJane1 I have been diagnosed with depression . I have a diagnoses.
I have been recommended to use iapt NHS because they deal with my type of depression. I was diagnosed with moderate depression.
I made an application and they don't seem to respond.
All I am asking how do you be successful in accessing therapy On the nhs.
I have been told to self refer
I love our nhs but feel so let down.

24-08-19, 03:57 PM
Sweetie, these services are stretched - how long have you been waiting?

24-08-19, 04:03 PM
Paula in January I made applied online for the iapt branch in Barnet . After I submitted my application it said on the screen my registration was successful and they will be in touch soon. The next 3 months I heard nothing . I contacted them they told me they called my phone and sent a letter to my house.
I received none of these
I have been going months without treatment.
After understanding what moderate depression is . I learned that if I leave my depression untreated moderate depression will develop in to severe if I am not careful.
Currently most days I feel normal but I know is going to come back . Is is a matter of when
I am trying again to get access to therapy
All I need to know how do you be successful in accessing therapy On the NHS

Paula currently is now been a total of 7 months since I made my application if you count from January.
I kind of given up.

24-08-19, 04:15 PM
The only thing you can really do is complete another self-referral. You could call them to do the referral and ask them how long their waiting list is at the same time. Waiting lists tend to be long all over the country as the funding just isn't there.

24-08-19, 04:22 PM
I have graduated from University . The months of September- December are going to be the worst months of my life. I been in education for so long it's all I ever knew and now for the first time I am not going to be.
All my friends work or are doing postgraduate study. So I am very lonely
My time is spent applying for jobs or internships . I hear nothing when I make an application.
People I went to school with are so successful in life . One girl I went to school with is now a doctor, another girl I went school with works in the city in finance, the boy I used to fancy works as a quantity surveyor and is still with the girl he dated in secondary. Other people have careers and relationships.
I am.just a loser.
I am ashamed of telling people I am a graduate .
I feel like I messed up my entire life
22 years old is not young . Why do.People say I am
I know my depression is going to come back. I feel it.

24-08-19, 04:41 PM
Jaquaia I looked in to their website . I looked on the website just now it actucally it says They say they allow referral in person or the phone .
I am looking in to that.
Thanks for telling me about the phone option.
When I was diagnosed the gp just told me apply online.
I know where they are located so I may try a person referral .
I am dreading September . This is the first time I am not going to education. Education is all I ever knew
My friends have jobs or are doing postgraduate study. I am very alone
Everyone around me are so successful. People I went to school with have career and relationships.
I am just 22 years old with no job or boyfriend .
I apply for jobs but hear nothing even simple.retail jobs
This is the age I am.supposed to be in a career , have a boyfriend and be more independent. I am.failing to be an adult it is so humiliating
My family financially support me but it's so humiliating and I feel guilty . My mum being a single parent just makes worse.
My family say they are of proud me but I feel like I hafe failed .
I could not be happy at my own graduation

24-08-19, 04:42 PM
Because 22 is young, that's why they say it. Life expectancy in the UK is around 80, 22 is barely a quarter of that. Why are you ashamed of being a graduate? Gaining a degree is a huge achievement. All you see of your friends and school friends lives is what they choose to show. The chances are that their lives are not as perfect as you imagine them to be. I'm 36 in a couple of months and am doing my second degree. I've never worked in a field relevant to my first degree. Until I met my partner, my relationships have been absolute car crashes, I won't be qualified to practise as a counsellor until I'm 40. That doesn't matter, what other people do with their life doesn't matter. What matters is what we do with out lives, that we're happy with our lives, and if we're not, what can we do to change it? Can you get careers advice from your uni? My unis have offered support past graduation

24-08-19, 04:43 PM
I would like to Thank everyone for responding and I will keep everyone updated .
I am going outside to enjoy the sun and tomorrow I am going Brighton with my family .
Have a lovely day everyone .

24-08-19, 06:02 PM
Hunni, as a mother to a 21 year old, 22 seems very young to me!

24-08-19, 09:02 PM
As someone who turned 50 this year, your life hasn't started at 22. Wrt what you want to do with your life, don't worry. I've only just discovered what I'm good at and now I love what I do. I volunteer, and I don't get paid for what I do, but I love it. It gives me more satisfaction than anything I've ever done in the past. It's even been suggested to me that I do a course so that I can get paid for what I do.
You are very young to be thinking that your life is a failure. It really has hardly started. If you don't like your qualifications go back to college and do something else. Even if it takes another 4 years, you'll only be 26 when you finish.
There are options out there, but unless you change something inside, nothing on the outside can.

24-08-19, 11:30 PM
I went straight from GCSE's to A Levels to a 4 year Degree with Qualified Teacher Status. I worked through my NQT year and a couple of years after that and my husbands health was so bad I had to give up work to become his carer. Since then my own health has got worse and so now I'd struggle to do that...

There are so many options open to you! Did you not want to study anymore? What kind of jobs are you hoping for?